After hearing the conversation between Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, Chen Yulou pointed to the deep pit behind him and asked,

"By the way, are you talking about the deep pit at the back? That deep pit is really not right. It's full of Yin and dead energy. It doesn't look like an ordinary grave. It can be there, and there is still a trace of dragon's breath in the soil that is difficult to catch. !"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and immediately asked,

"That's right, based on your experience, is there a big tomb there?"

Chen Yulou said, "Ninety-nine are close to ten, but the specifics will not be known until someone goes down and checks carefully!"

"Then you go down now!"

Yue Qiluo stared at Chen Yulou closely, as if if Chen Yulou disagreed, he would forcibly throw Chen Yulou down.

Facing the aggressive Yue Qi, Luo Huamaguai quietly approached Chen Yulou and whispered,

"Take care, it's getting dark now, and we've been on the road all day. Now all the brothers are very tired. If you go down rashly now, it's very easy to have accidents!"

Although Hua Maguai is now whispering to Chen Yulou, it will not be able to hide it from Yue Qiluo and Lin Kaiyun.

And when Yue Qiluo was about to get angry, Lin Kaiyun directly raised his hand to stop her.

Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Kaiyun questioningly and asked,

"What are you doing? They obviously don't want to go down!"

Lin Kaiyun said lightly,

"What's the hurry, what we need is to enter the tomb smoothly, not to suffer heavy losses just to find out the address of the tomb!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun looked at Chen Yulou and asked, "What we are looking for is the tomb described on the paper. As for the deep pit behind it, it is purely accidental. Even now, it is not sure whether it is a tomb or not. Or is it what we are looking for, so how do you choose now? Do you want to continue to cooperate with us?"

Chen Yulou hesitated for a while, then nodded, made seven gestures to Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Yes, but I want [-]% of the funeral objects in the tomb!"

During the contact, Chen Yulou also knew that Lin Kaiyun and the woman named Yue Qiluo were not ordinary people, and Luo Laowei reminded him more than once in the letter before.

Therefore, Chen Yulou knew that if he refused now, I am afraid that these two people would not easily let him go.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said,

"Okay, then you guys go back to rest today, and we will meet here tomorrow night and go to the tomb!"

Chen Yulou cupped his hands at Lin Kaiyun and said,

"No problem, then let's go first. When passing by here, we have been searching on the mountain. We haven't entered Renjia Town yet! We haven't seen Luo Shuai either!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded to indicate that they can leave.

Chen Yulou smiled at Lin Kaiyun, and walked down the mountain with Hua Maguai and a group of evil spirits.

Yue Qiluo looked at the backs of Chen Yulou and his group, and asked Lin Kaiyun in confusion,

"Lin Kaiyun, judging from the aura of these people and the things they carry, maybe they are really proficient in the way of tomb robbery. Are you not afraid that they will run away overnight after you let them go?"

Lin Kaiyun said with certainty,

"Don't worry, no, this Chen Yulou is full of arrogance. If he escapes overnight, then his reputation in the Tomb Robbery Bank will be ruined."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun walked down the mountain from another direction with his hands behind his back, and Yue Qiluo raised her legs to follow after curling her lips.

After returning to Daoyizhuang, Lin Kaiyun didn't care about Chen Yulou's movements at all. Anyway, he was very sure now that Chen Yulou would never be cowardly.

Second, after dawn, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo arrived at Nanshan, Renjia Town early.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lin Kaiyun looked at the slowly rising sun, and jokingly said to Yue Qiluo, "I actually watched the sunrise with you, how about it? Is it beautiful?"

"Boring!!!" Yue Qiluo looked up at the gradually rising sun and said without the slightest interest.

"Hey, Yue Qiluo, did you and Zhang Xianzong know each other like in the TV drama?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Yue Qiluo and asked curiously.

Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously and asked,

"What TV series? What are you talking about?"

Lin Kaiyun patted his mouth subconsciously, then explained with a smile,

"Uh, what I mean is how did you and Zhang Xianzong meet? Did he save you when you were pretending to be a little beggar? Also, do you have a rival named Wuxin?"

"How do you know, you investigate me?"

Yue Qiluo's eyes changed quickly, she stared fiercely at Lin Kaiyun, her aura burst out.

"I follow you, how boring am I to follow you?"

Lin Kaiyun smacked his mouth, and Yue Qiluoyi continued to say, "Lingxi Town, do you remember? I met a man named Wuxin there, and he told me about it!"

Yue Qiluo's expression was more serious at this time, and at the same time, not only was she exuding momentum, but also a sense of hostility. When he asked Lin Kaiyun, the voice was like a piercing cold wind, which made people shudder.

"Wuxin? He told you? Did you know him?"

Lin Kaiyun knew that Yue Qiluo might have misunderstood, so he spread his hands and explained,

"Actually, I don't know him, and I beat him away, but that guy doesn't seem to die, it's extremely difficult!"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yue Qiluo's expression eased a lot, and she was no longer full of any hostility, but she said in a slightly unhappy voice,

"If he was so easy to deal with, I would have killed him long ago!"

Anyway, being idle during this waiting process is also idle, Lin Kaiyun continued to ask curiously,

"I remember you and that Wuxin should have some other story, right? Didn't you want to be with Wuxin at the beginning? Why did you fall in love with this Zhang Xianzong again? I think he is just an ordinary person, nothing special!"

Chapter 350 grows at the junction of dragon veins

"Lin Kaiyun, when have you been so idle? Do these things have anything to do with you?"

Yue Qiluo hugged her shoulders, glanced at Lin Kaiyun, her face was displeased.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "It's okay, but waiting is too boring, let's chat!"

And Yue Qiluo turned around, not responding.

At this time, there were many footsteps and the neighing of horses from the foot of the mountain.

"Hurry up and go with the explosives, didn't you see that it's all blocked?"

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