"Grandma, are you looking for girls again? They all look weak."

"Luo Shuai, the brothers have carried it all the way, and some fatigue is inevitable, so don't scold them!"

"What I always say is that I am not scolding them, but urging them!"

With Lin Kaiyun's current hearing ability, he heard the voices of Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai early on.

As for Luo Laowai's swearing broken voice, Lin Kaiyun can imagine what he looks like.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai reached the top of the mountain.

Chen Yulou was not surprised that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo were here, he cupped his hands and said hello, "I'm sorry, Brother Lin, we took some time to count the manpower and equipment!"

While Chen Yulou was saying hello, dozens of Xiling brothers and more than a hundred soldiers of Luo Laowai also gradually walked up the hill.

These people are all carrying explosive machine guns, not to mention, depending on the posture of these people, in this troubled world, they are already considered small warlords with good strength.

Lin Kaiyun squinted at these people. If he remembered correctly, this Luo Laowai was actually a warlord funded by Chen Yulou.

Moreover, Chen Yulou should not only have sponsored Luo Laowai.

Of course, Chen Yulou has such abilities, and the test is to rob tombs, regardless of the size of the tomb, as long as you have gold.

Moreover, after Chen Yulou supported these small warlords, he used these small warlords to search for tombs everywhere, forming a virtuous circle.

Therefore, Chen Yulou is very aggressive in robbing tombs now, especially if he likes large tombs. For example, this time, after seeing that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo are not ordinary people, Chen Yulou felt that the tombs they were looking for were definitely not simple.

After Chen Yulou said hello, Lin Kaiyun also nodded in response,

"Mr. Chen, turn your head, Luo Shuai, good morning!"

Actually, it wasn't that Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai came late, but that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo came too early, so Lin Kaiyun didn't mind.

"Uncle Lin, you are being polite. In front of you, how dare I call you Marshal! You can call me Lao Luo, or Xiao Luo!"

Luo Laowai at the side, upon hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, bent over like a dog's leg, very respectful.

Lin Kaiyun was amused by Luo Laowai's grandson, he pointed to the weapon in the soldier's hand, and said, "Haha, Luo Shuai, you are a strong man, look at that machine gun, that explosive, look at it!" It's all frightening!"

Luo Laowai said respectfully, "Uncle Lin, you are joking, how can these mortal things compare with your great supernatural powers, these are all used to blow up mountains!"

Luo Lao bent over crookedly, like a little follower, respectful, but hatred flashed out of his eyes.

Now Luo Laowai regrets very much, that is, he regretted being careless when he went to Yizhuang last time, and underestimated these godly Taoist priests. If he hadn't been poisoned in his body, now with these explosives and machine guns, what kind of Taoist priests are in his eyes? It's all shit.

Of course, the most important thing now is to find a way to trick the antidote out.

Luo Lao thought about it, so he asked tentatively, "Mr. Lin, as a stomach, I feel very uncomfortable. I am worried that my digestion ability is too strong, and some worms have come out. Otherwise, you can give me some food first." Get rid of the poison! Otherwise, if the worms really come out, I'm afraid I'll die, and I won't be able to share your worries!"

"Don't worry, the bugs won't come out. Even if they come out, as long as you have a breath, I can keep you alive and healthy!"

Lin Kaiyun patted Luo Lao's crooked shoulder, with a bright smile on his face.

Luo Lao smiled apologetically and said, "Uncle Lin, I'm really too scared!"

Lin Kaiyun glared at Luo Lao, and shouted in a deep voice, "Don't you believe me? Or do you think I will lie to you?"

"Don't dare, dare not!" Luo Laowai swallowed nervously.

"Brother Lin, Luo Shuai did spit out a worm last night!"

Seeing this, Chen Yulou stood up to smooth things over, then looked at Luo Laowai, and said, "Luo Shuai, since Brother Lin said so, you should rest assured that you will be fine."

Luo Lao rolled his eyes, patted his stomach, and said with a big smile, "Yes, yes, don't tell me, Mr. Lin, after I finish speaking, my stomach doesn't seem to hurt anymore, and I don't worry about it." Already! Hahaha!"

"Okay, it's fine if it doesn't hurt!"

Lin Kaiyun said something meaningful.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun just fed Luo Laowai a random pill, so it is nonsense to spit out a worm, and now it seems that Luo Laowai and Chen Yulou must have interacted with each other last night. Too low, maybe there is some calculation!

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai with a smile, and said in his heart, "I like Chen Yulou, please be aware of current affairs, otherwise, if you really want to plot against me, then I will not be polite!"

At this time, Yue Qiluo, who had been silent all this time, reminded,

"Everyone is here, can we go down now?"

Chen Yulou nodded, and said to Luo Laowai, "Luo Shuai, let those brothers carrying explosives prepare! Let's blow up some obstructing stones first!"

Luo Laowai heard the words, raised his head, and shouted to his subordinates, "Did you hear that? Go and blow up all the stones that block your eyes!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "Okay, blow it up! We'll wait for you in an open place!"

As soon as the words finished, Yue Qiluo waved her hand casually, and several small paper figurines appeared, chirping and flying to Yue Qiluo's feet, carrying Yue Qiluo on her back, and flew towards the open place.

Luo Laowai's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at Yue Qiluo in surprise, "Oh my god, I read that right! Can you fly?"

"How is it possible? It's just a charlatan, how could it be possible?"

Chen Yulou was also very shocked, and involuntarily grabbed the dagger Xiaoshenfeng at his waist, as if this would give him a sense of security.

In fact, Chen Yulou had already learned about Lin Kaiyun based on what he saw and Luo Laowai's words.

After understanding, Chen Yulou thought that Lin Kaiyun was just a Taoist priest with real materials, even if he had some abilities, but he was not afraid, as long as he pays attention, don't follow the Tao like Luo Laowai, and he will be fine.

At least from Chen Yulou's point of view, he had a gun and ran, as long as he was careful, he could still take the initiative when necessary.

However, after seeing Yue Qiluo fly away, Chen Yulou's heart was shaken.

Not just ordinary people, even Chen Yulou, who is familiar with classics, can understand that flying is something that only immortals can do.

Seeing this, the expression on Chen Yulou's face was wonderful, seven points shocked, three points deep.

Although Yue Qiluo flew a certain distance, Chen Yulou did not believe that this woman was a fairy. In his opinion, Yue Qiluo was just relying on the weird paper figurine under her feet.

Of course, it wasn't just Luo Laowai and Chen Yulou who were shocked at this time, those people and soldiers unloading the mountain were a little panicked at this time, and the sound of weapons falling came from all around for a while.

Chen Yulou frowned, and roared in a low voice,

"Fry, brothers, blow out a path along this gap, let us go down!"

"Yes, always fight! Brothers, put the explosives!"



Chen Yulou looked at the explosion expressionlessly, as if the explosion could bring him some confidence and sense of security.

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