Luo Laowai leaned over to Chen Yulou's side and said, "Brother, I didn't lie to you! These two people are really weird, they can use magic spells!"

"Luo Shuai, have you seen the zongzi zombies in the tomb? You have even seen some ghosts, right? But, whether it is zongzi zombies or ghosts, they all died under the guns of the brothers, and they all have weaknesses. deal with."

Chen Yulou stared at Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, and continued, "The two of them are amazing, but they only have some superhuman powers!"

Luo Lao nodded slightly, and pressed his stomach with a sad face, "Yes, brother, you are right, but my stomach has been drugged, otherwise, I would be so useless now!"

Chen Yulou said slowly, "Don't worry, he still needs you, and he will definitely not let you die. When you go to the grave, find a suitable node and let that Lin Kaiyun detoxify you!"

And Yue Qiluo who was in the open place said to Lin Kaiyun, "Those two people seem to be looking at you!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "It might be looking at you!"


Yue Qiluo looked puzzled.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "That's right, what are you talking about flying, even if you jump over it, it probably won't be the case. Do you know, in the eyes of ordinary people, what is the concept of flying?"

Yue Qiluo said very frankly, "I didn't fly! I just stepped on the little paper man and jumped a little farther!"

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, "In their eyes, you are also flying!"

At this moment, a brother from Xiling shouted at Chen Yulou,

"Be careful, everything that should be blown up has been blown up, and the places that seem to have collapsed have been cleaned up, so we can go down!"

Chen Yulou nodded, turned around and raised his hand to Lin Kaiyun, and shouted, "Brother Lin, you can now..."

Before Chen Yulou could finish speaking, Lin Kaiyun interrupted him and said, "You guys go down first! The two of us are the rear!"

Luo Laowai was a little worried and reminded, "It should be all right, right?"

"What could be wrong!"

Chen Yulou was expressionless, and then shouted at the people in Xiling, "Brothers, take the centipede and hang the mountain ladder!"

Immediately, all the people unloading the mountain put down the backpacks behind them, and took out ladders that looked like centipedes.

Chen Yulou shouted vigorously, "Go to the pit!"




Those unloading people shouted slogans in unison, quickly threw the ladders into the deep pit, and then climbed down along the ladders.

After a long time, the people in Xiling had already descended into the pit, and some of Luo Laowai's soldiers got information from it, and there was no danger.

"Brother Lin, let's go down first!"

Chen Yulou cupped his hands at Lin Kaiyun, and then led Luo Laowai to climb down the ladder.

"Let's go! We should go down too!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he jumped and jumped directly.

Yue Qiluo stepped on the little paper figurine without haste, and followed closely behind.

In the deep pit, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai were climbing down the ladder, and below them, there were people from Xiling, holding torches to guide them.

But Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo who jumped down passed them by, came from behind and quickly overtook them.

Luo Lao was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "The head is so deep, they actually jumped directly? Grandma, this is too awesome!"

Chen Yulou breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly, "There's no rush, we're just looking for treasure this time, don't worry about the rest!"

Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo directly fell to the ground, and landed smoothly. The deep pit was full of loess, like the bottom of a huge bowl. At this time, there were already many people inside, holding torches and exploring the surroundings.

There are ordinary cliffs all around, only one big tree that looks like a mural and looks like a real thing.

This Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo could see it from above, but at this moment, they can clearly see the whole picture from below.

This big tree is lifelike, but there is no trace of green, from the leaves to the branches, all are made of loess.

But such a big tree makes Lin Kaiyun feel that it is alive.

At this time, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai also slowly climbed down.

Before the two of them could talk, Lin Kaiyun asked first, "Brother Chen, do you know what this is? It's just a mural of earth, why do I always feel that it is alive."

Chen Yulou walked under the big tree, stared at it for a long time, and said slowly, "My God, this looks like a dragon vein tree!"

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously, "Dragon Vein Tree?"

Chen Yulou said to himself, "It's strange, the dragon vein tree, I've seen it in the classics, it usually only exists at the junction of the mountain dragon vein and the water dragon vein, but in the location of Renjia Town, it is impossible for the dragon vein to appear at all. How could there be a dragon vein tree?"

Although Chen Yulou was talking to himself, it was considered an answer to Lin Kaiyun's question, so Lin Kaiyun didn't ask this question again.

Just when Lin Kaiyun was about to let Chen Yulou find the entrance to the tomb, Yue Qiluo spoke suddenly,

"Be careful, there is noise!"

"Everyone hide!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Yulou also shouted at everyone.

Although Chen Yulou was an ordinary person, he was born with nocturnal eyes. In this dim environment, he could see farther and more clearly. Moreover, his five senses were also very keen, so it was not surprising that he could hear.

However, Chen Yulou ignored one point. His voice reminded his brothers, but it also reminded him of the thing that appeared suddenly.


All I could hear was a roar, echoing repeatedly in this deep pit like the bottom of a bowl.

Chapter 351

I saw that the big tree like a mural had loosened the soil, and dust and clods kept falling.


With a roar, a gigantic creature came out from the soil and got out of it.

It is more than ten meters long and is covered in black and blue. There are three claws on the left and right sides and the abdomen, like a piece of silk.


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