Chen Yulou yelled at his brothers.

He was born with a pair of eyes capable of night vision in the dark, coupled with the light of the torch, he could clearly see that what came out was a boa constrictor.

When Luo Laowai heard what Chen Yulou said, he didn't even think about it, so he quickly ran to hide behind a stone, looked at Chen Yulou and asked loudly,

"Take the lead, what the hell is this?"

Master Chen Yulou hid beside Luo Laowai, and explained,

"Generally, there will be accompanying creatures near strange things, and this python may be it!"

"Grandma's, it turned out to be a snake, I thought it was something!"

Unexpectedly, after listening to Chen Yulou's explanation, the foreigner stood up, took out his pistol, and shouted at the soldiers under him,

"Brothers, don't be afraid, it's just a big snake, shoot me and beat it into a sieve!"

After hearing Luo Laowai's order, the soldiers under him also raised their guns one after another.

"Understood, Luo Shuai!"

"A machine gun, brothers, hit me!"

For a moment, the flames ran wildly, and the bullets poured out densely.

Originally, the soldiers brought here by Luo Laowai were a little scared, but now that they heard that it was just a bigger snake, they no longer had a trace of fear in their hearts.

Although most of these bullets were empty, some of them still hit the python's body, but the bullets seemed to be shot on the steel plate, with only a little spark, not to mention leaving no traces. What damage was done to this python.

"Luo Shuai, this python's skin is too thick, bullets can't seem to pierce through it!"

Luo Laowai also fired two shots at the python, and shouted unconvinced,

"Grandma, I don't believe it anymore, blow it up with a grenade!"

Chen Yulou directly dragged Luo Laowai back, and cursed,

"Are you crazy? We are now at the bottom of the deep pit. If you blow up a grenade, if it causes a collapse, all of us will be buried in the soil."

At this time, Hua Maguai beside Chen Yulou knew that it would be too late if he didn't stop him, so he shouted at everyone,

"Order the head, everyone put away the grenades and explosives!"

Will it be fried or not?

Just when those unloading people and the soldiers brought by Luo Laowai were in a daze, the python suddenly accelerated its speed, jumped up, and rushed to the front in an instant, twisting its body and knocking the stone in front of it, He opened his bloody mouth wide, and directly bit a nearby soldier.

puff! ! !

The blood donation was splashed, and the soldier died without even calling for help.

Seeing that the person he brought was killed like this, Luo Laowai became angry instantly,

"Grandma, shoot me, this bastard will definitely be killed if you get so close!"

The sound of gunfire roared again for a while, but if it caused any damage to the python, it would be that some of the ejected bullets accidentally injured its own people.

Chen Yulou was also very impatient when he saw this, and quickly made a decision in a panic, and shouted to the brothers in Xiling,

"Bullets are useless, the brothers in Xiling took out all the net hooks and locks, and trapped this python!"

Although Chen Yulou's Xiling brothers were also flustered at this time, for example, the old crooked soldiers were much stronger. After hearing Chen Yulou's words, they took out the nets and hooks from the back backpacks one after another. .



These unloading people shouted slogans in unison, threw the net into the sky, then hooked it with a hook, and threw the sharp other end directly onto the python's body.

For a moment, the boa constrictor was surrounded by dense spider webs, but before everyone was happy, the boa constrictor flicked its tail violently, and the nets and hooks were smashed to pieces like a piece of paper.

And the python's tail took advantage of the opportunity to photograph the nearby soldiers and people who were unloading the mountain into the sky, lifted its upper body, opened its mouth, and swallowed all these people into its stomach one by one.

"Damn it, everyone backed up and hid in the crevices and narrow places!"

Chen Yulou roared angrily. He felt very distressed when he saw these killed brothers.

At this moment, although the boa constrictor killed all directions, it disturbed the bottom of the deep pit for a while, and there were rare escaped people everywhere.

But Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo stood quietly in a corner, eating melons and watching the show.

Yue Qiluo asked,

"Lin Kaiyun, this boa constrictor has become demonized, they can't deal with it, why don't we do it?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said with a smile,

"Don't worry, Chen Yulou is still very arrogant, and icing on the cake is far less than giving charcoal in the snow. If we get rid of this python from the beginning, then Chen Yulou and the others probably don't care at all. You will feel how helpful we have been.”

In fact, as Lin Kaiyun said, when the python first appeared, Chen Yulou was not too scared. Although the python was not too small, in Chen Yulou's mind, he could still get rid of it with some methods. Yes, but now Chen Yulou really couldn't calm down.

This boa constrictor has obviously become fine, even guns and bullets can't kill it. If he doesn't think about it, he will know how many people like his Xiling brothers and Luo Laowai's people will die that day.

At this moment, Chen Yulou also thought of Lin Kaiyun who had inhuman abilities, so he hurriedly called for help,

"Brother Lin, this boa constrictor has become a spirit, and the bullets won't do him any harm. Is there anything you can do to deal with it?"

yes!Uncle Lin is also here!

Luo Lao shook his head. In the panic just now, he thought it was still the same as before, just like the tomb downstairs of Chen Yu, and completely forgot about Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo.

But now Luo Laowai seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and opened his hands and shouted at Lin Kaiyun, "Uncle Lin, help! If you don't make a move, we will all be eaten by that beast! "

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Yue Qiluo and said,

"Look, now is the time to act!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun walked directly towards the python that was swallowing people.

In the process of walking, Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from the storage belt, the mana around his body surged, gathered in one place, and directly slashed out with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.

Immediately, a sword glow soared into the sky, turned into countless sharp blades in the air, and slapped directly on the boa constrictor.

In an instant, it seemed as if the surrounding air had been torn apart. Even if the boa constrictor was aware of it, there was no way to avoid it. Its body was cut into countless pieces, scattered all over the ground like a shattered sculpture.

The blood on the boa constrictor's body, as if he had realized it lately, generally spilled out as the body was divided.

At the same time, Yue Qiluo's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, she raised her hand and waved the small paper, and like a whip, the figure wrapped something directly from the boa constrictor's body.

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