After walking along the steps for more than ten minutes, a long corridor appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun, with oil lamps burning on the left and right sides of the corridor.

With the help of the light from the oil lamp, Lin Kaiyun could see the long corridor clearly, and there were some flying and phoenix seal carvings on both sides.

Yue Qiluo looked at the burning oil lamp and asked suspiciously,

"Shouldn't this tomb be buried for many years? Why is the oil lamp still on?"

Lin Kaiyun said with some uncertainty,

"Perhaps the oil is made of whale oil or something! It is said that it can be preserved forever and will not be lost. It may be that the door of the tomb was opened and oxygen came in, so it started to burn again!"

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's explanation, Yue Qiluo turned her head to watch him hit him up and down, and said curiously,

"You know all this? Have you ever robbed a tomb before?"

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands and shook his head, smiling,

"I don't know! These are all guesses and made up by me, which may not be correct!"

Yue Qiluo was speechless for a while, she frowned and said,

"Made it up? Then what are you explaining to me?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't feel any embarrassment at all, so he could smile seriously,

"Since you have already asked, if I ignore you, wouldn't it appear that you are embarrassed!"

"There's something wrong!"

After Yue Qiluo left a word, she stepped onto the long corridor and walked inside.

Lin Kaiyun shouted,

"Hey, based on my experience, there will definitely be organs in this corridor. Are you sure you want to go ahead?"

"Hurry up! I don't have time to joke with you!"

Yue Qiluo didn't even look back!

Lin Kaiyun shrugged his shoulders and followed. The bottom of the corridor is paved with strips of bluestone slabs, which are very neat. Under the illumination of this light and the seal carvings on the left and right sides, there is a solemn feeling.

After walking for hundreds of steps, there was a sudden friction-like sound from the walls on both sides. The sound was very dull and clear, like two rusty gears spinning idly.

Lin Kaiyun is no stranger to this kind of voice, and reminded,

"Be careful, there are traps that should be hidden weapons!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, a row of sharp blades shot out from the gaps on both sides of the wall.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, correcting my supernatural powers!"

Lin Kaiyun instantly cast the Golden Light Curse, blocking all the hidden weapons that were shot.

And Yue Qiluo twisted her body like a water snake and dexterously dodged all the hidden weapons.

These ordinary organs did not pose any threat to Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo.

So the two of them didn't stop their steps, and continued to walk forward like nothing happened.

Soon, they arrived at a blue stone gate, but what attracted Lin Kaiyun's attention was that there was a line on the left and right of the stone gate, which looked like a couplet.

But this time it's not Chinese characters, but crooked like Manchu.

"Could it be that this tomb really belongs to the ancestors of those remnants of the royal family? Otherwise, why is the writing in Manchu?"

For these left and right characters, Lin Kaiyun really couldn't recognize them, which had already exceeded his knowledge.

And at this moment, there were a lot of footsteps, and Lin Kaiyun knew without thinking that it should be Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai who followed.

As soon as Luo Laowai saw Lin Kaiyun's deep shadow, he rushed over and said flatteringly,

"Uncle Lin, I can be regarded as keeping up with you. I saw some hidden weapons in the corner of the wall just now. Are you not injured?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced back and found no trace of Chen Yulou, so he frowned and asked,

"Where is Chen Yulou! Didn't he come down with you?"

Luo Laowai explained,

"Uncle Lin, always be careful. This person thinks too much. He has to wait half an hour before coming in according to the rules of tomb robbers. I told him that Uncle Lin will be fine when he comes down, but he insists !"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and ordered,

"You send someone, tell him to come down quickly, we'll wait for him here!"


Luo Laowai responded respectfully, and then shouted at his subordinates, "You, you, you three, go and ask Mr. Chen to take his head off!"

Yue Qiluo, who was at the side, naturally heard the conversation between Lin Kaiyun and Luo Laowai. He saw Lin Kaiyun suspiciously and said, "Aren't we going in now? Why are we waiting for the tomb robber?"

Tomb Raider?Pretty accurate.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said,

"The texture and thickness of this bluestone door is at least tens of thousands of catties, so there is no way to guarantee whether there are other mechanisms, so now we need to decipher what is written on the left and right sides of this door, and the one in your mouth The head robber may recognize it!"

Yue Qiluo nodded and said nothing more.Sudden!

There was the sound of gears rubbing against the left and right walls of the corridor.

There is no doubt that one of Luo Laowai's soldiers accidentally touched the mechanism again.

"Be careful, there are hidden weapons!"

Lin Kaiyun opened his mouth to remind, but it was too late. This time, what shot out from the walls on both sides were no longer sharp hidden weapons, but saw-toothed discs, spinning like a chainsaw and shooting out.

Immediately, some people who couldn't dodge in time cut off their heads with the rotating disk on their backs.

All of a sudden, there was blood pouring out.

"Help, there are hidden weapons!"

"Quick, quick, squat down!"

The entire corridor was in a panic, and the disk shot out from the wall again. This time the height was not so high, but the scene was even more tragic.

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