All of a sudden, the intestines and limbs are like unwanted garbage, flying around.

And Luo Laowai, who had been hiding early, watched his subordinates die tragically, and desperately asked Lin Kaiyun for help,

"Uncle Lin, help!"

Although Luo Laowai usually didn't pay much attention to his soldiers, but now he didn't want to lose most of his troops without seeing the shadow of protection.

"It's all right now, there is no sound coming from both sides, and there will be no more hidden weapons!"

Lin Kaiyun said slowly, all these things happened in an instant, Lin Kaiyun has not responded yet!The hidden weapon has already been fired, and he just wants to save it, so it's too late now.

But at this time, Chen Yulou, who came late, saw the scene of blood flying everywhere, and quickly shouted, "Get down quickly, these hidden weapons can be avoided by lying down on the top!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Yulou told the Xiling brothers behind him, "Hurry up and save people, don't worry about the hemostatic medicine!"

Lin Kaiyun watched all this silently, and had to say that Chen Yulou was still very kind to his brothers, and it was no wonder that so many people followed him.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

A small thunderbolt appeared in Lin Kaiyun's palm, hitting some soldiers accurately.

The soldiers hit by the lightning suddenly howled.

"Ah! It hurts!"


Chen Yulou's heart was burning, and he didn't care about his own safety. He clenched his fist and shouted to Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, what are you doing? They're not dead yet!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his arm, the lightning in his hand dissipated as a puff of smoke, and then he explained slowly,

"Of course I know they're not dead! Otherwise, I wouldn't be bothered to stop their bleeding!"

Stop the bleeding?

Chen Yulou subconsciously looked at those people who were hit by lightning. These parts were all severed by hidden weapons. At this time, they were all blackened by electricity and smelled like meat.

It was obvious that it had already been electrocuted, but the place where the blood was still bleeding before had really stopped at this time.

"Hurry up and bandage these people!"

Chen Yulou hurriedly ordered his subordinates, then smiled and bowed to Lin Kaiyun,

"Thank you, Brother Lin, you saved their lives!"

Chen Yulou also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and after he calmed down, he suddenly realized that this Lin Kaiyun could hit lightning at will.

What kind of ability is this, is it really a fairy?

Chapter 353 Strangely Shaped Stones

In the dimly lit corridor, the continuous wail sounded like the whisper of a demon, which made people upset.

Hua Maguai was sweating, and asked, "Don't worry, the medicine and gauze you brought are not enough, and one-third of the people have not been treated!"

"Then let someone carry them out first and send them back to the town!"

Chen Yulou looked around and looked at the wounded soldiers with a sad expression on his face. He looked at Luo Laowai and said slowly, "Luo Shuai, do you think this is feasible?"

Luo Laowai said directly, "Okay, boss, my soldiers are yours, you can just order them!"

Chen Yulou nodded, and explained to Hua Maguai, "Hua Maguai, send someone to do it!"

Soon, Hua Maguai organized people to carry out the wounded.

Seeing that it was almost done, Chen Yulou walked up to Lin Kaiyun, and said apologetically, "Brother Lin, I'm very sorry, these brothers can still be saved, I really can't ignore it!"

"It's okay, I understand, I'm not short of time!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, signaling to Chen Yulou that you don't have to be too polite, then he turned around, pointed to both sides of Qingshimen, and asked,

"Brother Chen Yulou, the two sides seem to be in Manchu, can you understand it?"

"I have seen some and learned some, so it should be fine."

Chen Yulou nodded, raised his head and began to study.

Lin Kaiyun didn't speak, nor urged, but waited patiently.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Yulou muttered something unknown, then he looked at Lin Kaiyun, pointed to the words on both sides and said,

"Brother Lin, this should read;"

"The sound of the dragon's chant, all things bow down!"

"In the world, I am the only one who respects me!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished listening, his first thought was a little awkward, and he said,

"Oh? There are also poems in Manchu?"

Chen Yulou didn't understand the meaning of Lin Kaiyun's question, but he still said truthfully, "No, I summed it up based on my own meaning. Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, I just feel a little awkward!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head with a smile, and silently said it several times in his heart, but he still had no idea, so he asked doubtfully, "What do you mean by that?"

Chen Yulou rubbed his chin and said, "We probably need to kneel down to open the stone gate!"

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Kneel down? Haha, pretend to be dead? He deserves it too!"

Chen Yulou said, "Brother Lin, there are all kinds of strange mechanisms in this tomb. I have seen many ways beyond imagination, and some even need to be sacrificed! I think the Qingshimen should be very heavy. Even the explosives won't explode!"

Lin Kaiyun asked coldly, "Then what do you mean, if we want to enter this stone gate, we can only kneel down?"

Chen Yulou knew what Lin Kaiyun was thinking. In fact, many novices who went to the grave would behave like this.

He explained, "Brother Lin, this is just an institution. It's not about kneeling down to anyone. When you enter the tomb, you can only follow the rules of the tomb, otherwise you will only be beaten!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled evilly, and said coldly, "Rules? When I met Xuankui, the eighth-level zombie king, even when he was about to be killed, he didn't kneel down. Let me kneel down, idiot's dream!"

"Just blast it away, what are you talking about!"

Yue Qiluo, who was at the side, was impatient at this moment, raised her hand and punched out, immediately, dozens of small paper figurines flew out from her wrist, stacked together, and hit the Qingshi gate.


With a loud noise, the entire corridor shook, and a large amount of dust floated down from above.

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