Luo Laowai, who was resting and smoking, was taken aback, and quickly lay down on the ground, shouting, "What's wrong? Has something triggered again?"

"Careful, the oil lamp has fallen!"

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake!"

"My God! My legs!"

After experiencing the previous attack by the agency, this time the shaking also caused riots.

The shaking came and went quickly, and then came to an abrupt end.

However, the Qingshimen in front of him was completely motionless.

Yue Qiluo frowned, and when she was about to attack again, Lin Kaiyun stopped her.

"Yue Qiluo, let me do it! You girls are still not good at this kind of physical work!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his wrist and put on a posture.

When Chen Yulou saw that Lin Kaiyun was still trying, he hurriedly persuaded, "Wait, brother Lin, stop being so reckless, otherwise, wait a minute, it will collapse, and we will all be finished."

He now knows that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo are not ordinary people, they can even release lightning, so it's not surprising that they have great strength, but if the bombardment continues like this, it is estimated that the corridor will collapse before the door is opened.

Lin Kaiyun was a little upset, and his attitude was not friendly, so he asked with a sullen face, "Then what do you say? We won't be able to get in if we break the door?"

Chen Yulou said, "I can only think of a way, otherwise, if the fight continues, I will definitely step on it."

At this time, Luo Laowai's soldiers suddenly shouted,

"Luo Shuai, turn your head, look, the blood seems to be moving?"

"Blood is moving? Grandma, are you dazzled? Come on, let me have a look!"

Luo Laowai stood up cursing and walked to the wall. Sure enough, the blood was really flowing and sinking.

However, Luo Laowai didn't find anything strange, turned around and slapped the soldier who reported, cursing, "Grandma, have you never read a book, haven't you seen drainage? It's a big fuss, I see you It's to scare me!"

Blood sinking?

Lin Kaiyun felt that it must not be that simple. The long corridor of a tomb is also equipped with a drainage mechanism, which is obviously illogical?Is this tomb owner still a clean freak?Don't want to leave blood stains?

Lin Kaiyun also walked to the edge of the wall, squatted down, reached out and touched it, and the remaining blood seemed to be conscious, bypassing his fingers.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun became more determined, it must not be that simple.

Lin Kaiyun asked Yue Qiluo to come over and take a look, "Yue Qiluo, come and see, what's going on with this blood? Where did it go?"

Yue Qiluo walked to Lin Kaiyun's side, frowned, looked at it, moved her nose, and said, "This blood seems to be flowing to the bluestone gate underneath!"

Lin Kaiyun stood up, looked at Yue Qiluo suspiciously, and asked, "Can you see the bottom?"

Yue Qiluo shook her head, and said with a facial expression, "I can't see it, but I can smell it. The smell of blood gathers towards Qingshimen."

Lin Kaiyun looked at the Qingshimen and smiled, "Perhaps, this is the key to opening the Shimen!"

Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously.

Lin Kaiyun said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Moving with blood, attracting with soul, do you remember?"

"Remember!" Yue Qiluo nodded.

Lin Kaiyun said, "It is estimated that this blood may be the sacrifice Chen Yulou mentioned just now!"

Yue Qiluo looked at the Qingshi gate and said calmly, "I don't care what it is, can the gate be opened now?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "It should be, you can try it now!"

Yue Qiluo heard the words and walked in front of Qingshimen, of course there is only one way, that is to beat.

Chen Yulou didn't know what Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo said just now, and he didn't know what the blood was like. When he saw Yue Qiluo was about to hit the door vigorously, he stood up to dissuade her.

"Wait, Brother Lin, this corridor is really easy to collapse."

Lin Kaiyun came over and said with a smile, "Don't worry! This time, it should be fine, and this door should be able to open."

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun signaled Yue Qiluo to continue.

This time, Yue Qiluo didn't use the little paper figurine, but wrapped her hand with red energy, and with all her strength, she hit the Qingshi gate.

But this time, it didn't make too much noise, because the bluestone gate unexpectedly spun, releasing most of Yue Qiluo's strength through the turning force.

Finally, after turning a few times, the bluestone gate stopped at an angle, freeing up a space enough to pass through.

Chen Yulou couldn't believe it, and exclaimed, "How could this happen?"

Chen Yulou was not surprised that the door opened, but that the bottom of the bluestone door was covered in blood.

And this blood seems to have a lubricating effect, so Yue Qiluo can easily open it this time.

After seeing the door opened, Luo Laowai, who had been hiding in the distance, also ran over, laughed and said,

"Oh, boss, you don't care what's going on with him! Anyway, the door is open, right! Hahaha!"

Lin Kaiyun patted Luo Lao's crooked shoulder, and said, "Luo Shuai, what you said is right, who cares what's going on! Now the door is open, it's time to go in!"

What happened this time also made Lin Kaiyun think a little bit, that is to move with blood and attract with soul, it is possible that this tomb needs to be sacrificed.

And where does the sacrifice come from?Needless to say, the people brought by Luo Laowai and Chen Yulou were just right.

Anyway, this Luo Laowai's subordinates follow Luo Laowai to burn, kill and loot everywhere. It sounds like a warlord, but it sounds like a bandit. They are all stained with sins, and death is not a pity. Lin Kaiyun will not have any complaints about it. burden.

At this moment, Yue Qiluo didn't care about that, and walked directly into the dark stone gate!

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun also followed.

In this space, there are no oil lamps, and it is completely dark.

Lin Kaiyun took out the fire folder, wiped it on the wall, and a flame lit up.

With the help of the firelight, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo finally saw what was around them.

This is a square room with cement walls and floors. There are two steps in front of it, and a mahogany chair is placed on the steps.

The chair was not empty, there was a strangely shaped stone on it.

"Wow, isn't this a baby!"

At this time, Luo Laowai's voice sounded behind him, and he and Chen Yulou also walked in with their subordinates one at a time.

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