These people all held torches in their hands, illuminating the square space brighter.

"This thing must be treasure, get rich, get rich!"

Luo Laoxing hurriedly walked to the chair, reaching out to take it.

Chen Yulou grabbed Luo Laowai, and said, "Luo Shuai, wait a minute, don't touch the things in this tomb, it's dangerous!"

As soon as Luo Laowai heard that there was danger, he immediately put down his hands, then called a trusted aide, and said,

"Who is that, come and see if there is jade or something in that stone!"

Luo Laowai's confidant is also afraid of danger. After all, the incident in the long corridor is still vivid in his mind, but he dare not refuse, otherwise Luo Laowai's temper will probably kill him immediately.

So, the soldier braced himself, walked over, first took out the gun behind him, and stabbed the stone on the chair.

Luo Laowai was so angry that he laughed, and cursed, "Grandma, why are you so cowardly! What can a stone do to you? Just pick it up and have a look!"

"Yes, Luo Shuai!"

The soldier put away his gun, swallowed, and reached out to pick up the stone.


Just when the soldier's fingers touched the stone, the stone shrank rapidly like a ball, and then bounced up immediately.

"Oh my god! There's a ghost!"

The soldier was so frightened that he ran back scrambling.

Luo Laowai was also taken aback, pulled out his gun, quickly took two steps back, and cursed, "Grandma, what the hell is this, the stone can move?"

Lin Kaiyun, who was watching the play, cast his eyes on Chen Yulou and asked, "Brother Chen Yulou, do you know?"

Chen Yulou shook his head, "I don't know what it is, to be honest, this is the first time I've seen it!"

"Interesting. Could it be that this is not a stone, but an egg? It bounces because the creature inside the egg is not dead. Could it be a dragon?"

Lin Kaiyun's brain opened instantly, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

After all, it was written on both sides of the bluestone gate before!

"The sound of the dragon's chant, all things bow down!"

"In the world, I am the only one who respects me!"

And this thing is behind the Qingshimen, maybe bowing down to this thing is bowing down to the dragon!It just fits what Chen Yulou interpreted.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, Lin Kaiyun stepped forward in two big strides, and stretched out his hand to grab the stone.

Sure enough, it was still the same as before, it would bounce when touched, but Lin Kaiyun burst out a burst of spiritual energy instantly, wrapping the strangely shaped stone.


After the stone was enveloped by the spiritual energy, it released a large amount of Yin Qi, like a shock wave, which bounced Lin Kaiyun away, and then the Yin Qi rolled, and waves of air continued to blow out.

Lin Kaiyun flipped backwards, using his feet to stabilize his body, while Yue Qiluo summoned a paper figurine to stand in front of him.

However, other people were not so lucky. A large part of them were blown away and hit the wall, including Luo Laowai and Chen Yulou.

Since there were people under both of them, they were not seriously injured, but they fell when they fell.

However, the soldiers in the first row and the Xiling brothers were in a more miserable situation. Those who were blown past were not only squeezed, but a lot of blood flowed from their mouths and noses, and they were squeezed to death.

Yue Qiluo frowned, and said doubtfully, "This thing has a huge yin energy, what exactly is it?"

Lin Kaiyun said, "It's definitely not a dragon!"

Yue Qiluo asked, "Then what should we do now? There are no doors around here, only such a stone, I don't believe it, this tomb is gone now!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "I don't believe it either. Since there is no door, then this stone is the door. If you fix it, everything can be solved."

Chapter 354 The Faceless Monk

In this square space, there is nothing but such a strangely shaped stone.

Luo Lao rubbed his arm that fell, and asked Chen Yulou, "Don't worry, you said you don't know about this tomb, is there only this stone?"

Chen Yulou said solemnly, "I don't know, this tomb is full of weirdness, it seems that no one built it!"

Luo Lao said unhappily, "Didn't someone build it? Grandma's, can we still steal a ghost's tomb?"

Lin Kaiyun heard Luo Laowai's words, turned his head and smiled, "All the tombs are the tombs of ghosts, okay, have you ever robbed the tombs of living people?"

Luo Lao was stunned for a moment, then smiled apologetically, and said, "Uncle Lin, you are right, the tombs of living people must be ghosts!"

"Okay, all of you get out of the way, don't accidentally hurt you later!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, then took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt, looked at the stone on the chair, and muttered, "I want to see how hard this stone is!"

Lin Kaiyun clenched the Seven Star Longyuan Sword tightly, swiped the sword and slashed, a beam of sword light burst out.

"Mom, run!"

"Back back, stay away!"

When Luo Laowai and Chen Yulou saw that Lin Kaiyun had slashed out a ray of light, they hurriedly called to their subordinates to stay away.

This strangely shaped stone, this time, did not bounce up and down, as if as long as no one approached, it would not avoid it.

The sword glow accurately chopped on the stone.


There was a clear sound, and there seemed to be a crack on the stone. However, the sword glow quickly dissipated, and the air wave rolled out. The mahogany chair was directly smashed, and the stone fell to the ground and split open.


Lin Kaiyun moved his eyeballs, unexpectedly, a sword really cut the stone open.

He put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, raised his leg and walked over, reaching out to grab the broken stone.

This time, the stone wasn't bouncing up, and there was no yin energy radiating out. However, when Lin Kaiyun just touched it, the stone seemed to have shed its skin, and the surface turned into dust.

After the transformation, there is no creature inside, it is still a stone, but it looks very strange, in the shape of a crab.

"what is this?"

Yue Qiluo came over and frowned when she saw the crab-shaped stone in Lin Kaiyun's hand.

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