Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I don't know, is this a fossil of a crab?"

He kept flipping the stone with both hands, and there was nothing strange except that it looked special, and there was nothing unusual when he knocked on it.

At this time, Chen Yulou, who was hiding behind, focused his gaze, saw clearly the crab fossil in Lin Kaiyun's hand, and said,

"Brother Lin, this may be a derivative of the Skycrab Fengshui Bureau, or, this stone is the Skycrab Fengshui Bureau!"

Lin Kaiyun frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yulou walked over and said slowly, "The Fengshui bureau outside is artificially created, and the man-made Fengshui bureau needs to have a core, just like the eyes of the formation. If I guess correctly, This crab-shaped stone is the eye of the Feng Shui bureau outside."

Lin Kaiyun asked, "That is to say, if I completely smash this thing, the feng shui bureau will be broken?"

Chen Yulou nodded and said, "Yes, as long as the feng shui bureau is broken, some mechanisms in the tomb may fail. In other words, the hidden door may also appear!"

"Then smash it!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't hesitate, and happily put the stone on the ground, raised his foot, and stepped on it violently.

A huge force erupted from Lin Kaiyun's body, and the cement ground under his feet collapsed.

Lin Kaiyun stepped firmly on the crab fossil.


The crab fossil couldn't bear the force, and there were many cracks, but, as if there was something connected inside, the crab fossil just wouldn't break.

And Yue Qiluo on the side also kept staring at the crab fossil, and after seeing that it didn't shatter directly, she made a decisive move.

Raising his hand and pointing, a red light shot into the crab fossil, smashing it to pieces.

And the crab fossil was spinning under Lin Kaiyun's feet, and during the spinning, golden light shot out continuously.

This golden light is not the yin energy before, but full of the flavor of Buddhism, like the light of Buddha.

Lin Kaiyun had felt this feeling from Master Yixiu.

"What's going on here? How can there be Buddha's light in this stone?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned, but he still didn't intend to raise his feet, otherwise, what if this crab fossil ran away?


The crab fossils rotated faster and faster, gradually turning into a golden ball of light, and the Buddha light emitted also became solid, pushing Lin Kaiyun's feet up.

"I'm going, what is it, so powerful?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't dodge this time, and continued to step down hard, but the power of this Buddha's light was even stronger, pushing Lin Kaiyun's entire body up.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly, stepped on the Buddha light with both feet, and stomped down.

"Hold on, I'll help you!"

Yue Qiluo jumped up, stepped on Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, and pressed down hard.

"Damn, big sister, did you make a mistake, you just stepped on the stone! What's the use of you stepping on me?"

Lin Kaiyun was in pain for a while, and there was a huge force from top to bottom, squeezing him. If he didn't belong to the Pangu Zombie God Body, it is estimated that he would be fractured now.

But even so, he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Don't step on your shoulder? Do you step on your foot?"

Yue Qiluo glanced at Lin Kaiyun, seeing that his expression was a bit painful, she got up anyway.

Without Yue Qiluo's pressure on the top, Lin Kaiyun's pressure suddenly dropped a lot.

But at this time, the Buddha's light under his feet suddenly rushed, and when Lin Kaiyun was relaxing, he slammed Lin Kaiyun away.

After knocking Lin Kaiyun away, the Buddha's light only penetrated the roof and turned into a beam of light, which looked very sci-fi.

"What is this? A Super Saiyan?"

Lin Kaiyun stabilized his body, looking at this sci-fi beam of light with a dazed expression on his face.

"Gravebreaker, leave quickly!"

A thick voice came from the beam of light.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light became weaker and weaker, and the outline of a figure appeared inside.

Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo looked at each other, vigilantly getting ready to attack.

"Gravebreaker, leave quickly!"

After the sound, the beam of light dissipated completely, and the outline became clear. It turned out to be a monk wearing a golden cassock and holding a golden bowl.

The most frightening thing is that this monk has no eyes and no mouth, he is a faceless man.

Luo Lao rubbed his eyes and shouted in confusion, "Grandma, a person popped out of this rock? I'm not mistaken!"

Chen Yulou was also very surprised, but he still said calmly, "It should not be a human being, and it is probably an organ left by the owner of the tomb to prevent the tomb from being robbed."

Hua Maguai, who had been guarding Chen Yulou all the time, also asked suspiciously, "Boss, what kind of mechanism can jump people out of rocks?"

"Uh, maybe..."

Chen Yulou faltered and didn't know how to answer for a moment, which was beyond his comprehension.

If you say that a person jumped out of the coffin, and his physical body is as good as a living person, Chen Yulou can accept this, and he can even make an explanation with certain basis.

However, within the crab fossil, a faceless person was conjured up, and Chen Yulou was close to all possible possibilities, which could not be explained.

There is only one possibility, that is, this faceless monk is a ghost.

Of course, not only Chen Yulou, but even Lin Kaiyun felt a little shocked.

A man popped out of the rock, do you think you are Monkey King?

Lin Kaiyun complained in his heart, and then he walked up to the faceless monk and said, "Can you understand me? Are you being persecuted, or are you stopping me? Squeak, if you are being persecuted, I can find a way to help you, if you block the way, don't talk nonsense, I will do it directly!"

Although this monk has no face or facial features, and looks very strange, he looks like a human being after all, with hands and feet, and the Buddha light emanating from his body is very authentic, without any evil spirit.

So Lin Kaiyun still plans to try to communicate first.

Sure enough, the faceless monk could really understand Lin Kaiyun's words, but he didn't respond politely.

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