Lin Kaiyun shook his wrist and walked towards Luohan Faxiang.

When he got closer, Lin Kaiyun kicked the Arhat Faxiang who was facing down, and shouted, "Hey, are you dead or not?"

There was no response, and he remained motionless. From Lin Kaiyun's point of view, even if he didn't die, he was almost dead.

"However, it doesn't matter, anyway, you will die later!"

Lin Kaiyun raised his foot abruptly, and stomped hard on Luohan Faxiang's back.


With a muffled sound, Luohan Faxiang's entire back collapsed, and then Luohan Faxiang's body gradually became transparent.

In the end, it turned into small golden dots, but the small golden dots did not dissipate, but turned into a stone again, a fossil in the shape of a crab.

Lin Kaiyun bent down to pick up the crab fossil, threw it to Chen Yulou, and said,

"Here, this is it!"

Chen Yulou nodded, turned around and put the crab fossils into the ditch.



Suddenly, there was a creaking sound in the entire square space, and dust kept falling.

"What's the matter? Is it going to collapse?"

"I feel like my feet are moving."

"It seems to be collapsing, what should we do? Let's run!"

Those who searched around felt that their feet were moving, as if they might collapse at any moment.

Luo Laowai leaned on the wall, and shouted cursingly, "Grandma, you can't recite it like this, can you? You always turn your head, why are you still standing there! Tell them to run away!"


Chen Yulou felt it for a while, and it was indeed not a hallucination, the ground under his feet was shaking.

However, before Chen Yulou finished speaking, the cement-smeared ground under his feet split open and turned downwards like a bag, throwing everyone down.

"Ah, help!"

"It's really collapsed, I don't want to die yet!"

"Boss, where are you? Grab my hand!"

All of a sudden, everyone fell down, and the surrounding area was pitch black, making people feel as if they had fallen into an abyss, which was very frightening.

And Lin Kaiyun quickly grabbed Chen Yulou the moment the ground cracked, and controlled his body when he fell.

Lin Kaiyun grabbed Chen Yulou's arm and comforted him, "It's fine, as long as it's not too high, you shouldn't fall to your death!"

Even though Chen Yulou had night eyes, he couldn't see clearly, so he shouted, "Brother Lin, I think this should be the door leading to the bottom, but I don't know if there will be a trap down there."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yulou yelled at everyone,

"Everyone, put soft things under your body and try to separate them as much as possible, so as not to create a situation where people are overwhelming people."

"Take care of yourself, what should I do? I don't have anything soft on me."

This voice sounded like Lao Luo's crooked, and he had nothing else on him except a pistol.

Chen Yulou did the same thing, and casually said, "Find out your own way!"

On the other side, Yue Qiluo was very calm, stepping on the little paper figurine and falling slowly.



There was a continuous sound of hitting the ground, followed by a painful wail.

Some people have already reached the bottom, and through the sound of landing, Lin Kaiyun can feel that the ground should be soft.

Of course, even if it is soft, it is not so easy to be safe and sound after falling from tens of meters.

The sound of landing and screams sounded one after another. It took a few minutes before Lin Kaiyun dragged Chen Yulou to the bottom.

With a bang, Lin Kaiyun's legs kept vibrating like two shock absorbers.

That is to say, now Lin Kaiyun's body has changed, otherwise, if it was before, his leg would definitely be broken.

Because of Lin Kaiyun's protection, Chen Yulou was not injured.

However, from the screams that came from before, it was clear that Xiling's brothers and Luo Laowai's soldiers were not in a good condition, so Chen Yulou quickly took out a fire pocket and lit it up.

With the help of the fire, Chen Yulou saw people falling everywhere, and half of them were lying on the ground crying, apparently injured.

Chen Yulou was very worried. There was a brother Xiling who was walking in and out, spitting blood and howling, but he couldn't move yet. If his internal organs were injured, he would aggravate the injury by lifting him up rashly.

Chen Yulou yelled, "Don't move the injured or the uninjured. Feel for yourself, whether it is a bone injury or an internal organ!"

When Chen Yulou organized the crowd, Lin Kaiyun stepped on the soft ground under his feet, it was loess, very soft loess.

Normally, soil does not have such a texture, and it is not so soft even when it is wet.

When Lin Kaiyun opened it, it is estimated that something was added to the soil to make it like this.

No, it stands to reason that most of the tombs are traps, and the doorman throwing them down should be a very good trap. If there is no such soft soil, it is estimated that these people can fall almost as well.

However, this soft soil seems to be deliberately saving people like them, which is really strange.

Chapter 360 It Really Exists

"Give me a torch too!"

Lin Kaiyun asked a Xiling brother beside him for a torch, held it in his hand, and lit it up.

At the same time, Chen Yulou also quickly organized people, lit torches one after another, and began to illuminate.

In an instant, there was light everywhere.

With the help of these lights, Lin Kaiyun saw what it was where they fell.

This turned out to be an underground palace. The position they are stepping on now is only a small part of the underground palace. Lin Kaiyun stepped on the stone, jumped up, and took a condescending look. The entire underground palace is as large as ten football fields. It's so big, except for the soft loess below, the rest are all stone brick floors, each piece is close to ten meters, neatly inlaid on the ground.

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