"Luo Laowai, put some ammunition for lighting."

Chen Yulou also saw that the underground palace was very big with his night eyes, but he couldn't see it too clearly, so he asked Luo Lao to put the lighting things sideways.

When Luo Laowai heard it, he suddenly became interested and shouted, "Grandma, it's finally time to set off the cannon, come here, let me set the flare!"

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive rings sounded, and three flares shot into the air and exploded in an instant.

Immediately, the entire underground palace was temporarily under light.

This time, everyone can see clearly.

This underground palace is really huge. There is an avenue composed of golden yellow stone bricks in the middle, and there are huge pillars on both sides. Various dragons are carved on the pillars.

At the end of this avenue is a palace with red bricks, red tiles and mahogany, which is very strange.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Luo Laowai said in shock, "Grandma, you dug such a big place underneath, what kind of tomb is this?"

At this time, Yue Qiluo came to Lin Kaiyun's side and said, "Lin Kaiyun, there is a trace of dragon energy in it, very similar to the black dragon I met before."

"Dragon Qi? Black Dragon?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered, he knew what the black dragon Yue Qiluo was talking about was the one who rescued Xuankui back then, so is this tomb still related to that black dragon?

Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt and held it in his hand, the seven stars on the blade flickered.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "Sure enough, it seems that there is really a dragon spirit!"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun take out the sword and try it out, Yue Qiluo pouted and said, "Of course, don't you believe me?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Yue Qiluo and said speechlessly, "Sister, you should be normal!!! Do you know that you are not cute at all acting like a baby."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Yue Qiluo bit her lip, made a slashing finger, and shouted, "Really? Wu Xin, that's what she said back then, so I killed him."

Lin Kaiyun smiled expressionlessly, "Hehe, if I hadn't met Wuxin, I would have believed it. That guy's blood can restrain you, right? And he's still immortal."

When Yue Qiluo heard this, she looked at Lin Kaiyun even more puzzled, and asked, "How do you know everything?"

Lin Kaiyun said, "I can't say I know everything, but I know a general idea."

At this time, the soldiers under Luo Laowai shouted, "Luo Shuai, there is a wick on this pillar, and there are gold dust beside the wick."

Luo Laowai shouted excitedly, "Really? Light it up for me, and let me see if there is more gold dust!"

Although, under Chen Yulou's persuasion, Luo Laowai also felt that it would be good to get some chance of cultivating immortality and longevity, but it didn't mean that he didn't want treasures.

"Okay, Luo Shuai."

The soldier also excitedly took out the fire letter, ready to light the wick on the pillar.

"Wait a minute, don't move yet."

Chen Yulou hurriedly stopped them, because the most taboo thing in a tomb is to move around.

However, it was still a step too late, the soldier had already lit the wick.


There was a loud sound of burning flames, but what Chen Yulou was worried about did not happen. Instead, the ignited wick ignited a flame more than one meter high.

The soldier backed back again and again in fright, but the flame was not a mechanism, but burned upward along the pillar.

Under the eyes of everyone, after a few minutes, flames followed the carved dragon and covered the entire column.

For a moment, the pillar seemed to be a huge light source, illuminating the surrounding area, and the dragons carved on it were burning, as if breathing fire.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the fire-breathing pillar and was amazed, "What is this thing, it's so beautiful, so magnificent, it's a good thing to take one back and put it in Yizhuang, basically those weaker evil spirits can be suppressed directly. "

Chen Yulou was also shocked, and sighed, "What kind of handwriting is this, such a big battle, is it just a lamp?"

"Hahaha, always turn your head, you still don't let my men ignite, see if there is nothing wrong!"

Luo Laowai proudly came to Chen Yulou's side, as if this time he was finally not a guy who only listened to Chen Yulou's work, but really made a big discovery.

Thinking of this, Luo Laowei became more energetic, and ordered to his soldiers, "Go, light all those pillars for me, I want to see, this is the palace of the dead, it is not impressive, Are you worthy of me, Marshal Luo!"

"Yes, Marshal Luo!"

Luo Laowai laughed happily, "Hahaha, okay, after you find the treasure, each of you can share it."

Chen Yulou glared at Luo Laowai, and persuaded, "Luo Shuai, you should be more careful in this tomb, otherwise, a single action might cause unbearable losses."

"Always be careful, don't worry! I know it well."

Luo Lao smiled crookedly, and after finishing speaking, he left and walked towards the pillar.

Looking at the back of Luo Laowai leaving, Hua Maguai said in a low voice, "Don't worry, this Luo Laowai seems a little dissatisfied."

Chen Yulou smiled when he heard the words, and said confidently, "It's okay, Luo Laowai is just such a person, he still can't make any waves."

Chen Yulou dared to support so many small warlords, so he naturally had his own experience, and at the same time, he also had a way to control them, otherwise, what if he was swallowed by the master?

Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo waited patiently. Although Lin Kaiyun had no experience, he knew that there would be some traps and traps in the tombs.

Now, it's a good time to let these people drip.

As for Luo Laowai, he personally supervised the public, and asked his men to scrape the gold sand on the pillars with knives, and at the same time, set the other pillars on fire.

Half an hour later, the ten pillars were all ignited, and all of them were dragons spitting fire, just like a dragon clan gathering.

For a moment, the entire palace was illuminated brightly, and the whole picture appeared in everyone's eyes.

This huge palace is divided into two by the avenue and the pillars. On the left side are ten huge dragon-shaped sculptures, basically about 30 meters high, with sharp teeth and claws, or nest, or leap, or jump, or grasp, There are all kinds of things, lifelike.

When Lin Kaiyun saw these dragon-shaped statues, he couldn't see why. He walked up to Chen Yulou and asked,

"Brother Chen Yulou, don't these tombs generally have rules? What kind of side halls, tombs, etc., what kind of category does this palace belong to?"

Chen Yulou shook his head and explained, "Brother Lin, forgive my blindness, I really can't understand this tomb, but the tombs of ordinary people basically don't have dragon carvings. In the era of feudal dynasties, that is Not allowed, not to mention so many dragon sculptures."

"Besides, the two sides of the bluestone gate before are in Manchu, could it be the royal family of the previous dynasty?"

"However, since they belong to the royal family, they would not do this, unless it is a certain emperor. But, to be honest, this tomb is not a treasure of geomantic omen, and it is so far away from the capital, it is impossible."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, he understood what Chen Yulou said, but actually he couldn't figure it out, how could there be such a tomb in such a place like Renjia Town?

Now it seems that the scale is not small.

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