And Yue Qiluo was safe and sound under the protection of the little paper figurine.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun knew that something must have happened, so he jumped out, came to Yue Qiluo's side, and asked quickly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said with certainty, "It's that black dragon."

"That black dragon?" Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment.

whispering sound!

Suddenly, an ear-shattering sound resounded, and the entire underground palace vibrated, and those glittering dragon-shaped statues also groaned together.

The jet of black air gradually turned into a solid body, taking the shape of a dragon. The dragon suddenly opened its eyes and scanned everything in the underground palace.

"Hiss, it's really this guy."

Lin Kaiyun took a deep breath when he saw the appearance of this dragon clearly, it was really the black dragon that rescued the zombie Wang Xuankui last time.

"Dragon, there really are dragons."

"Quickly kneel down and kowtow, the spirit has appeared."

"The real dragon appears, and bless me to marry a beautiful daughter-in-law."

"Bless me too, follow Luo Shuai to make a fortune."

The moment they saw the black dragon, everyone was shocked at first, but then they were filled with admiration, and many people knelt down.

Of course, this is also understandable. After all, dragons are auspicious beasts in people's hearts, and they are the guarantee of good weather. No one can keep calm after seeing a dragon.

Even Luo Laowai knelt down.

However, Chen Yulou was not among the people who bowed down. After a short period of shock, he immediately noticed something strange.

Chen Yulou yelled at Lin Kaiyun, "This aura is the same as those dragon-shaped statues, and this black dragon also has the aura of dragon veins on its body."

Lin Kaiyun heard Chen Yulou's words, looked at the black dragon who was defying everything in the air, and said slowly, "I just said that this guy is not an entity, it seems to be related to the spirit of the dragon's veins."

Yue Qiluo on the side didn't have time to analyze the composition of the black dragon, she slowly raised her hands, the red energy gathered in her hands, she opened her mouth to remind Lin Kaiyun,

"Be careful, this black dragon seems to be about to attack."

As soon as the words fell, the black dragon started to move. At the same time, on the pillars on both sides of the square avenue, the dragon spit fire fluttered. The black dragon opened its mouth suddenly, and spit out a ball of rolling flames. .

The heat of the flame burned the surrounding air, making a crackling sound, and turning everyone's faces red.

Yue Qiluo had been prepared for a long time, she put her hands together, the red energy diffused out, just enveloping the rolling flames in the air.

This red energy is constantly eating away at the flames, but obviously the effect is not good.

The bloody lines on Yue Qiluo's cheeks appeared again, and Lin Kaiyun knew that this witch was about to use her full strength.

Only heard, Yue Qiluo, gritted her teeth and shouted,

"There is no east, no west, no south, no north, yin and yang are crossed, and the soul is in a hurry."


Yue Qiluo clasped her hands together, and a blood-red shock wave shot out from between her fingers, hitting the black dragon.

Faced with Yue Qiluo's attack, the black dragon was obviously very angry. It obviously recognized the person who attacked it, and it took the old and new grudges together.

The black dragon waved its claws, and a large cloud of mist floated out from under its body, as if it was riding on the clouds, and it did not hide or evade, allowing the red shock wave to hit.

However, the black dragon didn't suffer any damage. The red shock wave passed through the black dragon like a passer-by, and hit the stone wall above.

A big hole was punched in the stone wall by the red energy wave, and dust and gravel kept falling down. Obviously, Yue Qiluo's attack was still very powerful.

However, it did not cause any harm to the black dragon.

"Good guy, let me come!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he stepped on the ground, leaving a crack on the ground, and Lin Kaiyun was already in the air a few meters away.

Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword with a backhand, and a sword light swung across it.

But just like Yue Qiluo's attack, this sword light also passed through the black dragon, without any effect.

"Good guy, are you kidding me?"

Lin Kaiyun simply put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, raised his fist, and prepared to physically subdue the dragon.

Lin Kaiyun yelled at Yue Qiluo, "Yue Qiluo, use your little paper man to push me up."

The current Lin Kaiyun can't fly, he can jump a little higher, but he can't stay in the air for a long time, so Lin Kaiyun focused his attention on Yue Qiluo's paper figurine.

Yue Qiluo naturally understood Lin Kaiyun's meaning, with a flick of her wrist, dozens of small paper figurines flew out and flew to Lin Kaiyun's feet.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun felt as if there was a foothold under his feet, he stepped on it immediately, and jumped out quite high, just in time to the position of the black dragon's head.

Lin Kaiyun raised his fist and smashed it down.

And the black dragon's huge head didn't dodge in the slightest, and even showed a hint of disdain in its pitch-black eyes.

Facing the mocking look of the black dragon, Lin Kaiyun didn't react at all, no matter what conspiracy the black dragon had planned, let's fight first.

With a bang, Lin Kaiyun's fist hit the dragon's mouth fiercely. Even Lin Kaiyun was afraid that the black dragon would bite him, so he withdrew very quickly, and when he was dodging, he kicked the dragon's head again.

Lin Kaiyun turned around, grabbed the beard on the side of the dragon's mouth, grabbed it upwards, and bent his elbow hard.


Every time Lin Kaiyun attacked, he used all his strength. With that huge ability, Lin Kaiyun's fist was like a cannonball, and it hit the black dragon's head fiercely.

And Lin Kaiyun could feel that these few attacks definitely hit, unlike Yue Qiluo's previous ones being dodged.

However, the black dragon didn't seem to be hurt at all, it was not even painful, it was suspended in the air, looking at Lin Kaiyun quietly, its dark eyes were full of sarcasm.

"What's going on? Are you so resistant to beating?"

Lin Kaiyun also murmured in his heart, logically, even if his attack couldn't seriously injure the black dragon, it wouldn't be unresponsive, right?

Just at this time.

There was a crisp sound below him, which reached Lin Kaiyun's ears.

Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to turn his head to look now, so he could only shout and ask, "What's going on?"

Chen Yulou replied loudly, "Brother Lin, one of the dragon statues is cracked."

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