Lin Kaiyun stepped on Yue Qiluo's little paper figurine, his brain spun rapidly, and couldn't help muttering, "One of the dragon statues is cracked? Wait, did my attack shift?"

Lin Kaiyun's eyes were concentrated, he stared at the black dragon firmly, and said lightly, "Is this your reliance?"

whispering sound!

The black dragon screamed, raised its head, twisted its body, and swung its tail behind it.

The black dragon's tail was like a derailed train, and it shot towards Lin Kaiyun with an unstoppable momentum.

In this air, many of Lin Kaiyun's methods have lost their effect, and the talisman can be used, but obviously it has no effect on this big guy.

So in the end, Lin Kaiyun had to rely on his own body and strength. Fortunately, his current physique was abnormal enough. Facing the sweep of his tail, Lin Kaiyun did not dodge, because he was betting that Yue Qiluo would definitely control the little paper figurine , to help him escape.

Sure enough, Yue Qiluo also knew that Lin Kaiyun couldn't fly, so she swung her hands, controlled the little paper figurine to go down, and led Lin Kaiyun to avoid the black dragon's tail.

At the moment of dodging, Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from the storage belt, raised it up and slashed towards the black dragon's tail.

Suddenly, another crack appeared on the dragon-shaped statue below, and this time it might shatter and collapse at any time.

Chen Yulou yelled from below, "Brother Lin, this dragon statue is going to shatter."

"Wouldn't that be better, save me breaking it myself."

Lin Kaiyun replied and continued to attack, although now he knew that the black dragon was not a real entity, it might be the spirit of the dragon's pulse. Similarly, it was also clear that the black dragon could transfer the damage to the dragon-shaped statue below.

However, Lin Kaiyun is also patient, even if the black dragon's blood is thick, it can be consumed to death.

"Wait, why didn't I smash the statues down there first?"

Lin Kaiyun avoided the black dragon's claws, and suddenly understood something.

"Ma De, the authorities are confused, they didn't expect it."

Lin Kaiyun patted himself on the head, and then shouted to the people below, "Hurry up, smash all those dragon statues."

Hearing this, Chen Yulou hurriedly persuaded, "Brother Lin, I'm afraid it won't work. Now it seems that this Ninth Five-Year Prestige Bureau has nurtured this black dragon, so it won't dissipate. But I doubt that if these statues are destroyed If not, then this underground palace may collapse."

Lin Kaiyun asked questioningly, "Is it true? Are you sure?"

Chen Yulou shook his head and shouted, "Not sure, but there is a 70.00% probability."

Lin Kaiyun kicked the black dragon on the back and flew out. Fortunately, Yue Qiluo controlled the little paper figurine and caught Lin Kaiyun, otherwise she would have fallen.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly shouted, "When is this, I'm not sure, just listen to it, smash it quickly."

Chen Yulou still felt something was wrong, and he didn't want to take any risks, so he quickly shouted, "Brother Lin, think twice."

Lin Kaiyun became angry immediately, and cursed angrily, "Think twice about your size, and send someone to smash it for me, otherwise, I will kill you now."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Chen Yulou's face was very embarrassed.

Hua Maguai asked, "I'm always throwing my head, what should I do? Shall I smash it?"

Luo Laowai knew that Lin Kaiyun was not easy to mess with, so he said quickly, "You should hit your head, let's smash it! Otherwise, I will really anger Uncle Lin, and we probably won't be able to eat it."

"Smash!" Chen Yulou clenched his fists and yelled out a word.

Chen Yulou felt extremely aggrieved, he didn't want to confront Lin Kaiyun, but he really didn't dare to take risks, if the underground palace really collapsed, he knew that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo would definitely not die with their abilities, but they , have to be buried in this tomb.

Luo Laowai held up his pistol and ordered to the soldiers under him, "Brothers, give me explosives and explode!"

whispering sound!

And the black dragon, who was always full of disdain, roared angrily after seeing a group of people rushing towards the dragon-shaped statue. Instead of leisurely riding the clouds and fog, he rushed down hurriedly.

"Big guy, do you want to leave? Have you asked me!"

Lin Kaiyun directly raised his arm, put it in front of the black dragon, hooked his fingers at it, smiled, and mocked, "Come on, think about it, hit me first."

Chapter 363 Save Your Size


Luo Laowai didn't dare to disobey Lin Kaiyun's words, so he took his men and explosives and blew up the cracked dragon-shaped statue.

And the moment the dragon-shaped statue shattered, the entire underground palace shook.

Chen Yulou felt the shaking under his feet, and quickly shouted, "No, it can't be blown up again. In addition to luck, this Ninth Five-Year Lord also represents this vitality. If all these vitality are blown up, everyone will be killed." dead."

At this time, Luo Laowai didn't dare to explode anymore, and directly stopped his subordinates, "Don't explode, stop first."

Lin Kaiyun continued to entangle the black dragon in the air, and told the people below, "Boom, it's all bombed, don't stop."

Chen Yulou yelled, "Brother Lin, it really can't be done. If this vitality is cut off, the underground palace may really collapse."

Luo Laowai also echoed, "That's right! Uncle Lin, we just blew up a statue, and the underground palace shook. I'm afraid it will collapse as the boss said."

But at this moment, dense worms, two rows of claws, a hard carapace, and a sharp mouth crawled out of the pit left by the shattered dragon-shaped statue.

"What is this?"

"Luo Shuai, there are bugs!"

Just as the two soldiers of Luo Laowai were muttering, the insects climbed up to their bodies at a high speed, and began to eat them.

Because there were too many of them, in an instant, these two old Luo crooked soldiers turned into bones.

And those bugs that gnawed on the meat were visible to the naked eye in a circle.

"This bug can eat people, run away."

"Back back quickly, quickly."

"Ah, help!"

"Don't leave me!"

The bug was obviously not satisfied after eating two people, smelling the smell, rushed towards the place where there were people.

Looking at the insects densely packed like a tide above the ground, Luo Laowai's soldiers, who were in charge of blowing up the dragon-shaped statue, fled in panic, but some people were followed by the insects, and the result was the same as before, leaving only a bunch bones.

Hua Maguai turned pale with fright at this scene, and asked hastily, "What should I do now, what should I do? What kind of insect is this? It's so powerful."

Chen Yulou shook his head, and quickly shouted, "I don't know, quickly cut a path with fire, these bugs should be afraid of fire."

Hua Maguai raised his hand and shouted to the brothers in Xiling, "Quick, set fire."

A little confused, Luo Laowai hurriedly greeted his subordinates, and shouted, "Grandma, what are you still doing, hurry up, take out the medicine, and set fire."

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