Just at this critical moment, Lin Kaiyun punched Kuang Guohua directly on the forehead, and then grabbed Kuang Guohua's hand from Axiu, broke it abruptly, and directly pulled Axiu into his arms with his wrist.

Lin Kaiyun lowered his head and scolded with a serious face,

"Axiu, why are you so stupid? Don't you know how dangerous it is for you to stand in front of me suddenly? What if Kuang Guohua suddenly goes berserk and scratches or bites you?"

Lin Kaiyun was somewhat dumbfounded in his heart now, on the one hand he really wanted to reprimand Axiu very angrily, so that this silly girl would have a long memory in the future, and stop doing such impulsive and irrational things.

But Lin Kaiyun was still a little moved. After Kuang Guohua said that they were going to become zombies, Axiu's various behaviors showed that she was very afraid of monsters like zombies, otherwise she would not have been hiding behind Liyun. , and shouted whenever there was a change.

And even if Axiu was afraid of becoming like this, in times of crisis, she would rather stand in front of Lin Kaiyun to protect him. This kind of spirit made Lin Kaiyun a little bit reluctant, and scolded Xiu with a dark face.

And when Axiu was standing in front of Lin Kaiyun just now, she had already closed her eyes in fear, so Lin Kaiyun beat Kuang Guohua, and she didn't see the process of retreating, and until she heard Lin Kaiyun's scolding, Axiu slowly opened her eyes. eyes.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's dumbfounding expression, Axiu was stunned and asked,

"Cousin, are you okay? Brother Kuang, did he let us go because he regained consciousness?"

As soon as Axiu finished speaking, Kuang Guohua, who was beaten back by Lin Kaiyun's punch, shook his head mechanically, and let out a strange roar.


"I want blood, I want blood."

Lin Kaiyun smiled, looked at Kuang Guohua who rushed over again and said unhurriedly,

"Look at your big brother Kuang, does it look like you've regained your senses?"

Axiu hugged Lin Kaiyun tightly, and said in a panic,

"Cousin, what should we do?"

A Xiu just saw Lin Kaiyun was motionless, thought that Lin Kaiyun was at a loss and didn't know what to do, so she stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Kaiyun.

And now Axiu still feels that her cousin, Lin Kaiyun, is no match for this zombie Kuang Guohua.

After all, Kuang Guohua's skills are very famous in ten miles and eight villages. After becoming a zombie, he must be many times stronger than that kid He Fusheng.

However, this time Leaving Yun did not respond to Axiu, but lifted Axiu up like a doll and moved it to the side.

Then Lin Kaiyun said slowly, "Axiu, just stay here obediently and don't move at all, or my cousin will get angry."

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's serious expression, Axiu nodded obediently even though she was worried all the time.

At this time, Kuang Guohua rushed directly behind Lin Kaiyun, opened his mouth, stretched out his fangs, and bit Lin Kaiyun's neck.

"Ah, be careful."

Axiu exclaimed, covered her eyes, and didn't dare to look any more, but he also listened to Lin Kaiyun's words very much, and stood there motionless.

Lin Kaiyun, on the other hand, was like a brain with epigenetic eyes, seeing through all of Kuang Guohua's movements.

Lin Kaiyun tilted his head, dodged Kuang Guohua's fangs calmly, then turned around coolly, and pressed his palm directly on Kuang Guohua's face.

"Let me see your power!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he firmly pressed Kuang Guohua's face, and then twisted his wrist to the ground forcefully.


Kuang Guohua was pushed to the ground by Lin Kaiyun like he was upside down.

And Kuang Guohua struggled desperately on the ground, trying to raise his head, but it didn't work, and was still pressed firmly on the ground by Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun felt at this time that Kuang Guohua's power was indeed not small, but it was far inferior to He Fusheng's power just now, which just showed that what Kuang Guohua should awaken was not the ability of power.

"It seems that the previous estimate was not wrong. The child He Fusheng awakened is indeed an ability related to strength. Otherwise, even with the talent of the second-generation zombies, he shouldn't have such great strength."

After thinking about it, Lin Kaiyun let go of his hand, but it didn't mean he was going to let go of Kuang Guohua.

I saw Lin Kaiyun casually picked up the stool next to him and placed it directly on Kuang Guohua's neck, and then Lin Kaiyun sat directly on the stool.

And this stool was like a shackle, nailing Kuang Guohua to the ground, making him unable to move.

At this time, Axiu was shocked by Lin Kaiyun's actions. She originally thought that her cousin was not the opponent of Kuang Guohua who turned into a zombie.

As a result, it now seems that Kuang Guohua, who has become a zombie, has no resistance at all in front of his cousin Lin Kaiyun, and is basically solved in a face-to-face.

Now he was even more embarrassed when Lin Kaiyun pressed him to the ground with a stool.

Axiu looked at Kuang Guohua who was struggling on the ground, and couldn't help feeling distressed, and said,

"Cousin, isn't it wrong for you to look like this to Big Brother Kuang?"

In fact, Lin Kaiyun's actions to subdue Kuang Guohua are indeed somewhat insulting, as if subduing a wild beast.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun didn't intend to deliberately target this Kuang Guohua, but the current Kuang Guohua is like a mad dog, so in order to cause unnecessary trouble, he must be controlled.

The same Lin Kaiyun didn't intend to knock Kuang Guohua out like he did with He Fusheng's child before, because Lin Kaiyun really wanted to know what kind of abilities this Kuang Guohua had.

That's why Lin Kaiyun used this almost insulting method to provoke Kuang Guohua.

And Lin Kaiyun also believes that this method must be effective. Although Kuang Guohua has lost his consciousness at this time, after becoming a zombie, the ferocity and wildness will still exist. After suffering such humiliation, he will definitely resist more violently.

Sure enough, just as Lin Kaiyun thought, Kuang Guohua struggled desperately the moment he passively supported him, shaking his neck non-stop, not caring about whether he would be hurt by the stool.

However, Guohua's own abilities may not be related to strength, so even if he struggled desperately, he could not affect Lin Kaiyun even half of it.

Lin Kaiyun waited very patiently, while Kuang Guohua continued to get angry, but Axiu who was at the side couldn't bear it anymore, he asked in pleading,

"Cousin, it's almost there! You can see that Brother Kuang's neck is already bleeding!"

Indeed, Kuang Guohua tried to overturn the stool supporting him because he kept twisting his neck, but his skin was torn apart by the friction of the wooden strips under the stool. Struggling.

Lin Kaiyun sat on the stool very calmly, looked at Kuang Guohua who was not showing any ability, but kept struggling, Lin Kaiyun sighed, and said slowly,

"Okay, Axiu, don't worry, it's just a skin injury, I'll heal him later."

Lin Kaiyun is not a pervert who is addicted to abuse. Although he wants the road conditions, Guohua has a look at what kind of ability he has. From Lin Kaiyun's point of view, it is almost the same now. Since Kuang Guohua still has not demonstrated his ability, then we It was useless to support him with a stool.

And if Guohua loses his sanity now and really hurts or even breaks his neck, it will be a little troublesome.

Lin Kaiyun turned around after comforting Axiu, moved the stool and prepared to release Kuang Guohua.


Kuang Guohua straightened his body, and glared at Lin Kaiyun with two green pupils.

Suddenly, after seeing this look, Lin Kaiyun felt a strange feeling in his body.

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