However, Lin Kaiyun didn't know what it was like, or what it was affected by, because he didn't feel anything.

"What's going on? Could this be Kuang Guohua's own ability? But what exactly is it?"

Lin Kaiyun was stunned, frowning and staring closely at Kuang Guohua's green pupils.

Lin Kaiyun firmly believed that he would definitely not feel wrong, there must have been some changes in his body, but he did not investigate what the mana was also circulating in his body.

And Lin Kaiyuan didn't leave his eyes, just wanted to investigate Kuang Guohua's ability at a deeper level.

But Lin Kaiyun stared at Kuang Guohua closely for dozens of seconds, the abnormal changes in his body were still only weak, and Li Yun still didn't find any changes.

"It's really weird. Could it be that Guohua's own ability is abnormal? Or is Guohua's awakened ability useless?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

For many years of watching TV dramas and reading novels, Lin Kaiyun knew that this kind of strange feeling is either very good or very useless.

Of course, the reason why Lin Kaiyun thinks this way is also because Kuang Guohua is actually the protagonist in the deadlock, so generally speaking, it is in line with this logic.

At this time, Axiu, who was standing aside, still listened to Lin Kaiyun's words, and remained motionless in place.

But when Axiu saw Lin Kaiyun and Kuang Guohua standing face to face with big eyes and small eyes, she really didn't know what it meant.

So Axiu asked with concern,

"Cousin, Brother Kuang, what happened? Can you save him!"

"It's hard to say whether they can be saved, but I can restore their sanity."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun was not going to stare at Kuang Guohua any more.

Now Kuang Guohua no longer struggled, but stared at Lin Kaiyun closely with green pupils, obviously displaying his ability.

However, Lin Kaiyun doesn't have the time to study what Kuang Guohua's ability is, after all, he can't really stand with Kuang Guohua so big-eyed for a day!

Then Lin Kaiyun slashed at Kuang Guohua's neck just like he did with He Fusheng before.

With Kuang Guohua's current ability and speed, he couldn't dodge Lin Kaiyun's attack at all, and fell limply to the ground the moment he was hit.

"Brother Kuang..."

Seeing this, Axiu called out distressedly, but she still stood there obediently and did not move.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Axiu, seeing Axiu standing there very obediently, motionless, couldn't help laughing and said,

"Okay, Axiu, you can move now."

Although Axiu is usually very emotional, and sometimes even does some irrational things, but I have to say that from the current performance, Axiu still listens to Lin Kaiyun very much.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Axiu came directly to Kuang Guohua's side, squatted down bravely, reached out and touched Kuang Guohua's body, and found that Kuang Guohua's body was abnormally cold at this time.

Immediately, Axiu said anxiously,

"Cousin, what should we do? Is Brother Kuang dead? His body is already cold now."

Lin Kaiyun said slowly,

"He didn't die. Brother Kuang has become a zombie now. How could he die? It's a normal reaction for his body to be cold. It's probably because of the transformation process, and he will recover later."

Although Lin Kaiyun has never seen what the transformation of the Pangu zombie in Jiang Yueli looks like, the situation of Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng is quite obvious at this time. Apart from losing their own consciousness, other conditions are fine. It didn't become too special, it wasn't scary, and it didn't rot. The skin and muscles were not much different from normal people.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Axiu was overjoyed, and quickly looked up at Lin Kaiyun and asked,

"Recovery? Cousin, do you mean that brother Kuang and He Fusheng's child can return to the way it was before?"

Lin Kaiyun looked happy when he saw Axiu, and couldn't bear to give her a negative answer, but he shook his head and said,

"No, you misunderstood me. It may be impossible to make Kuang Guohua look normal, but he will have his own consciousness."

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's reply, Axiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what the words meant, and then asked suspiciously,

"What do you mean?"

Chapter 386 Don't Want To Be A Blood-sucking Monster

Axiu didn't understand what Lin Kaiyun said, and Lin Kaiyun didn't know how to explain it. If Axiu could understand it, it would take a lot of talking.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun said directly,

"Wait a while, and you'll know. Although Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng's child won't turn back into a human, it won't turn into the zombie you imagined either."

"All right!"

Axiu nodded, and did not choose to press Lin Kaiyun again, but lowered her head, looked at Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng who were lying on the ground, and said slowly,

"Cousin, the two of them are lying on the ground like this, will they catch a cold or get sick? Since they won't become that kind of zombies, can I help them to bed to rest?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and directly refused,

"Axiu, don't worry, the two of them are lying on the ground in the current system, even if they lie on the ice, they won't catch a cold, and you'd better stay away from them now, I also I can’t guarantee that they will regain their consciousness when they wake up, if it is the same as before, then you will be in danger if you get too close.”

Axiu nodded after listening to Lin Kaiyun's words,


About an hour later, both Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng woke up at the same time.

Kuang Guohua struggled to sit up, and suddenly pressed his head with his hands, with a painful expression, he couldn't help muttering,

"Hiss, my head hurts? What happened? Why am I lying on the ground?"

And He Fusheng on the side also felt that he had a splitting headache at this time, and he recovered from rolling on the floor with his head in his arms and crying.

"Brother Kuang, my head hurts too! Woohoo."

And Axiu didn't care why the two of them had headaches?But from their words, we can know that they seem to have recovered.

So Axiu quickly asked,

"Brother Kuang, resurrection, have you two regained your consciousness?"

At this time, Axiu really wanted to step forward to support Kuang Guohua, but after seeing the fangs protruding from the corners of Kuang Guohua's mouth, Axiu gave up her thoughts.

Kuang Guohua suppressed his headache and looked at Axiu. Then he also noticed that the corner of his mouth was uncomfortable, and reached out to touch it. Kuang Guohua was shocked and shouted loudly,

"Axiu, what happened just now? What's going on, why did I grow such long teeth? Did I become a zombie?"

After Kuang Guohua finished shouting, he looked directly at He Fusheng who was rolling all over the floor.

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