Walking on the street, Lin Kaiyun found that the people on the street seemed to be moving in one direction.

Lin Kaiyun is no stranger to this phenomenon, obviously there is something exciting ahead.

So Lin Kaiyun didn't hesitate, and walked in the direction of the crowd.

"Tan Mansion?"

Walking to the door of a luxurious mansion, Lin Kaiyun saw a group of people gathered around the door, looking inside.

It is normal for Tanjia Town to have a mansion surnamed Tan, but Lin Kaiyun's sense of familiarity is getting heavier and heavier.

So Lin Kaiyun directly grabbed a person who was dressed as a second child beside him, and asked,

"Hello, what is the name of the owner of the Tan Mansion?"

Xiao Er looked Lin Kaiyun up and down, and knew that Lin Kaiyun was not a local by virtue of his years of receiving guests, and said,

"My lord, are you a foreigner? Tan Wanwan, the owner of the Tan Mansion, is the richest person in our Tan Family Town."

"Tan million?"

After Lin Kaiyun heard the name, he felt more familiar, and he didn't ask any more, just squeezed to the door and looked inside.

I saw that there were quite a few people in the yard, who looked like members of the Tan family.

A man with a goatee and silk satin, he must be Tan Wanwan, the owner of the Tan Mansion, slowly telling a Taoist priest,

"Master, you must help us. For more than a year, our family has not had a good rest. Every time after falling asleep, when we wake up, we will find that we are lying on the ground. Our house is haunted! "

And this Taoist priest in his 40s, wearing a very strange Taoist robe, with a cloth bag on his shoulder, stood beside Tan Wanwan.

This eccentric Taoist stroking his beard and talking eloquently,

"I already know that when you are asleep, ghosts move you out of bed, and the ghosts that get out of bed like this must be evil ghosts, but as long as they are ghosts, don't be afraid. If I am here, you will be considered evil ghosts." It is also easy to solve.”

Tan Wanwan, after hearing this, did not have confidence, and said with a heavy heart,

"Master, it's not that I don't believe you, but I have also contacted many people before, and they are similar to what you said, but every time it doesn't work."

This weird Taoist said with great confidence,

"Master Tan, the ones you met before were all liars, but I am different from them. I have already found out the location of these evil spirits who are playing tricks on you now. As long as I use a little Taoism, I can get rid of them." wipe out."

And these conversations between them were heard very clearly by Lin Kaiyun who was at the door. Seeing this scene combined with the conversation between the two of them, Lin Kaiyun vaguely felt that this should be a picture from a certain movie .

Chapter 388 Mr. Magic

Although Lin Kaiyun felt that this should be a scene from a movie, all he saw was the backs of Tan Wanwan and that weird Taoist priest, not the faces, so he couldn't recognize them either.

And Lin Kaiyun was not in a hurry, and simply continued to watch the excitement. Anyway, in Lin Taiyun's view, this weird Taoist priest was probably a liar.

At the same time, Tan Wanwan saw that the new master he hired was very confident and could only be treated as a dead horse doctor, so he quickly ordered his servants to set up the table and put the tributes according to the Taoist priest's request .

Immediately afterwards, Tan Wanwan took out a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to the weird Taoist priest.

After seeing the red envelope, the weird Taoist priest who looked like a master was very excited, but he still pretended to be indifferent and accepted the red envelope.

As a result, after receiving the red envelope, the weird Taoist squeezed it casually, and found something was wrong, because there was obviously only one piece of ocean in the red envelope, and there was nothing else.

Although the weird Taoist was very disappointed, he didn't show it, because he knew from Tan Wanwan's doubts before that he would definitely not give more, and this piece of ocean was regarded as a deposit.

However, a piece of ocean is also money. The weird Taoist directly put the red envelope into his arms, and then walked calmly in front of the table where various sacrifices were placed, and took off his weird coat directly, revealing the yellow inside. Taoist robe, and at the same time took out a hat with Tai Chi printed on it, and put it on the top of the head.

"Master Tan, I'm going to do it now, please take two steps back."

After finishing speaking, the weird Taoist took out a piece of talisman paper, twirled it twice on the candle, lit the talisman paper, and then clasped his hands together, stomped his feet, and shouted,

"Evil ghosts and ghosts, listen carefully, Daoist, I want to be courteous first and then soldiers. Today, I am entrusted by the Tan Mansion, Mr. Tan, to expel the evil spirits and clean up the house. I am in a hurry like a law. I, Mao Shanming, will ask the gods for what I will do today."

After the weird Taoist shouted, he threw the talisman paper on the table, picked up a bowl with his backhand and put it on it, and then stared fiercely at the room in front of him.

And Lin Kaiyun, who had been watching the excitement at the door, buzzed his head when he heard the name Mao Shanming, and he immediately realized it.

Tan million?

Mao Shanming?

"This seems to be from Mr. Linghuan, right?"

Lin Kaiyun's mentality was like lightning, and he quickly remembered it. No wonder he felt that the name of Tan Wanwan was very familiar before. Isn't this the one who was looking for Mao Shanming to catch ghosts in Mr. Ling Huan?

And if Lin Kaiyun remembers correctly, this Mao Shanming seems to be raising two zombies, one big and one small whose names seem to be Dabao and Xiaobao.

And this Mao Shanming is using the big treasure and the little treasure two zombies to deceive people everywhere. On the surface, it is to exorcise ghosts. Big Treasure and Little Treasure drive away.

So this time Mao Shanming was invited by Tan Wanwan to exorcise ghosts. Mao Shanming also made the same plan. The money was cheated.

Because of this, Mao Shanming didn't panic when he received a deposit from Tan Wanwan, because he was very confident that he could make this scene very realistic.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible to distinguish between zombies and ghosts. As long as Dabao and Xiaobao are put in a bag in front of them, are you afraid that Tan Wanwan will not obediently pay?

However, this Mao Shanming's calculation is very good, but he never thought that there is indeed a ghost in Tan Wanwan's house, and it's not just a ghost, to be precise, it should be a whole family of ghosts.

That is, the ghosts of this family have no intention of harming others, otherwise Tan Wanwan's family would have died a long time ago.

Of course, although these ghosts have no intention of harming others, they would not be polite if they were bullied to the top.

So even if Lin Kaiyun hadn't watched the movie, according to the situation at this time, he knew that Mao Shanming would probably be taught by the ghost.

Of course, in the movie, Mao Shanming was indeed dealt with by these ghosts. If he hadn't been protected by Dabao, he would probably have been killed by the ghosts.

And Lin Kaiyun knew that what happened now was only the beginning of this movie, because he remembered that Mao Shanming failed to deceive people at Tan Wanwan's house, and was beaten away by ghosts, and then he ran away all the way to a village. He was mistaken for a horse thief by the villagers and caught by the local security team.

Then Lin Jiu appeared in time and released Mao Shanming. Later, Lin Jiu led Mao Shanming and the local security team to ambush the horse thief who was about to attack, and captured the two leaders of the horse thief.

However, one of the female horse thieves ran away. When she wanted to come to rescue the two horse thieves, she was defeated by Lin Jiu. In the end, she jumped into a well and committed suicide and turned into a ghost. Of course, the ending is very obvious. Even if she turned into a ghost, He was also easily defeated by Lin Jiu.

After recalling the plot, Lin Kaiyun murmured in his heart, because there is also Lin Jiu in this movie. If the plot develops normally, Lin Jiu will definitely appear.

However, Lin Kaiyun is very clear that his master Lin Jiu is recuperating in Renjia Town with an arm injury!It is impossible to appear near Tanjia Town!

Since it is impossible for his master Lin Jiu to appear, will the plot line change?

Lin Kaiyun's mind is confused now, he is very curious how this incident will develop?

At this time, Mao Shanming had already finished the ritual, and quietly put the two zombies, Dabao and Xiaobao, into the room, and Mao Shanming moved his hands to Dabao and Xiaobao, as if he was picking out the ghosts and killing them.

I have to say that this Mao Shanming deserves to lead Dabao and Xiaobao to do this kind of thing all the time. He has quite a lot of experience. At this time, he had quite a fight with Dabao and Xiaobao. And vaguely suppressed Dabao and Xiaobao.

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