The series of fights between Mao Shanming and Dabao and Xiaobao made Tan Wanwan and his family outside the room stunned.

Of course, this scene can't be too much. After performing for a while with the cooperation of Dabao and Xiaobao, Mao Shanming took Dabao and Xiaobao into it with an umbrella.

Then Mao Shanming walked away with the umbrella, returned to the yard, released Dabao and Xiaobao from the umbrella, and then quickly took out two talisman papers to face Dabao, and Xiaobao stuck his forehead to it.

However, after the big treasure and the little treasure were pasted with the talisman paper, they were still struggling non-stop, as if they were about to break free from the restraints at any time.

Mao Shanming immediately said solemnly,

"Boss Tan, these two ghosts are very fierce. I didn't expect that. I put them into the umbrella just now, but I didn't expect them to escape so quickly, and now my talisman seems to be of no use. big."

After Tan Wanwan's family saw the two zombies, Dabao and Xiaobao, they were very scared and hid behind Tan Wanwan.

When Tan Wanwan saw that Mao Shanming had actually caught two ghosts at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, especially after seeing that the two ghosts didn't seem to be under control, he asked quickly, "Then?" What should I do?"

Mao Shanming pretended to be thinking, and then said suddenly,

"Is there any silver bills? Ghosts like this are very afraid of silver bills?"

After Tan Wanwan heard Mao Shanming's words, he was obviously taken aback, "A bank note?"

After Mao Shanming saw Tan Wanwan hesitated, he quietly gave Dabao and Xiaobao two zombies and gave him a look.

Dabao and Xiaobao understood, and then struggled even more desperately, even jumping directly in front of Tan Wanwan, showing their fangs.

"Oh my god!" Tan Wanwan was taken aback by Da Bao and Xiao Bao who suddenly rushed in front of him.

Seeing that the opportunity came, Mao Shan caught the two zombies, Dabao and Xiaobao, from behind, and then said to Tan Wanwan with difficulty,

"Hurry up, Mr. Tan, hurry up, do you have a bank note on the foreheads of these two ghosts, or I will lose control."

Sure enough, after being frightened, Tan Wanwan didn't hesitate at this time, and quickly took out a stack of bank notes from his arms, and handed them to Mao Shanming.

After Mao Shanming received the banknote, he was overjoyed, but he knew that he had to be full of acting, and he must not reveal his secrets at this time, so he directly pasted the banknote on the heads of Dabao and Xiaobao.

Dabao and Xiaobao also had a tacit understanding. When the banknote was stuck on their foreheads, they howled in pain and then remained motionless.

Mao Shanming wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said to a family member of Tan Wanwan,

"Come on, come here, help me hold the umbrella, I will go to the corner over there to cast a spell, and then I will check three numbers, you open the umbrella, then the ghost will be put into the umbrella, and I can Seal them up."

After finishing speaking, Mao Shanming threw the umbrella to this person directly, then ran to the corner and took out a bell, and shook it pretendingly.

"Urgently like a law, the Taishang Laojun came to show his spirit, and the lonely souls and wild ghosts were all sealed."

"One, two, three, open the umbrella."

Mao Shanming opened his eyes directly and shouted.

The family member of Tan Wanwan who was holding an umbrella didn't dare to hesitate and opened the umbrella directly.

Immediately afterwards, Da Bao and Xiao Bao let out painful roars, then spun around, walked towards the umbrella, and when they reached the entrance and exit, they turned into a puff of smoke and flew into the umbrella.

Lin Kaiyun, who saw this scene, felt very speechless. The way the two of them twirled seemed to be intentional, and the way they howled was insincere, without the slightest acting skills.

Of course, this is the case in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, because Lin Kaiyun himself knows that this is a play performed by Mao Shanming and Dabao Xiaobao.

However, in the eyes of Tan Wanwan and his family, they didn't see anything wrong, especially the scene where the big treasure and the little treasure turned into a wisp of smoke and flew into the umbrella at the end, which shocked them very much, and they also thought that Mao Shanming was indeed Captured the ghost.

Just after the Tan family excitedly thought that the ghost who always moved them out of bed had finally been cleaned up, Tan Wanwan sensed that something was wrong, and he asked that Mao Shanming with a puzzled face,

"Master, there seems to be something wrong. The two ghosts you caught are men, but I saw that ghost seemed to be a woman when I woke up in the middle of the night."

Mao Shanming, after hearing Tan Wanwan's doubts, did not panic at all. After all, he always does this kind of thing, and he has experienced all kinds of problems. Naturally, he has various plans.

So Mao Shanming said very firmly,

"Ghosts are ever-changing. The appearance you see is not the real body, so what you see is the image of a woman, all of which are ghosts, and the illusions are all fake. You must know that the priest is very good at identifying and driving away ghosts. Those who are good at it, the Tan Mansion only have these two ghosts."


Tan Wanwan nodded after hearing Mao Shanming's explanation, and felt that what Mao Shanming said made sense.

Suddenly, the screams of Tan Wanwan's family came from that room.

"Mom, help, there is a ghost."

Immediately afterwards, Tan Wanwan's family members who entered the room before, all ran out in horror at this time, ran to Tan Wanwan's side, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Master, there are ghosts in the room, it's scary, almost Just kill us."

"How could there be more, isn't it already caught?"

Tan Wanwan said with a confused face, then looked at Mao Shanming angrily, and asked, "What's going on, Taoist priest? Didn't you just say that the ghost has been captured? Why are there still in the room?"

Seeing that Tan Wanwan looked like he was going to eat people, Mao Shanming subconsciously dodged his eyes and explained,

"This, maybe I was negligent, maybe it's not just these two ghosts."

And Tan Wanwan, as a businessman, has traveled all over the world many times and is regarded as a good person. When he saw Mao Shanming's eyes dodging, he knew that he seemed to be deceived.

Tan Wanwan's expression was very cold, he stared at Mao Shanming, and shouted,

"Daoist, although I, Tan Wanwan, am a businessman, I am not so easy to fool. Now the ghosts in my house are still there. I don't care whether it is because of your negligence or other reasons. Now you have to get rid of these ghosts." Get rid of it all."

After hearing Tan Wanwan's almost threatening words, Mao Shanming swallowed. In fact, he had never encountered a similar situation before. Even if there was a real ghost, it did not appear on the spot by such a coincidence.

But it seems that this time he has caught up. Mao Shanming is not only facing the angry Tan Wanwan, but also the real ghost in the room, which makes him not know what to do for a while.

And Lin Kaiyun, who had been watching the play at the door, shook his head helplessly at this moment. He knew that a real ghost appeared in the room, and this ghost Mao Shanming couldn't deal with it.

So in order not to cause unnecessary casualties, and also to protect the people at the scene from being harmed, Lin Kaiyun felt that it was time for him to act.

So Lin Kaiyun walked in swaggeringly.

Under the suspicious eyes of Tan Wanwan, Mao Shanming and others, Lin Kaiyun said, "Don't panic, there are a few ghosts in there, but those ghosts are not evil spirits, so it's not a big problem."

Tan Wanwan looked at Lin Kaiyun who was approaching step by step, and asked doubtfully,

"who are you?"

Chapter 389

Looking at Lin Kaiyun who walked in suddenly, everyone's minds were filled with question marks.

The same is true of Tan Wanwan, the owner of the Tan Mansion, but seeing Lin Kaiyun's calm and calm smile on his face is also very calm, which makes people look very contagious.

As for Mao Shanming, the moment he saw Lin Kaiyun coming out, he knew that this kid must be here to disrupt the situation, no matter what he wanted to do, it would definitely ruin his affairs.

Based on the principle of striking first, Mao Shanming would not sit still, so he swallowed, summoned up his courage, and prepared to make the first move.

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