Before the female ghost in white could make a move, an old ghost rushed directly in front of Mao Shanming, grabbed Mao Shanming's neck with two hands, threw him out, and fell hard to the ground.

"Oh my God!"

Mao Shanming, who fell on the ground, screamed. He felt that his internal organs were about to burst, but he was not allowed to rest, and other ghosts also ran towards him.

At this moment, Mao Shanming had no time to delay. It is estimated that when these ghosts rushed in front of him, they would completely tear him apart.

Immediately Mao Shanming endured the pain, took out a gossip mirror from his arms, and placed it across his chest. As long as these ghosts approached, he would vomit blood and activate the gossip mirror, at least temporarily saving his life.

"The sky is lingling, the earth is lingling, Taishang Laojun will show up soon, I hope that I, Mao Shanming, will be blessed this time, and if I survive, I will worship and offer incense to Laojun every day."

Mao Shanming was muttering, of course, not some powerful spell, but praying, praying that he could escape and ascend to heaven this time.

But then Mao Shanming complained,

"Damn, my luck today is extremely bad. If I had known there were ghosts, I wouldn't have allowed Dabao and Xiaobao to get into the umbrella. Maybe with the two of them around, I would still be alive!"

At this moment, Mao Shanming suddenly heard a voice.

"Don't beg Laojun, you might as well beg me if you have that spare time."

Mao Shanming, who had been praying with his eyes closed, vaguely seemed to hear footsteps, as if a person walked into the room.

And those ghosts like Mao Shanming who rushed over also heard this voice, maybe they felt threatened, or they were attracted by something, anyway, they all left Mao Shanming, and rushed towards the person who walked into the room.

And Mao Shanming also took advantage of this opportunity to crawl and hide behind a table.

After the evasion was completed, Mao Shanming dared to take a closer look at the person who entered the room. It was none other than Lin Kaiyun who wanted to expose him before.

Mao Shanming looked at Lin Kaiyun and couldn't help muttering,

"This kid really dares to come in. Isn't he afraid of these ghosts?"

In Mao Shanming's view, there are not many Taoist priests who are truly capable, and most of them are like him, defrauding money through crooked ways.

Chapter 390 Am I being too polite?

From Mao Shanming's point of view, this kid named Lin Kaiyun dared to break in, he simply didn't know what to do.

And looking at Lin Kaiyun's young appearance, he must be a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

"Hmph, but that's good too. This young boy came in, just giving me time to escape."

Mao Shanming hid aside, looking at Lin Kaiyun, he felt a lot better.

However, the scene in front of him completely surprised Mao Shanming.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand slowly, and a blue talisman appeared on his finger, and with lightning speed, it stuck to the rushing ghost.

The old ghost who had pinched Mao Shanming before, was very unlucky at this time, and rushed to the front. Not surprisingly, he became the first bird, and was directly hit by Lin Kaiyun's talisman.


The thunder talisman condensed by Lin Kaiyun's Tongtian talisman is naturally not as powerful as Mao Shanming's deceptive Yeluzi talisman. The ghost rushing to the front screamed heartbreakingly, clutching his head in pain. step back.

Mao Shanming, who was hiding behind the table, was dumbfounded at this moment. Originally, he was still waiting for the boy who wanted to expose him to be taught by these ghosts. At that time, Mao Shanming could also take the opportunity to escape.

As a result, Mao Shanming thought very well in his heart, but was shocked by Lin Kaiyun's actions,

"How could this be?"

From Mao Shanming’s point of view, Taoist priests as young as Lin Kaiyun basically have not learned any skills. Even if there are some Taoist inheritances in the family, or some masters with real skills, they can’t make up for their age. disadvantage.

Mao Shanming can be regarded as having been in touch with Taoist things. Even some things that are not core enough are very rare, otherwise he would not be in his 40s now, and he has such a skill.

However, Mao Shanming couldn't understand Lin Kaiyun's performance now. He really couldn't imagine how such a young person could have such a powerful talisman. If he read it right just now, this Lin Kaiyun seemed to be a talisman drawn from the void... ..

At the same time, the other ghosts in the room were shocked together with Mao Shanming. Of course, the rest of the ghosts were more angry.

The female ghost in white roared angrily, "Come together, kill this stinky Taoist priest for me."

Immediately, all the young and old of the female ghost in white rushed towards Lin Kaiyun, filled with gloom, like a dark cloud covering the top, pressing towards Lin Kaiyun.

Even Mao Shanming, who was hiding at the table, felt very cold due to the power of Yin Qi.

However, Lin Kaiyun showed no fear, there was no expression on his face, and he couldn't see any sign of fear.

"one two three four......."

Not only did Lin Kaiyun not panic, he even counted slowly. When he counted to four, the group of ghosts rushed in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun smiled slightly, and continued, "You ghosts are really not good at cultivation. It takes four seconds to rush over a distance of more than ten meters."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun stretched out five fingers, and typed out five talismans, which just stuck to the foreheads of these ghosts.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Damn Taoist."

Immediately, all these ghosts lost their mobility and screamed in pain.

And the female ghost in white was the strongest, after being affixed with a talisman, she slammed into Lin Kaiyun with all her strength, and at the same time her huge nails wanted to pinch Lin Kaiyun's neck.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a female ghost, who doesn't know how to take care of her nails, and hasn't practiced for so many years, let me help you!"

Lin Kaiyun sneered, and the speed of light took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from the storage belt, with a flash of cold light, the nails of the female ghost in white were chopped off like shredded paper.

Then Lin Kaiyun put the Seven Star Longyuan Sword back into his storage belt, lifted it with one hand, and grabbed the female ghost in white by the neck.

The female ghost in white felt that her throat was tightly strangled. Although the ghost didn't need to breathe, the strength of Lin Kaiyun still made the female ghost in white feel suffocated.

The female ghost in white struggled and said,

"Damn Taoist priest, it is you and this person who are cooperating internally and externally to destroy us."

But Lin Kaiyun ignored the white-clothed female ghost, looked down at one of the little ghosts, and said hello with a smile, "Little guy, hello, it's really pitiful to become a ghost at such a young age, but it's a ghost!" The ghost is still so fierce, it's really not good."

The little ghost was stuck by Lin Kaiyun's talisman and couldn't move. Even if he heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he couldn't react.

"Damn Taoist priest, why did you come to mess with us?"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun ignoring her, the female ghost in white became even more angry and struggled desperately, but it didn't seem to have any effect. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from Lin Kaiyun's hand.

Lin Kaiyun turned his head, looked at the female ghost in white and said,

"You're all dead, you didn't reincarnate properly, but you caused chaos in the world. Is it called provoking to punish you?"

The female ghost in white screamed and defended, "We didn't harm anyone. After all, this family of humans occupied our ancestral grave. Even so, we didn't hurt them. We just frightened them."

Lin Kaiyun didn't believe what the white-clothed female ghost said, even if what the white-clothed female ghost said was true, it didn't make any sense.

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