Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said,

"Nonsense, you are already dead, and you should go to the underworld now. Whether it is reincarnation or other things, you have to listen to the arrangements of the underworld. Tan Wanwan occupied your ancestral graves, which will damage the morality. When he dies, naturally You will be punished, but that is not the reason for you to come out, whether it is to scare or harm people, the interest is the same."

But at this time, a gust of wind blew outside the door, affecting the talismans on the foreheads of other ghosts, making the talismans loose.

The brat that Lin Kaiyun was joking with before, the talisman on his forehead fell off at this moment, and the brat took the opportunity to rush towards Lin Kaiyun, still yelling,

"Smelly Taoist priest, I'm going to kill you."

Lin Kaiyun raised his kick, attached to the energy that could harm ghosts, and kicked all the little ghosts flying out.

Lin Kaiyun turned his head to look at the suffering kid who fell flying, and muttered,

"A sneak attack is a sneak attack, what are you shouting for!"

And the female ghost in white who was strangled by Lin Kaiyun was extremely angry when she saw Lin Kaiyun hurt the little ghost. The hair on the back of her head seemed to grow wildly, and turned into a hedgehog, rolling and attacking Lin Kaiyun.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of all energy, cultivates ten thousand kalpas extensively, and proves my supernatural powers."

Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly, and instantly activated the Golden Light Curse.

The bright golden light flowed around Lin Kaiyun, completely blocking the hair of the female ghost in white.

However, the female ghost in white was obviously not the only way to attack, the nails of both hands swelled out again, even though Lin Kaiyun was pinching her neck, she desperately pulled out Lin Kaiyun's chest.

If it is an ordinary Taoist priest, it is estimated that this white-clothed female ghost has given her a slap, and basically will end up with a gut-piercing end.

However, Lin Kaiyun was protected by the Golden Light Curse at this time, preventing the female ghost in white from attacking without success.

"It seems that I was too polite to you, and even attacked me again and again. Do you think I have a good temper?"

Lin Kaiyun's complexion changed, his entire aura changed, and he became extremely fierce. He grabbed the hand of the white-clothed female ghost and exerted force suddenly. The energy in the palm of his hand pushed the white-clothed female ghost out immediately.

The female ghost in white fluttered to the ground like a kite with a broken string. Before that, she looked decent, but at this moment, a huge change happened, and she turned into an ugly and withered appearance.

Regarding this, Lin Kaiyun did not soften his heart at all, nor did he feel that what he had done was too much.

Although Lin Kaiyun agrees with what his master Lin Jiu once said, Lin Jiu once said that there are good ghosts, and there are even some ghosts who have endless lifespan and still miss the human world, choosing to cultivate their souls in the human world.

Just like Xiaoli before, she was a good ghost, she never did any bad things, and she also helped Lin Kaiyun a lot.

Although this white-clothed female ghost is not an evil ghost, she also had the intention of killing people just now. Besides, Lin Kaiyun didn't believe that the lifespan of this white-clothed female ghost's family is so coincidental that it will never end. If it is possible, he must have avoided the ghost and is unwilling to reincarnate.

"Oh my god, it's too scary."

Mao Shanming, who was hiding behind the table, was so frightened that his legs trembled at this time. One was afraid of Lin Kaiyun's strength, and the other was afraid of the terrifying appearance of the female ghost in white.

Therefore, Mao Shanming didn't care about other things, covered his face, turned around and ran away.

Lin Kaiyun didn't pay attention to Mao Shanming who was running away, his eyes were all on the female ghost in white.

"Damn Taoist, you hurt my whole family, even if I can't kill you, I will make you pay the price."

The female ghost in white who had turned into bones screamed miserably, and black and red blood flowed from her body, flowing all over the ground, which was very strange.

"You will die miserably, hahahaha."

The female ghost in white exhausted all her strength, cursed Lin Kaiyun, and then her whole body seemed to explode, but it was torn apart and turned into a cloud of white smoke.

Lin Kaiyun was stunned when he saw this, and muttered, "Is this a curse? Is it suicide or is it true? Why didn't I feel anything?"

This female ghost in white looks like a curse, but Lin Kaiyun is surprised that he didn't feel anything, which made him in a trance for a while. Could it be that this female ghost in white doesn't have the ability to curse, but it's just to scare him! ! !

And after the female ghost in white exploded, the rest of the ghosts were all scared out of their wits. Whether they were killed by Lin Kaiyun or blew themselves up, this was not what they wanted, anyway, they didn't want to die.

Therefore, these ghosts had no intention of avenging the female ghost in white at all, and all wanted to flee for their lives.

However, how could Lin Kaiyun give them a chance to escape.

With one wave of Lin Kaiyun's hand, it was as if there was a big net in the air, and caught all the other four scared ghosts back.

One of the old ghosts, not as vicious as before, kept kowtowing to Lin Kaiyun and begging for mercy, "Don't kill us, we're going to reincarnate now!"

"I want to reincarnate! It's okay, I'll see you off."

Lin Kaiyun grinned, and squeezed out a violent thunder ball in his hand, like throwing a grenade, and threw it between the four ghosts.


There were screams one after another, and the remaining four ghosts, under the power of thunder and lightning, instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared into the sky and the earth.

Lin Kaiyun clapped his hands and said, "You have to find ghost messengers and settle your sins for reincarnation. It's really troublesome. My method is the fastest, and you can go to reincarnation directly."

After dealing with these, Lin Kaiyun glanced at the room, the tables and chairs were collapsed, and there were broken porcelain everywhere, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Lin Kaiyun turned his head and walked out of the room, and said to the slightly dazed Tan Wanwan,

"Master Tan, clean up the house!"

"Oh, oh, good!"

Tan Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses, and immediately called out to his servants, "You guys, hurry up and get your things, and tidy up the room."

After hearing Tan Wanwan's words, those servants hesitated, stopped in place, unwilling to enter the room, "But, master, there will be ghosts immediately!"

Lin Kaiyun said, "Don't worry! There are no more ghosts."

Tan Wanwan quickly said, "That's right, didn't you hear what Mr. Lin said, there are no more ghosts in the room, you go quickly, or we will drive you out."


When those scary people heard that they were going to be driven out, they didn't care about being afraid, and went into the room to clean up.

As the richest man in Tanjia Town, Tan Wanwan is treated very well by his family's servants, among the best in ten miles and eight townships.

Therefore, these servants are not willing to be kicked out. You must know that for these people who rely on working in Tan Wanwan's house for a living, being kicked out and losing their jobs is tantamount to living worse than death.

Between the suspicion of ghosts and the certainty that life is worse than death, these scary people know how to choose as long as they have a good brain.

Tan Wanwan walked up to Lin Kaiyun with a smile at this time, and said kindly,

"Mr. Lin, thank you very much, thanks to you, a master with real skills, for letting me solve these ghosts."

Now, Tan Wanwan respectfully calls Lin Kaiyun Mr. Lin, even though Lin Kaiyun's face is so young, but Tan Wanwan doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it, his mentality is completely different from before.

"You're welcome!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, as a response, and then looked around the yard, but found no trace of Mao Shanming, and asked suspiciously, "Master Tan, where is the Taoist priest before? He ran out of the room just now, why didn't he see him?" people?"

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