After hearing Lin Kaiyun's question, Tan Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and said slowly, "Mr. Lin, didn't you ask him to come out?"

"What? I asked him to come out, how is it possible!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head with a smile, and then asked, "Master Tan, tell me what's going on."

Tan Wanwan explained truthfully, "Mr. Lin, didn't you fight ghosts in the room before! There was a lot of movement at that time, including the screams of some evil spirits, we all heard them, and after Mao Shanming came out, he said yes Mr. Lin, you need some cinnabar and asked him to sell it. At that time, I didn't think much about it."

Lin Kaiyun laughed after hearing this, and said, "I see, probably Mao Shanming is afraid that you won't let him go, so he made up a reason for me."

Chapter 391 Turned into ashes, I also recognize it

Lin Kaiyun didn't expect that Mao Shanming's mind was quite flexible. Don't look at him hiding behind the table in fright, but he was able to fool Tan Wanwan calmly and slipped away quietly.

Lin Kaiyun asked with a smile,

"Master Tan, when Mao Shanming left, did he find an excuse to take away the umbrella that he used to store ghosts?"

Tan Wanwan nodded and restored it. The excuse Mao Shanming made before,

"That's right, Mao Shanming said that there are two ghosts, one big and one small, in this umbrella, because Mr. Lin, you are fighting ghosts inside, and he is going out to buy cinnabar. This umbrella is not safe here, so you have to carry it with you."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and laughed, muttering,

"This guy, really interesting excuses one after another."

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's smile, Tan Wanwan suddenly reacted and asked in surprise,

"Mr. Lin, you mean that Taoist priest named Mao Shanming escaped?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Tan Wanwan, nodded,

"That's right, just like him, he fled the room scrambling and crawling, wishing he could fly to the sky to escape immediately, and he was afraid that you would blame him, so he found an excuse to escape."

Tan Wanwan immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet, and said regretfully,

"Damn it, this stinky Taoist priest, I realized that he was a liar before, but I didn't expect that I was still careless."

In fact, as a businessman, Tan Wanwan couldn't be said to have good eyesight, but in normal times, he would never be fooled by Mao Shanming's rough lies.

The reason why Tan Wanwan believed Mao Shanming's nonsense was all because the movement of Li Yun fighting ghosts in the room was so loud that Tan Wanwan focused all his attention in the room, and because of Lin Kaiyun's true I was convinced by his ability, so when Mao Shanming said that he would help Lin Kaiyun, Tan Wanwan hardly hesitated.

Although Tan Wanwan was very angry that he had won the third horse, and Tan Wanwan didn't care about losing a few money. The problem was that Mao Shanming played tricks on him all night, which made it hard for Tan Wanwan to accept. .

However, Tan Wanwan immediately realized that what he said after being angry just now might be inappropriate, so he quickly smiled and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Mr. Lin, don't be angry. The stinky Taoist priest I mentioned just now was a slip of the tongue, not you."

"No, you worry too much, Master Tan."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head. When Tan Wanwan scolded Taoist priests before, he didn't take it to heart, because it wasn't scolding him, and he wouldn't be idle to put the scolding on his own head.

Tan Wanwan saw that Lin Kaiyun was not angry because of his slip of the tongue, so he warmly invited Lin Kaiyun to stay in his home for a longer time.

Regarding Tan Wanwan's invitation, Lin Kaiyun refused without any hesitation.

Not to mention that Leaving Yun still has some urgent matters to deal with, even if there is nothing to do, he is not willing to live in Tan Wanwan's house.

After all, there was originally a cemetery under Tan Wanwan's house.

Tan Wanwan repeatedly invited, but Lin Kaiyun insisted on leaving.

Seeing this, Tan Wanwan did not force Lin Kaiyun to stay. After all, excessive enthusiasm would offend Lin Kaiyun instead. This kind of mistake is impossible for Tan Wanwan, who is all-faced and exquisite.

However, Tan Wanwan was still very polite and delivered it to the door.

"Mr. Lin, thank you very much this time. It is no exaggeration to say that you saved our family this time, and you didn't want any money. I was really moved."

Tan Wanwan thanked Li Yun who was about to leave again, and the gratitude on his face was very sincere.

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and said nonchalantly,

"You're welcome. I'm a cultivator. How can I ignore this kind of ghost when I see it?"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's lofty guru appearance, Tan Wanwan admired Lin Kaiyun very much in his heart. He didn't need any thanks for doing him such a big favor, and he still has real great abilities. Isn't this what people say? Are you an expert?

The most important thing is to leave the cloud, not an old man in his 70s or 20s, but a young man in his [-]s, which is even more rare.

"Master Tan, although this ghost has been solved, when you built the house, you invaded other people's graves after all, so when you have time, you'd better find someone to do a ritual, and burn more for the previous ghosts." Paper money, I don’t have anything to say about the rest, so I’ll go first, see you by fate.”

Lin Kaiyun reminded Tan Wanwan a few words, then cupped his hands, turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

When Tan Wanwan saw Lin Kaiyun turned around to leave, he quickly reached out to stop him, then walked up to Lin Kaiyun with a smile on his face, and said,

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin, I didn't mean to stop you, but I have something in my heart that I want to ask you. If I don't say it now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to see you again in the future."

After listening to Tan Wanwan's words, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help frowning. Why did these words seem to be a confession?

What do you mean if you don't talk now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to see each other again in the future?

If a beautiful girl said that, she would bear it if she left Yun, but this Tan Wanwan is an old man with a wrinkled face, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but retch in his heart.

Perhaps seeing the strangeness on Lin Kaiyun's face, Tan Wanwan hurriedly explained, "Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong. I see Mr. Lin's talent, and he has such real skills. I want to ask Mr. Lin if you are married?"

Lin Kaiyun was stunned after hearing this. Tan Wanwan stopped him and asked him if he had a family?

Why does this kind of scene feel like I have experienced it before? It seems that Ren Fa asked him this way at the time, and later betrothed Ren Tingting to him.

That's why after hearing Tan Wanwan's words, Lin Taiyun understood that Tan Wan also wanted to introduce someone to him because of his feelings.

However, Lin Kaiyun had no interest in the person introduced by Tan Wanwan. After all, with Tan Wanwan's appearance, whether it was a daughter or a relative, I am afraid that they would not be particularly beautiful.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun casually found an excuse and said, "Master Tan, I'm really sorry, my master appointed me a baby kiss when I was young, and we have met each other, and we also have mutual interest in each other."

Although Lin Kaiyun's words meant an obvious refusal, Tan Wanwan wasn't unhappy after hearing this, but nodded regretfully and said, "It's a pity, it's my girl who is unlucky."

Lin Kaiyun didn't follow Tan Wanwan's words and said goodbye directly.

"Master Tan, since there is nothing else to do, and I still have things to deal with, I will take my leave first."

Tan Wanwan didn't stop him this time, he also bowed his hands and saluted Lin Kaiyun.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, after you walk slowly, if you pass by Tanjia Town, you must come to my Tanjia as a guest."

"Sure, farewell."

Lin Kaiyun turned around and left after finishing speaking.

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