As soon as Qiu Sheng heard it, he immediately became interested. He casually put the fan that fanned the fire aside, and turned his head to look at it.

After watching with a smile for a while, Qiu Sheng immediately came to his senses, bumped into Wencai, and cursed, "Wencai, you are so stupid! What kind of Huoshaoyun is this? It's already night, how could there be Huoshaoyun?"

Wen Cai scratched his head, looked suspiciously at the sky where the article was popular, and muttered, "Isn't it? Then why is it popular."

At this time, Lin Jiu came out smelling the smell of paste, saw Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai having fun, and cursed,

"What are you two doing? The medicine is all gone in a while."

"Oh, master."

Qiu Sheng shrank his neck, sat down quickly, picked up his fan, and fanned the fire.

And Wencai didn't know what to do, so he picked up the broom alone and swept the floor.

Lin Jiu was already used to his two apprentices. Since the last time they came back from picking up the fungus from the coffin, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had practiced harder, but their personalities were still very detached.

Just when Lin Jiu was about to turn his head to return to the room, he also noticed the red color in the sky. Of course, Lin Jiu didn't think it was Huo Shaoyun, and with his experience, he noticed it at that time, it might be fire.

However, Lin Jiu didn't care. In this day and age, it's normal to set fires in chaos. Moreover, Marshal Luo, who had seized Renjia Town before, had already taken his people out to fight at this time. Maybe this fire was the exchange of fire. What caused it!

"Qiu Sheng, after a while the medicine is ready, bring it to my room."

After Lin Jiu finished speaking, she turned her head and was about to enter the house.

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, and it rang.

Lin Jiu stopped and said to Wen Cai,

"Wen Cai, go and see who it is so late."

"it is good!"

Wen Cai threw down the broom for which he didn't know what to use, and ran to open it.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Kaiyun stood outside.

Seeing that it was Wen Cai, Lin Kaiyun laughed and scolded, "Wen Cai, you bastard, why are you so ink-stained when you open the door!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun bypassed Wen Cai and walked into the courtyard.

Seeing that Lin Jiu and Qiu Sheng were both in the yard, Lin Kaiyun looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, how is your injury?"

When Lin Jiu saw that it was Lin Kaiyun who had returned, he was overjoyed at first, then his serious expression resumed, and he asked Lin Kaiyun, "How is it? There are clues about the ancestor of the zombie!"

In fact, Lin Jiu was also very worried about Lin Kaiyun's safety, but from Lin Kaiyun's steady pace and even breathing, it was enough to prove that Lin Kaiyun's physical condition was very healthy at this time.

Lin Kaiyun walked directly to the edge of the recliner, sat down, and asked,

"Master, do you want me to have a clue, or not!"

"Don't be rude!"

Lin Kaiyun was not joking, and said seriously, "Master, don't say it, I really found the clues of the ancestor of the zombie, but I was still one step too late, and I couldn't find it later."

Lin Jiu nodded, and said, "I expected that, the ancestor of the zombie general is so easy to find."

Lin Kaiyun originally thought that his master Lin Jiu would be frowning when he heard that there were no clues about the ancestor of the zombie.

As a result, to Lin Kaiyun's surprise, Lin Jiu was very calm, without any waves on his face.

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously, "Master, you don't seem to be worried anymore."

Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "It's useless to worry. Before, I might still be worried, but now I don't need to worry. Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man to support it."

"What do you mean?"

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, why do I think you are acting weird today, you are not like this usually!!!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, and said as if mocking himself, "Is being a teacher too rigid at ordinary times, giving you such an impression of being a teacher?"

Lin Kaiyun felt more and more that his master Lin Jiu was very weird, so he hurried to Lin Jiu's side, pressed Lin Jiu's arm, and asked,

"No, Master, what happened? Tell me! Did the old injury recur? It affected the brain."

After seeing Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai leaned over curiously, looked at Lin Jiu with curious eyes, and whispered quietly,

"Wen Cai, I said that Master is a bit strange, but you just don't believe me, just look at the elder brother and he thinks so too."

"Qiu Sheng, you are so powerful, you are right!"

Seeing Qiusheng and Wencai whispering to each other, Lin Jiu's complexion changed suddenly, he glared at them, and shouted,

"Aren't you two brats too courageous to discuss and arrange me in front of me?"

Qiusheng and Wencai shook their heads immediately,

"No, Master, how dare we!"

"That's right! Besides, didn't the elder brother say this first?"

Lin Kaiyun pointed at Qiusheng and Wencai, and shouted, "You two guys, I'm going to teach you a lesson after you finish your work."

When Qiusheng and Wencai saw that their master Lin Jiu and senior brother Lin Kaiyun were going to clean them up, they were so frightened that they ran away and went back to the house to sleep.

Lin Kaiyun ignored Qiusheng and Wencai, turned his head to look at Lin Jiu, and asked very seriously,

"Master, what's wrong with you? It's very wrong!"

Lin Jiu opened his hand and smiled at Lin Kaiyun, "Silly boy, am I standing in front of you? What can happen?"

Lin Kaiyun asked very incomprehensibly, "But, you are really wrong. According to your temper, you should be worried that the ancestor of the zombie will harm others and cause harm to the world. Moreover, you will never say anything about the sky falling. It's a serious word, because you said before that no matter is big or small, you must take care of it if you can, and you must not sit idly by."

Lin Jiu said meaningfully, "Of course, we must take care of what we can take care of now, but there are some things we can't take care of. For example, there are people who are more suitable than us to deal with the escaped zombie ancestors."



Chapter 393 Am I not the first?

"Kaiyun, it's already very late. The shoulder injury on my teacher's shoulder has not completely healed yet! So I won't guide you to strengthen your cultivation. I believe that with your talent and strength, you can do it yourself."

In the yard of Yizhuang in Renjia Town, Lin Jiu patted Lin Kaiyun on the shoulder, and then walked into his room in three steps.

But Lin Kaiyun had to sit on the ground at this time, and posted, precisely because he was shocked by the information Lin Jiu told him.

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