Before Lin Kaiyun felt that his master Lin Jiu was weird, after repeated questioning, Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun the reason for his change of mind.

Originally, when the world was gradually entering the Age of Doom, all the inheritance sects, in order to continue their lineage, chose to close their doors, hide in deep mountains and old forests, and concentrate on cultivation, which also reduced the number of disciples , so as to maximize the advantages of limited resources.

The same is true for Maoshan, which has even been closed for nearly a hundred years. The people of Lin Jiu's generation have only worked hard in Maoshan for 20 years, and then they entered the world and found their own paths.

Disciples like Lin Kaiyun's generation also went to the gate of Maoshan when they were young, and they did not intersect with the so-called Maoshan afterwards.

If it weren't for his master, Lin Jiu would have attached great importance to the sect's inheritance, but Lin Kaiyun wouldn't even think that he was a disciple of Maoshan.

But today Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun that Maoshan also decided to return to its previous appearance and no longer hide in the deep mountains and old forests to practice. Receive incense money from some tourists, and the real Maoshan, not to mention Lin Kaiyun, even Lin Jiu has not been back for eighteen or nineteen years.

The meaning in Lin Jiuhua's words is that there must be some reason why these sect inheritances chose not to close the mountain, but to enter the world and go down the mountain one after another, but the specific reason is not clear.

But one thing is certain, that is, there will be more masters in the world from now on, and those ghosts and monsters that cause great disasters at every turn will have a hard time in the future.

As for the ancestor general of the zombie, although he is very powerful, if he causes harm to the world, there will definitely be human masters to deal with it.

In the end, Lin Jiu helped Li Yun for the first time, improving his strength.

You must know that Lin Kaiyun's strength has been stuck at the fourth level for a long time, because reaching the fourth level, the five senses of the whole person will be extremely strong, so it is easier to have inner demons.

Because of this, Lin Kaiyun did not blindly use the system's merit points to improve his own strength, otherwise there would be a great probability that a demon would be born due to the unreliable improvement of the realm. Of course, this kind of time bomb is not willing to have this kind of time bomb. .

But when he had to practice hard on his own, it was only when he left Yun that he realized how difficult this journey of cultivation was. It could even be said that his realm hadn't improved in any way in half a year, but he felt more deeply about the exercises he had mastered.

However, as he becomes more and more proficient in this technique, Lin Kaiyun will feel very strange psychologically, and that feeling cannot be clearly expressed in words, as if his current abilities are all assembled, and every The abilities of all items are very good, but it is impossible to form a system, and it is impossible to achieve the situation where one plus one is equal to two or even greater than two.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun planned to find a suitable time to ask his master Lin Jiu.

But I haven't waited for Lin Kaiyun to intervene!Today Lin Jiu solved the doubts in his heart.

According to what Lin Jiu said, although he didn't know where Lin Kaiyun learned some weird and powerful skills, such as the thunder and lightning full of yang energy before.

But this technique is actually the same as a weapon. What kind of weapon you use will definitely affect your strength. A good weapon can definitely exert greater power, but in the final analysis, this weapon will also depend on yourself strength and depth.

Lin Kaiyun naturally understood what Lin Jiu meant, that is to say, his current exercises are very good, but these exercises are not too closely related to each other.

Just like in martial arts novels, it should be very good at the moment, but the internal strength is not good.

Of course, after hearing Lin Jiu's explanation, Lin Kaiyun's initial reaction must be disapproval, because with his current strength, although he cannot be said to be strong, he is not considered weak, and it is precisely because of his various moves that he He has repeatedly turned danger into danger in dangerous situations.

However, after Lin Jiu uttered a word, Lin Kaiyun no longer wanted to argue.

Because Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun that his current fourth-order state is good, but there is no innate energy in his body.

In fact, Lin Jiu had said before when he was teaching Lin Kaiyun that whether they are Taoists or other inheritances, they all come from the previous methods of cultivating immortals.

Of course, Lin Jiu also has some doubts about the story of cultivating and becoming a fairy, because no one has cultivated to become a fairy for 1000 years.

But everything remains the same, even in the age of the end of Dharma, innate is still a watershed.

When Lin Kaiyun asked how to achieve the state of innate one-qi, Lin Jiu even gave an astonishing answer.

That is, in this era, it is no longer possible to rely on one's own cultivation to obtain the state of innate one-qi, one must rely on inheritance.

To put it bluntly, it is the master or the elders to guide. To put it bluntly, the master condenses a seed of the innate qi in his body, and then injects it into the dantian of the apprentice, and slowly cultivates.

And although this innate qi can be cultivated in the body and gradually become stronger, it is undeniable that the current innate qi is not weaker than the previous non-dharma-ending era at 01:30, it is also because of the innate qi The gap, these juniors, will never be the opponents of the elders.

Just like now, Lin Kaiyun's body is the Xiantian Yiqi seed given to him by Lin Jiu, and Lin Jiu's body is a Xiantian Yiqi that has been cultivated for more than 20 years. Dynamic method.

And this innate qi is like the internal energy in martial arts novels. In other words, Lin Kaiyun has just acquired internal energy at this time, while Lin Jiu has already had internal energy for 20 years. As for the older one, he has practiced for longer His elders, this inner strength is even more powerful.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was not very depressed. Although the Xiantian qi in his body is still weak, it is still no problem to use the Xiantian qi to activate a few moves. In addition, Lin Kaiyun's own skills are very powerful. After using the innate qi to motivate, those who have not mastered the innate qi will not be Lin Kaiyun's opponents. Even now, Lin Kaiyun can completely defeat the sixth-order Taoist priests who do not have the innate qi.

Although Lin Kaiyun was a little shocked by the news, he quickly adjusted himself. After Lin Jiu entered the room, Lin Kaiyun immediately studied the innate qi in his body.

The innate qi in the dantian was constantly vibrating like a vortex, but it did not cause any damage to Lin Kaiyun's dantian, and Li Yun could feel that he could mobilize the innate qi in the dantian at any time.

Then Lin Kaiyun practiced according to the Da Zhoutian at home, hoping that the fatigue and meridians in his body could have some connection with the innate.

It was rare for Lin Kaiyun to work hard once, and this practice lasted all night. In fact, Lin Kaiyun himself felt that after having the system, which is similar to getting rewards for nothing, Lin Kaiyun has lower requirements for his own cultivation.

Although Lin Kaiyun reminded himself several times that the cultivation system should not be abandoned, but the external force might disappear at any time, and the iron has to be hardened by himself, only his genuine ability of restraint can be used at ease.

Of course, although Leaving Yun is very self-aware and clearly understands what he thinks in his heart, but since using the system, he has been unable to increase his enthusiasm for cultivation, and he has nothing to do about it.

But this time, Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun the information and the innate qi in his body, which made Lin Kaiyun regain the motivation and joy of cultivation. He sat for a whole night without feeling tired at all, and even had some excitement.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Just when it was just dawn, there was a hasty knock on the door outside, followed by a cynical shout,

"Brother, I'm here to see you again, open the door quickly!"

This voice was very familiar to Lin Kaiyun, it was none other than Lin Jiu's younger brother Simu Daochang, who was also his uncle.

At this time, it was just dawn, and his masters Lin Jiu, Qiu Sheng, and Wen Cai were supposed to be resting, so Lin Kaiyun simply stood up, went to the door and opened it.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, Lin Kaiyun smiled and saw the four-eyed Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe standing outside the door,

"Uncle Four Eyes, why is it so early? Have you brought breakfast? It just so happens that we haven't eaten yet!"

The four-eyed priest knew that Lin Kaiyun was teasing him, so he laughed and cursed,

"You brat, how dare you ask Master Uncle to buy you breakfast?"

After finishing speaking, the four-eyed Taoist took a step forward, pretending to hit Lin Kaiyun, but Lin Kaiyun slipped on his feet, dodged it easily, and said with a grin,

"Everyone is equal before eating!"

At this moment, Taoist Master Simu didn't fight with Lin Kaiyun anymore, but looked Lin Kaiyuan up and down, with surprise on his face, and asked,

"Kaiyun, I see that you are in a miraculous state, your feet are as light as a boat, and there seems to be a layer of spiritual energy flowing around your body. Could it be that you have entered the state of innate qi?"

Lin Kaiyun opened his hands, and after turning around, he said with a smile,

"Uncle Four Eyes, have you discovered this? I hid it so well, but you still saw it. It seems that I can't even keep a low profile."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, the four-eyed Taoist gave him a contemptuous look and said,

"Forget it, kid! When you're circling, you're still mobilizing your innate qi to run the Great Zhoutian, right? Is that what you call low-key?"

Lin Kaiyun rolled his eyes, looked at the four-eyed priest meaningfully, and asked,

"Hey, four-eyed uncle, I see you look like this, you don't have an innate qi in your body, do you?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, the four-eyed priest jumped angrily, and said quickly,

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