Tu Ke also looked at Lin Kaiyun, looked him up and down, and gave him a few words of positive praise.

"Lin Jiu's apprentice, yes, it seems that you already have a congenital qi in your body, and with Lin Jiu's rigid appearance, you must have reached the standard to be able to have a congenital qi. Yes, a young man is successful, and Lin Jiu also accepts it. A good apprentice."

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Uncle Tu Ke, you are over-rewarded, thanks to Master's teaching."

From Lin Kaiyun's point of view, this Master Tu Ke had a small conflict with the Taoist Master Simu. According to Lin Jiu's temper, he probably had some problems with this Senior Brother Tu Ke.

At will, Lin Kaiyun also deliberately praised his master in front of this Master Tu Ke, trying to save face for his master Lin Jiu.

After Tu Ke heard Lin Kaiyun's words, the expression on his face did not change. Instead, he followed Lin Kaiyun's words and praised Lin Jiu in the same way.

"Lin Jiu's talent is not bad among people of our generation, and he worked very hard, and he also publicized Maoshan very well. Now it seems that Lin Jiu is also very good at teaching apprentices."

After saying this, Tu Ke also showed nostalgia in his eyes, and said to himself,

"Counting it all together, Lin Jiude and I haven't seen each other for 20 years. At the beginning, I advised him not to go down the mountain and practice in the mountains. With his talent, he will go one step further. However, Lin Jiu has the common people in his heart. , determined to go down the mountain to kill demons and demons."

Lin Kaiyun was a little confused at this moment.

"What's going on? Did you think wrong?"

Judging from Tu Ke's words and his current state, it doesn't look like he has a conflict with Lin Jiu at all, but he seems to have a good relationship with Lin Jiu.

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at Lin Kaiyun's puzzled face, as if he could see what Lin Kaiyun was thinking, so he said with a smile,

"Kai Yun, your Uncle Tu Ke has been very close to your master Lin Jiu before. Don't listen to what he said just now. In fact, he should be looking for your master this time."

Tu Ke shook his head at the four-eyed priest, and said solemnly,

"Simu, we are about to reach our fifties. Can we stop thinking about what we did when we were young? Now, in my heart, you and Junior Brother Lin Jiu are the best representatives of Maoshan."

Upon hearing the high-sounding words, the four-eyed Taoist glanced at Tu Ke unhappily, and said, "All right, all you say is reasonable, I won't argue with you."

Afterwards, the four-eyed Taoist turned his eyes, and suddenly had the idea of ​​regaining the city, so he continued to Tu Ke,

"Brother Tu Ke, I'm right. You had a good relationship with Lin Jiu at the beginning, and this is the first time you've gone down the mountain in more than ten years, and you happened to meet Lin Jiu's apprentice. With your character, I'm sure It will be a great gift, right!!!”

Tu Ke laughed and said, "Simu, you bastard, even if you don't tell me, of course I will give the younger generation a meeting gift."

The four-eyed Taoist priest didn't care about that, and said with a smile,

"Brother Tu Ke, of course I know you won't forget. What are you going to give this child? Don't be too precious. Even if this child has good talent, he has an innate qi now, but he is still a young man after all. It’s not such a precious gift, just give it as you see it.”

Anyway, Daoist Simu wants to make Tuke bleed profusely right now, and it would be best to make his flesh hurt.

"Simu, you don't have to be sly here. The meeting gift I gave to the younger generation was prepared long before departure. How can we cultivators have the heart to compare? No matter what you say now, I will not change I want to give something, so I can only disappoint your little calculation."

This Tuke will not let the calculation of the four-eyed priest succeed, he flicked the whisk on his hand, took out a collar that shone with a khaki-yellow light from his arms, and gave it to Lin Kaiyun,

"This is a meeting ceremony, a magic weapon that can restrain spirits, whether it is a monster or a ghost, it can be restrained. However, this is just a means. Whether you can surrender in the end depends on your own ability."

"Thank you, Uncle Tu Ke."

Lin Kaiyun bent down slightly, after all, he respectfully ended up with this somewhat rusty collar.

From the various residual auras on the circle, it can be seen that many monsters must have been arrested.

However, in Lin Kaiyun's heart, he is still very satisfied. Although this item cannot be said to be precious, it is still very practical. It is very good for dealing with little ghosts, little monsters and the like.

Tu Ke was very satisfied with Lin Kaiyun's attitude, at least it didn't look like four eyes, full of yin and yang, so Tu Ke patted Lin Kaiyun's shoulder and said with a smile,

"Since you have the innate qi in your body, your talent can be regarded as superior. However, you can't be proud, and you must practice diligently in the future, and don't waste your practice."

"Thank you Uncle Tu Ke for your teaching, this junior must work hard."

Lin Kaiyun arched his hands and said, what he said was really not polite, because from last night, Lin Kaiyun decided to bid farewell to his previous sluggishness, and he will practice diligently in the future, so that the innate energy in his body is extremely vigorous.

At this time, in the courtyard of Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had already woken up, got dressed, and walked out in a daze.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun chatting with someone at the door, Qiu Sheng rubbed his eyes, only to see that standing in front of Lin Kaiyun was the four-eyed priest and a stranger.

Qiu Sheng greeted happily, "Uncle Four Eyes, you are here!"

Wen Cai also echoed, saying hello, "Uncle Simu, good morning!"

Seeing Qiusheng and Wencai, Daoist Simu shook his head speechlessly, and shouted, "You two guys, what time is it, you didn't get up."

Wen Cai scratched his head and said with a smile, "Hey, Uncle Four Eyes, we both got up early, you see the master hasn't woken up yet!"

Tu Ke frowned after hearing this.

Although Tu Ke didn't ask, he learned from the conversation between Taoist Simu and Qiusheng Wencai that these two people should also be Lin Jiu's apprentices.

In Tu Ke's preliminary opinion, the two apprentices of Lin Jiu were extremely talented, and their attitudes were also problematic.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tu Ke heard that Lin Jiu hadn't woken up yet. It's not too early now. For a Taoist priest, he should have finished practicing early, but Lin Jiu is still sleeping. Could it be that he has been down the mountain for more than ten years? Lin Jiu has changed?Don't you work as hard as you did in Maoshan Neimen?

Lin Kaiyun saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the face of the Tu Ke, and immediately realized where the problem was, so he quickly explained,

"Uncle Tu Ke, you may have misunderstood me. My master was injured, and the medicine used for the treatment contains sleep-promoting ingredients."

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Tu Ke nodded and said with a smile,

"Oh, so that's the case. I said Junior Brother Lin Jiu, how could it be possible not to practice early skills?"

Sure enough, just as Lin Kaiyun thought, this Tuke was really angry because his master Lin Jiu hadn't woken up now.

In fact, it's not that Lin Kaiyun can pinch and count, but it's based on inference that this brother Tu Ke didn't go down the mountain like his master Lin Jiu and Taoist Simu, but has been practicing on the mountain.

For this kind of person who can concentrate on cultivation for more than ten years, Lin Kaiyun knows that he must be very rigid, and he also has no eyes for cultivation.

At this time, Lin Jiu had already put on his clothes and came to the yard. He was woken up by the noisy conversation in the yard.

After Qiusheng saw Lin Jiu coming out, he ran to his side and said quickly,

"Master, Uncle Four Eyes is here, and he seems to have brought a guest with him."

But Lin Jiu completely ignored Qiu Sheng. When he came out, he saw the four-eyed Taoist priest and a Taoist priest holding a whisk standing in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Jiu walked forward slowly, and asked with some uncertainty,

"Are you Brother Tu Ke?"

Tu Ke smiled and said, "Brother Lin Jiu, you are still the same, your appearance has not changed at all, except that your eyebrows are a little white."

I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and it will be a little strange to people who are familiar with it, and I can't even bear the big changes, but this one does not exist on Lin Jiu, because the unique one-word eyebrow is the most beautiful. good credentials.

Chapter 395 Solicitation

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