There is a saying that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Although according to what Taoist Simu said, this Tu Ke had a good relationship with Lin Jiu before, but it is not too exaggerated. Lin Jiu and Tu Ke looked at each other and smiled, and there was no difference Too many words.

Tu Ke nodded to Lin Jiu with a smile, and then looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai beside Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu also reacted immediately, and introduced to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai,

"Qiusheng Wencai, this is my senior brother Tu Ke, you should call him uncle."

"Uncle Tu Ke."

Without any hesitation, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai bowed their hands and greeted after Lin Jiu finished speaking.

After greeting, Qiu Sheng quietly leaned into Lin Jiu's ear and asked in a low voice,

"Master, why haven't I heard that you have a senior brother! Why haven't I seen you before?"

Seeing Qiusheng's appearance of being neither big nor small, Lin Jiu glared at him and scolded,

"Shut up, there is an outsider here, please behave a little better for me."

And this scene was naturally seen by Tu Ke, but when Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai first came out, he saw that the two of them had average talents and their behavior was very frivolous, so it was not surprising at this time .

It's also fortunate that Qiu Sheng and Wencai are not the disciples of Taoist Master Simu, otherwise Tu Ke would definitely make use of the topic and mock Taoist Master Simu a few words!

Of course, even though Qiu Shengwencai is not talented enough, they are still juniors after all. Since Tu Ke gave Lin Kaiyun a meeting gift, he can't favor one over the other.

Randomly, the Tuke flicked his wrist, and several black pills appeared in his palm, and he handed them to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

"This is a elixir for dredging the meridians and nourishing the collaterals. If you feel pain all over your body after practicing kung fu, take a pill until the disease is cured."

Qiusheng and Wencai didn't feel that the gift was not enough, and said quickly after receiving it,

"Is it true? It's so awesome."

"It's great, and I won't worry about back pain the next day when I'm taught by my master to practice."

Although Qiusheng and Wencai were more active, after receiving the gift, they still would not forget to thank Tu Ke, and they both clasped their hands and shouted.

"Thank you Tuke Expo."

Now that everything that should be seen has been seen, a few people can't stand chatting at the door all the time, so Lin Jiu directly invited Tu Ke and Taoist Simu into the lobby.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun thought that they would discuss something, so he didn't plan to follow them in, but the Tu guest made a special mention and asked Lin Kaiyun, Qiusheng, and Wencai to sit together in the lobby.

After entering the lobby, Lin Jiu personally brewed a pot of Kung Fu tea for Tu Ke, and said with a smile,

"Brother Tu Ke, the mountain is not as quiet as the mountain, and there are no sweaters, so mellow tea, I personally like this kind of Kung Fu tea, you can taste it."

Tu Ke picked up the Kung Fu tea, shook it in front of his nose, nodded and said,

"It doesn't matter, Maoshan tea is good, but even the best tea will get tired after drinking for ten or twenty years. Your Kung Fu tea looks very simple, but it also smells of a different kind of fragrance."

The Taoist Master Simu held his kung fu tea and was bored. At the same time, he glanced at Tu Ke, feeling disdainful in his heart that Tu Ke would pick up good-looking ones. It's not true at all. It's just that the white water can be stronger, and it still has a different flavor in his mouth.

Lin Jiu returned to her seat, took a sip of tea, and asked,

"Brother Tu Ke, as far as I know, Maoshan has just been unsealed for half a month! Why do you have time to come down to my place? Could it be that something happened?"

Tu Ke said slowly,

"There is nothing urgent about the matter. In the past time and his son's time, he did some things that both people and gods were angry with and was killed. Although you have already reported to the Zongmen, Junior Brother Lin Jiu, the Zongmen has been released now." It is closed, so all the rules and regulations must be handled according to the previous procedures."

After hearing this, Lin Jiu didn't say anything. On the contrary, the four-eyed Taoist priest on the side was not happy, and asked directly,

"What do you mean by going through the previous procedures? Don't the group of law enforcement guys in Maoshan still die? And you don't want to take Lin Jiu to the law enforcement hall on the mountain, and then go through the procedures?"

Since entering the Dharma-ending Era, the number of disciples inherited from all sects has decreased. In addition, the mountain has been closed for nearly a hundred years. The ones in the hall are just a few old guys who are getting old, so according to the normal passage of time, most of these old guys have already been buried in the ground by now.

After Tu Ke heard the words of the four-eyed priest, his face became ugly and he said very seriously to the four-eyed priest,

"Simu, when you comment on the senior uncles of the law enforcement hall, can you respect them? Although they are relatively strict and cannot discuss things that violate the rules, in fact, I have also been subject to the law enforcement hall just like you. punishment, but there are no rules, and strict discipline is not a bad thing."

Simu Daochang heard that Tu Ke actually said good things about the Law Enforcement Hall, so he couldn't help but be surprised. You should know that basically everyone in Maoshan hates this Law Enforcement Hall, so the name is very formal, but in fact the so-called Law enforcement is to restrain disciples every day. To be a Taoist priest must be standardized, and the behavior must meet the requirements of Maoshan Taoist priests.

Therefore, the disciples in the generation of Simu Daochang and Lin Jiu have basically been punished and reprimanded by the Law Enforcement Hall for various reasons. Even this Tu Ke was punished by the Law Enforcement Hall to sweep Nanyuan for a month ground.

But thinking of this, the four-eyed Taoist turned his eyes, stared at Tu Ke, and asked suspiciously,

"Brother Tu Ke, you are not entering the Law Enforcement Hall now, are you?"

Tu Ke, who was drinking Kung Fu tea, was startled by the guess of the four-eyed Taoist priest, and said quickly,

"Ahem, the senior uncles are already old, and this Law Enforcement Hall naturally needs fresh blood to join."

The four-eyed Daoist was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing,

"Hahaha, Tu Ke, you guy, I remember clearly, when you were fined to sweep the floor, you kept scolding the Law Enforcement Hall behind your back, and now you have joined the Law Enforcement Hall, hahaha, I just said Speak a good word for the Law Enforcement Hall.”

In fact, there are two reasons for the four-eyed Daoist to laugh. One is that the behavior of this Tu Ke is too funny, and the other is that this Tu Ke joined the Law Enforcement Hall, which is a very bad position.

In fact, the position of Law Enforcement Hall in Maoshan can be said to be very embarrassing, basically it is a dispensable role, and it will be hated by everyone, thinking that the guys in Law Enforcement Hall will find trouble for nothing.

Because in Maoshan, respecting teachers is very important, so once a student makes a mistake, his master will punish the student, and there is no need for the Law Enforcement Hall. If the people in the Law Enforcement Hall insist on punishing the wrong disciple again, That would be a slap in the face of the disciple's master. In addition, there are not many people in Maoshan, and they all practice hard together on the mountain.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, most of the Taoist priests in Maoshan are very stubborn, and they can really beat the law enforcement hall to death.

So since entering the closed mountain, the position of the law enforcement hall has become more and more embarrassing. Basically, it can only control the quarrels of elementary school students.

Now, although Maoshan has announced that the inner sect has been completely unsealed, this rule has been formed, and the Law Enforcement Hall will never return to its previous status.

Of course Tu Ke knew the reason for the four-eyed Daochang's smile, he said with a dark face,

"Now that the seal has been lifted, the law enforcement hall will definitely not be the same as before, and after I join, it will definitely change."

The four-eyed Daoist said with disdain,

"Change? How do you want to change? Do you want to take back the rights from the elders and masters?"

And at this time Lin Jiu came out to smooth things over and said,

"Okay, Simu, this is not something we should interfere with. Don't ask these useless questions."

Those who choose to go down the mountain actually have no position in the inner sect except for their status as Maoshan disciples, and the same inner sect does not have much power to restrain them.

So no matter after the inner sect is unsealed, unless it is a major event of the sect's survival, those who go down the mountain will basically not return to the inner sect, especially those like Lin Jiu and Simu Taoist whose master is no longer there .

It's not that these disciples who went down the mountain have no feelings for the sect. In fact, they still care about the sect very much in their hearts, but just like their original choice, these disciples who went down the mountain chose to join the world.

Those who choose to practice in the deep mountains have a more thorough understanding of Taoism's inaction, natural harmony, and letting nature take its course.

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