However, the disciples who entered the world chose to go down the mountain and use their own abilities to benefit and help others. Although they are all disciples of Maoshan, there is also an analysis. It's idealism.

It is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong, and there is no discussion on this point even within Maoshan, but close and distant relatives have actually occurred.

Maoshan was closed for nearly a hundred years. During this period, dozens of disciples went down the mountain, if not a hundred. The same people also accepted disciples at the foot of the mountain, spreading their branches and leaves.

For example, the masters of Lin Jiu and Simu Taoist are the first generation of disciples who went down the mountain to open a dojo, but at the right time, they brought Lin Jiu, Simu Taoist and others back to the inner sect of Maoshan and practiced a lot Year.

The main reason is that there are a lot of secret techniques in Maoshan's inner sect. You are like the four-eyed priest's exorcism and god-strike technique, which are not the masters of Lin Jiu and the four-eyed priest. At that time, Lin Jiu and others were sent to the inner gate of Maoshan.

Most of the other first-generation disciples who went down the mountain would also do the same, but there were also many people who did not tell their disciples to bring them into the inner sect of Maoshan to practice. , but not so close to Maoshan.

On the contrary, Lin Jiu, Taoist Simu and others are still very close to Maoshan. After all, they have been to Maoshan's inner sect to practice before.

However, after Lin Jiu accepted Lin Kaiyun and others, he went to the outer gate of Maoshan, but did not enter the inner gate.

Because the master of Lin Jiu and others who had been in contact with Maoshan's inner sect before had passed away, and Lin Jiu was rigid after all. The apprentices of Taoist Simu and others did not enter Maoshan's inner sect to practice.

However, now that Maoshan has been unsealed, what is most needed is to replenish the number of Maoshan disciples, and those disciples who chose to go down the mountain before are the best targets.

Of course, this can only be some people who want to consolidate their position in the inner sect, or have other plans, such as the Tu Ke who is going down the mountain now.

Tu Ke smiled and said to Lin Jiu,

"Junior Brother Lin Jiu, don't say that. They are all disciples of Maoshan, and they are all a family. How can they have nothing to do with you! I am going down the mountain this time, and I also hope to learn from you, and I hope you can give me more advice. .”

Upon hearing this, Taoist Priest Simu suddenly said, "Opinions? I have a lot of opinions."

"Four eyes!"

Lin Jiu glared at Taoist Master Simu, and then said to Tu Ke, "Brother Tu Ke, Simu is just a joker, don't mind, you know, we spend most of our lives at the foot of the mountain, go to Maoshan The inner sect has also been practicing for several years, in fact, we really don’t understand the things of the sect, let alone giving opinions, even if we ask us, we can’t answer anything.”

According to his usual temper, the four-eyed Taoist priest would definitely fight Lin Jiu, but now it was the time to be unanimous, the four-eyed Taoist priest thought about it, did not speak, and prepared everything according to Lin Jiu's instructions.

When Tu Ke saw that he didn't say anything, Lin Jiu already wanted to refuse.

However, of course, Tu Ke would not just give up. He continued to try to persuade Lin Jiu and Taoist Simu, but it was basically ineffective.

Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng Wencai saw all of this. Qiusheng and Wencai, the two people with ADHD, couldn't sit still and seemed restless. Zhou Tian revolved and began to practice.

After persuading him for a long time, Tu Ke finally gave up. He realized that he could not persuade Lin Jiu anymore. In this case, Tu Ke stopped talking, lest he would fail to win over, and instead had a grudge with Lin Jiu.

Tu Ke smiled and said,

"Okay! Since Brother Lin Jiu insists on this, I won't say anything more, Senior Brother."

Lin Jiu also smiled at Tu Ke, and said, "Brother Tu Ke, what are you talking about? We really don't understand the sect's affairs, but, about some things at the foot of the mountain, four and I I still have some experience, if you are a brother Tu Ke, if you need anything, just ask."

"No problem, I really have to stay at the foot of the mountain for a while!"

Tu Ke nodded. Although he did not succeed in attracting Lin Jiu, he didn't feel too uncomfortable, because Tu Ke knew that he and Lin Jiu had a good relationship, and they didn't succeed. Even if other people came Recruiting Lin Jiu was even more unsuccessful.

Chapter 396 No Threshold

After Tu Ke knew that there was no hope of soliciting, he chatted with Lin Jiu and Taoist Simu.

Suddenly, Tu Ke changed the subject and asked about Lin Kaiyun,

"Junior brother Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun is your big apprentice, right?"

After hearing Tu Ke mention Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu had a smile on his face, and he said proudly,

"That's right, Kai Yun is my big apprentice, Senior Brother Tu Ke, you should have noticed that this child has already reached the stage of consummation of the fourth level, which is enough to possess an innate energy."

Tu Ke looked at Lin Kaiyun and nodded, and said with a smile, "Yeah, yes, your big apprentice has light feet and firm breathing, and looks like he has a solid foundation, and he is still practicing now, so he must have a very good mind."

Lin Kaiyun, who was originally practicing at the side, suddenly heard a few elders chatting and seemed to be talking about himself.

"What's the situation? How did you talk about me?"

Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes and glanced around secretly.

Hearing the Tu Ke praising his apprentice, Lin Jiu kept smiling, and he said slowly,

"Brother Tu Ke, my big apprentice is really talented. In fact, I wanted to take him to the inner sect to practice, but after going to the outer gate of Maoshan, I found that there is no way to enter the inner sect."


After Tu Ke finished listening, he shook his head, then put Fuchen on the table at hand, looked at Lin Jiu, and said regretfully,

"Junior Brother Lin Jiu, you are so confused! Why didn't you contact me at the beginning? Your apprentice is very talented. Isn't this a waste of the best opportunity to practice!!! Besides, you should go to Maoshan if you receive a talented apprentice. Go to the inner door to receive the scriptures."

Only after receiving the talisman can one truly become a Taoist priest, which is the most critical ceremony of Taoism. Only after receiving the talisman can one have the ability to draw talismans, and the drawn talismans are powerful.

And this receiving the talisman is just a ritual, which can be described as varied. Basically, all Taoist priests will worship the Sanqing and the Patriarch, which is equivalent to having a kind of fetter in the dark. The power of patriarchal blessings.

However, Mao Shan, who is carrying the banner of the Talisman Sect, naturally has his own advantages in receiving the talisman.

In fact, Sanmao Zhenjun, who founded Maoshan at the beginning, left seal carvings of 36 innate charms of Maoshan in the hall of receiving talismans at the inner gate of Maoshan. Anyone who receives the talismans in the hall of talismans will have the opportunity to awaken the innate talismans.

Like Xiantian Qi, this Xiantian talisman also exists in the body, and its function is to quickly draw the talisman, without those complicated steps, even those with good talent can draw the talisman in emptiness.

Similarly, these congenital talismans, the runes on them also carry the power of Sanmao Zhenjun, which are far more powerful than the talisman runes on the books. However, Sanmao Zhenjun, the founder of Maoshan’s Jianpai, in order to prevent the 36 congenitals left by him The talisman was used by outsiders, so there was a special restriction. Only the person who received the talisman in the hall of receiving the talisman and awakened one of the 36 talismans could receive the blessing of Sanmao Zhenjun's power.

Because of this, Tu Ke said that Lin Kaiyun did not receive the talisman in Maoshan's inner sect, which is really a loss.

In fact, Lin Jiu also knew the meaning of Tu Ke's words. Lin Kaiyun's talent was relatively average before, and he didn't show much good cultivation ability. Therefore, Lin Jiu just took Lin Kaiyun to Maoshan for a try. Cultivation, you can't forget it.

But after that, Lin Kaiyun's talent seemed to appear out of thin air, and his cultivation realm was also advancing day by day, which completely opened Lin Jiu's horizons. While being happy and pleasantly surprised, Lin Jiu also regretted it. With a low face, he will also give gifts and ask for help, and enter the inner door of Maoshan to receive the talisman.

And Lin Jiu's feeling of regret did not last long, because Lin Kaiyun had already experienced the ability to draw talismans in the void. In Lin Jiu's view, having the ability to draw talismans in the void was far more powerful than the Awakening 36 Innate Talisman better.

After all, even a person with good talent, when receiving the talisman in the inner gate of Maoshan, there are at most three kinds of awakenings, and he can practice Maoshan Zhenzhuan 36 innate talisman to the stage of smooth hair and empty talisman. Even less.

As for Lin Kaiyun's various abilities, Lin Jiu was also very pleased, so he gave up letting Lin Kaiyun learn those skills that can only be practiced in Maoshan's inner sect.

On the other hand, the four-eyed Taoist leader advanced and retreated with Lin Jiu, and did not talk nonsense to himself. Even though he was very disdainful in his heart, he did not speak, but just glanced at Tu Ke contemptuously.

The Taoist Master Simu knew that when their master took him, Lin Jiu and other senior brothers to practice at the inner sect of Maoshan, there was a voice in Maoshan, that is, those who came down the mountain had too much contact with the world , The way of acting is completely different from the disciples of Maoshan, and they should not be given the resources of Maoshan's inner sect, because those who choose to go down the mountain will eventually return to the mountain after their cultivation is over.

Of course, this is only the thinking of a small group of people in Maoshan. After all, Lin Jiu's master is the first generation of Maoshan disciples who went down the mountain.

However, this group of Taoist priests are very simple and pure. Facing the rumors that arise, the way they deal with them is even more interesting.

And all the people who talked about the disciples who went down the mountain were put in confinement, but I have to say that even the elders of Maoshan who have lived for nearly a hundred years are very simple and pure. For such things, they must be punished together, or they will not be punished and dealt with coldly. .

However, this way of dealing with the group of people who talked about the disciples at the bottom of the mountain, that is, the disciples who chose to practice hard in the inner sect when the mountain was closed, this kind of punishment makes the disciples of the inner sect who choose to practice hard on the mountain all the time feel even more uncomfortable. fair.

Even the gossip is not only about this, but also criticizes those disciples who have gone down the mountain. They can't bear hardships and completely deviate from the Taoist philosophy. When the mountain was closed, they were unwilling to be lonely and chose to go down the mountain.

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