When Lin Kaiyun was puzzled, Lin Jiu said with a smile,

"Kai Yun, sit down first..."


Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment, then sat down as he said.


After more than three hours, Lin Kaiyun left Lin Jiu's room.

Lin Kaiyun pushed the door out and returned to his room with a blank face. Qiusheng and Wencai in the yard originally wanted to ask Lin Kaiyun why he stayed in the master's room for so long, but when they saw Lin Kaiyun's expression, they immediately turned their eyes away. Questions suffocated in my stomach.

Lin Kaiyun looked solemn, as if he was full of thoughts, and returned to his room.

Scanning around, the table was in a mess, and it was filled with some Daoist books that had not been read much. Only now did Lin Kaiyun know that these Daoist books were just elementary books. Some common Taoism.

Among them, Maoshan Neijin, which Lin Kaiyun has overturned the most, is nothing more than a method to consolidate the foundation.

No wonder, Lin Kaiyun has always felt that although he has cultivated to the fourth level, he can't exert the power of too many system-rewarded exercises.

Of course, this is not because the internal strength of Maoshan that I practice is poor. In fact, whether it is Maoshan or other Taoist sects, they all pay attention to accumulation and growth, and they don’t teach too many things to their disciples in the early stage. This is what Lin Kaiyun just knew. .

That's right, just now Lin Kaiyun received a lot of information in the room of his master Lin Jiu.

The main information Lin Kaiyun heard very clearly.

It was in the early stage, especially when Lin Kaiyun hadn't awakened the system, Lin Jiu had been helping him to consolidate his foundation, which is why he was asked to draw symbols and practice early skills day after day.

However, Lin Kaiyun suddenly became the inheritor of the Chuma family, and then his talent suddenly improved, his realm improved rapidly, and at the same time he also mastered various strange and powerful skills.

Moreover, Lin Jiu also specifically mentioned that Lin Kaiyun didn't work hard after this, especially when it comes to daily practice, he was very caring. Early skills are also practiced when he thinks about them. It pointed out the main reason straight to the point, that is, Lin Kaiyun was a little proud.

Because his own skills and abilities are very mysterious, Lin Kaiyun no longer looks down on some not-so-powerful Taoism, let alone study and practice.

When hearing what his master Lin Jiu said, Lin Kaiyun was still a little uneasy.

"Could the master have discovered something about the system?"

Fortunately, Lin Jiu just assigned so many strange moves and exercises to the monks. From Lin Jiu's point of view, it may be the magical abilities of the monks that gave Lin Kaiyun so many adventures.

Although Lin Jiu didn't ask about it, and the four-eyed priest who was also in the room didn't ask too much, but what Lin Jiu said next made Lin Kaiyun slow down for a while.

Lin Jiu wants to teach Lin Kaiyun some Taoist methods of Maoshan inner sect, some subtle ones and some basic ones. Although the power may not be as strong as the ability to draw talismans in the void, Lin Jiu also asks Lin Kaiyun to practice hard.

For this kind of thing, Lin Kaiyun agreed without any hesitation, and he didn't need to think about it at all. Even if his power was weaker, but he didn't overwhelm himself with too many skills!What's more, the array and some secret techniques used by Lin Jiu before.

However, what Lin Jiu said afterwards made Lin Kaiyun confused.

"Kaiyun, now I give you a restriction, you can't resist, during the time of this restriction, you can't use skills and abilities other than Maoshan."


Lin Kaiyun didn't understand very much, even if he wanted to teach him the secret art, would it conflict with the abilities he had already mastered?Why not let it be used?

And then Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun about the requirements and concerns of the Maoshan inner sect competition.

Upon hearing this, Lin Kaiyun readily accepted it after a little thought. After all, Lin Kaiyun still understood the truth very well.

Besides, Lin Kaiyun still wanted to participate in the competition among the disciples of Maoshan's inner sect. Similarly, Lin Kaiyun didn't want to cause any trouble during the competition.

After Lin Kaiyun agreed, Lin Jiu taught Lin Kaiyun a lot of exercises. Some of them are basic and easy to accept, but there are also some complicated ones. Even if Lin Kaiyun has the support of the system, it will take a while to digest.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and closed the door. He raised his head and walked to the exit of the horse hall that he had set up. He took out a few incense sticks and lit them. He put them in the incense burner and stared at them casually.

Immediately, Lin Kaiyun walked to his own bed, sat cross-legged on it without delay, folded his hands on his abdomen, and calmed down.

Immediately, Lin Kaiyun entered the process of looking inside, and his consciousness sank into his dantian along with his breath.

At this time, the breath in the dantian was very solid, and there was also a wisp of white mist, which seemed very weak and seemed to be able to dissipate at any time, but Lin Kaiyun knew very well that this white mist was very tenacious, and it was Professor Lin Jiu who taught Give one's innate energy.

Lin Kaiyun now just wants to combine this innate qi to practice the exercises that Lin Jiugang taught him, to consolidate qi.

As the name suggests, it is to consolidate the innate Qi, at least it will not cause deficiency after use.

However, although the innate qi in the dantian is scattered, it is not so easy to manipulate.

Lin Kaiyun drove the mana in his dantian to surround the white mist. However, after the white mist was condensed, it collapsed inside. However, even though it always failed, Lin Kaiyun was not discouraged, but practiced repeatedly. .

In fact, Lin Kaiyun knew the reason why he always failed, that is, his mental strength was not enough.

This was also discovered by Lin Kaiyun not long ago, to be precise, he only discovered it when there was an innate qi in his body.

As for the reason, it is very interesting, that is, after Lin Kaiyun was bitten by the yellow-eyed zombie, his body underwent a systematic transformation and became the Pangu zombie god body, but while his body became stronger and stronger, Lin Kaiyun's mental power remained stagnant forward.

You know, Taoism pays attention to the dual cultivation of life and soul, even Maoshan, who is a talisman sect, is the same. To put it simply, it means that the body and inner spirit are very concerned. Once the whole body is mobilized, the strength that matches the realm cannot be exerted.

After thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun became a little irritable. Originally, he thought that after his body was transformed, he would have no weaknesses, his body would be strong, and his internal organs would not be easily injured, but it doesn't seem to be the case now, at least in terms of mental strength. got dragged down.

This made Lin Kaiyun have to wonder, this Pangu Zombie Divine Body won't have any side effects, right?

"No, no, why are you thinking wildly again?"

Lin Kaiyun hastily cast the Elaborate Mantra to calm his mind and stop thinking about it. You must know that when you are practicing, thinking about it is the most taboo. It is very possible that if you don't pay attention, you will create a demon, and you will be in trouble at that time .

Later, Lin Kaiyun tried to condense the Xiantian Qi many times, but all of them failed, and each time it collapsed when it was almost condensed.

Until now, the innate energy in Lin Kaiyun's body is still very weak.

Although persistence is a good thing, but now Lin Kaiyun has a very heavy task. In fact, he needs to learn all the Maoshan Taoism that Lin Jiu just taught him in this more than a month.

Time flies, Lin Kaiyun has been practicing for several days, and Taoist Master Simu stayed for one night and has already left.

One day, Lin Jiu's voice came from the yard,

"Kai Yun!"

After hearing Lin Jiu's voice, Lin Kaiyun pushed open the door and came out, asking, "Master, what's the matter? Didn't you check my cultivation results just this morning?"

Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "It's not an inspection. Talking about wars on paper is not enough after all. Empty practice can't test the results, so I want to take you out. However, this time, you can't use those weird abilities, you can only use them." I will teach you the Maoshan Taoism."

Before Lin Kaiyun could respond, Qiu Sheng in the courtyard smiled and said,

"Really? Master, are you going to take Senior Brother out to chase ghosts? Take me too!"

Wencai also put down the wooden sword in his hand when he heard it, and ran to Lin Jiu's side with an excited face, and said with a mean smile, "Master, I want to go too, I'm in Yizhuang these days, it's too boring to bring .”

Lin Jiu glanced at Wen Cai, and shouted, "You two don't need to go, you are both gone, who will watch at home?"

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