Qiu Sheng didn't give up, and still said, "Master, just let Wen Cai watch over the house, you should take me with you!"

When Wencai heard that Qiusheng was trying to trick him!He quickly shouted, "No, why should I look after the house? I want to go too!"

Lin Jiu's expression turned ugly in an instant, and he cursed, "Shut up, both of you, and tell you that no one can go, what are you still doing? You are talking, let's see how I deal with you."

Immediately, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai shut up and stopped arguing. After all, Master's words are still very useful in their hearts.

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai were no longer making trouble, Lin Kaiyun asked slowly,

"Master, where are we going? Has someone asked you for help recently?"

In fact, Lin Kaiyun had the same thoughts as Qiusheng and Wencai at this time, and he couldn't wait any longer. Although he didn't feel bored while practicing and the time passed quickly, Lin Kaiyun still felt that true knowledge came from practice. Cultivation, of course, couldn't be better.

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "That's right, you pack some things now, we're going out to Jiuquan Town, and we'll take them there for at least a week."

"Jiuquan Town?"

Lin Kaiyun is still very familiar with this name. It is no surprise that what can give Lin Kaiyun this feeling is the place name that appeared in the movie, and this time, Lin Kaiyun did not forget it. He remembered which movie Jiuquan Town appeared in. .

In Exorcism Daochang, that movie also had Lin Jiu.

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously, "Master, have you been to Jiuquan Town before?"

Lin Jiu frowned, and asked back, "Why are you asking this?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't want to ask, mainly because Lin Kaiyun clearly remembered that there was indeed Lin Jiu in the exorcism master, but Lin Jiu's apprentices were not Qiusheng and Wencai, but a man and a woman. If Lin Kaiyun remembers correctly , one named A Xing, one named Xiaoyue.

Lin Kaiyun raised his hand, pinched his fingers like fortune-telling, and said solemnly, "Master, just ask me casually. I'll count with my fingers. I feel that you have been to Jiuquan Town before, and you don't have any apprentices?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I did guide you in Jiuquan Town for a while before, but apart from you three apprentices, where do I have other apprentices?"

Lin Jiu immediately reprimanded Lin Kaiyun.

However, just when Lin Kaiyun thought he had guessed wrong, Lin Jiu suddenly said, "You were right then, this time it really has something to do with the apprentice, but it's not my apprentice, but Brother Cane's apprentice , It’s their letter to me, their master is missing, so I want to ask me to help, for the sake of Aunt Cane, I have to go, in case you really need to take action, besides, it can let you exercise , the Taoism of Maoshan."

After hearing this, Lin Kaiyun didn't even think about it, and asked directly,

"Brother Cane's apprentice? Are they called Axing and Xiaoyue?"

Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, and asked, "How do you know? Have you seen them? Or did Aunt Cane tell you? When I went to Jiuquan Town, I didn't take you with me!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun heard this, he knew that he was really right. It might be the butterfly effect. In this world, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were not Lin Jiu's apprentices.

Lin Jiu smiled and said, "Master, Aunt Cane told me last time."

Anyway, no matter what it is, you can just push it on Aunt Cane. My master Lin Jiu has nothing to do with this old friend of Aunt Cane.

Chapter 401 Little Taoist priest, are you lost?

Sure enough, after Lin Kaiyun found the excuse on Aunt Cane, Lin Jiu didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Jiu said with his hands behind his back, "It's getting late, pack up your things quickly, we're ready to go, and try to arrive before night."

"Okay, no problem, I'm going to clean up now, 2 minutes."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and went straight back to his room.

Soon, Lin Kaiyun came out and set off with Lin Jiu, leaving Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai sad.

Wen Cai seemed to have lost his soul, aimlessly shaking the broom, and said in a lack of interest,

"Qiu Sheng, master and elder brother, went out again and didn't take us with us. I was too bored in Yizhuang."


Qiu Sheng also nodded, he also wanted to go out, but if he didn't go out, there would be advantages in not going out, he said with a smile,

"Wen Cai, don't be sullen. The master and senior brother have left, let us take care of the house, which means that no one cares about us."

"Nobody cares about us anymore?"

Wen Cai was taken aback when he heard it, then put down the broom in his hand, and said excitedly,

"Qiu Sheng, I remember that when Master asked you to buy medicine, he gave you a few yuan, and it hasn't been used up yet, right?"

Qiu Sheng nodded and said, "Of course, it was originally a month's medicine money, but Master only drank it for less than half a month, so there is naturally some money left over."

Wencai jumped up excitedly, and said, "That's great, master and elder brother are gone, so naturally no one cares about us, and we still have Dayang."

Qiusheng knew Wencai's careful thinking, but still hesitated, after all, Master Lin Jiu gave him the money at the beginning, if he came back and found that Dayang was gone, he would be the first to clean him up.

Qiu Sheng rolled his eyes and said, "Although it is true, if Master comes back and finds that Dayang has been spent, he will probably be angry."

Wencai said, "It's okay, Qiusheng, what are you afraid of, you will say that it is spent on living expenses when the time comes."

Qiusheng quickly took out the ocean from his arms, handed it to Wencai, and said, "Let's do it! Wencai, I'll give you the money!"

Wen Cai didn't hesitate at all, and didn't think too much, he took Dayang and said with a smile, "Okay, let me go, I'm not afraid."

At the same time, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun left Renjia Town and headed towards Jiuquan Town.

At dawn, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun took the path. Although the road was rugged, rocky and mountainous, it was not difficult for Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun. It was just a exercise for their feet.

And when it was getting dark, Lin Jiu took Lin Kaiyun on the main road. After all, the mainland is safe at night, which can avoid some dangers and reduce some troubles.

When he was about to reach Jiuquan Town, Lin Jiu stopped suddenly. He squatted down and touched the ground.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously.

Lin Jiu said slowly, "These footprints are left by the corpse."

Lin Kaiyun said incomprehensibly, "Is there anything wrong with leaving corpses behind? Although this era is running out, there are still many people who drive corpses, such as the four-eyed Taoist priest."

Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "It's not surprising to chase corpses, but have you ever seen corpses chased on the road?"

Chasing corpses has its own taboos, one of which is to avoid people, and on this road, it's not like avoiding people.

Then Lin Jiu said, "Although the footprints are bouncing, they are very light and don't look like zombies."

"Not a zombie?"

After Lin Kaiyun heard this, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. If he remembered correctly, is there a Taoist priest among the exorcist priests who used corpses to sell drugs, and those zombies were actually disguised as humans.

Lin Kaiyun said, "Master, could these zombies be pretending?"


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