Lin Kaiyun immediately took out the talisman from his bosom, and after looking at it for a few seconds, he immediately took the talisman back into his bosom.

Originally, he planned to use the innate qi in his dantian to activate the detonation talisman, but after Lin Kaiyun thought about it, neither the fire talisman nor the thunder talisman had a very good effect on the cat demon, and the innate qi in his body Qi is just a prototype now, if it has no effect when used on this spell, wouldn't it be a waste?

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun set his mind on the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

Although I don't know the grade of this seven-star Longyuan sword, it is definitely a good thing, and I can be almost 100% sure that this seven-star Longyuan sword can definitely carry the innate instrument in my body, and it can also hold the largest innate instrument. The effect is brought into play.

So Lin Kaiyun ran to the front of the cat demon in two big strides, and once again held the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in front of the cat demon through the golden light.

After being attacked by Lin Kaiyun several times, the cat demon was very confident that the Taoist priest in front of him had no ability to hurt it, so he didn't have any worries about Lin Kaiyun picking up the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword again, and continued to mock.

"Smelly Taoist, are you still not giving up? You can't hurt me, even if you have this annoying golden light, it's useless. After I break this golden light, I will let you know what regret is people."

After picking up the Seven Star Dragon Origin Sword, he left Yun, grinned at the cat demon in front of him, and said slowly,

"I think so too. Wait a minute and I want you to know what it means to regret being a cat demon."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun quickly placed his consciousness in his dantian, and mobilized the ethereal white magic power in that dantian.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun seemed to have touched a switch, and the mana circulating in his entire body changed, from ordinary mana to an innate instrument.

Although the innate energy in Lin Kaiyun's body is still in its infancy, it is now very small in terms of quality and quantity, and even leaving Yun can feel that the current mana in his body is like a beginner, not much, as if he is performing a move Then there will be no mana.

However, although this mana is very little, Lin Kaiyun has a very strange feeling at this moment. At this moment, Lin Kaiyun has an extremely clear perception of the nature of heaven and earth, and he no longer has the feeling of distinction. A part of heaven and earth is completely integrated into heaven and earth.

In the past, when Lin Kaiyun used any abilities and moves, he would use his body's mana to gather the aura between the heavens and the earth, so as to achieve the effect of increasing power, but in fact, the inner nature has not changed. All moves and abilities are derived from The mana in his body, and the aura gathered outside, only serve as an amplification effect.

But now Lin Kaiyun has clearly noticed that any moves he uses this time will not be based on the mana in his body.

To be more precise, there is no difference between the mana in his body and the thin spiritual energy remaining between the heaven and the earth, and even his body cannot form any barrier. The mana in his body and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth are extremely natural. Lin Kaiyun didn't feel any discomfort during the replacement process.

This made Lin Kaiyun feel very pleasantly surprised, he now has a little understanding of the role of the instruments these days.

In the past, the magic power in your body was the magic power in your body, which was obtained through accumulated practice, and the aura between heaven and earth is just the aura between heaven and earth, which is very clearly distinguished from the magic power in your own body. When it comes to ability, if you want to be more powerful, you can only cater to the aura.

In other words, if you use fire-attributed skills around volcanic magma, the power will be multiplied, because usually around volcanic magma, the residual aura contains a lot of fire-attributed energy.

And in the same way, if you use water-attribute exercises around this volcanic magma, then not only will the power not be enhanced, but it will be weakened instead.

But now when converting the mana in his body into the innate qi, Lin Kaiyun clearly found that he didn't need to cater to the aura at this time, that is to say, even if he was around the volcanic magma, he could still use water-attribute moves or exercises, Because Lin Kaiyun can change the aura around here, and strip out all the attributes in the aura that conflict with his own skills.

In other words, Lin Kaiyun can now control the aura around him.

"This innate qi is actually really strong? If I cultivate a very large innate instrument in my body in the future, wouldn't it be possible to control the aura within a radius of ten miles or even a hundred miles? When attacking, I can even change the aura in these auras. Attributes, let him be useful to himself or have side effects on the enemy, and even gather all the spiritual energy in this radius of ten miles, my god! Isn't this the legendary vitality bullet?"

The more Lin Kaiyun thought about it, the more pleasantly surprised he felt. Even in his opinion, this was just a relatively obvious effect of the innate equipment, and he had to slowly discover and experiment with some not obvious ones.

However, that's for the future, let's get rid of this ugly cat demon first.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword tightly, and looked up at the cat demon.

The cat demon, who was still struggling to get free during the attack, had some ominous premonition in his heart after seeing Lin Kaiyun's malicious smile.

Although this cat demon looks very ugly, and his hair is not as smooth as ordinary cats, but no matter how ugly he is, he is still a cat after all, with a strong sixth sense.


The cat demon believed in his premonition very much. After sensing the danger, he immediately gave up attacking the annoying golden light and devoted all his energy to defense.

However, the cat demon was still a step too late. He found that his condensed demonic energy was disintegrating bit by bit, and as a monster who had cultivated for hundreds of years, the cat demon could vaguely sense that the aura around him was different. unusual fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the cat demon felt a flash of white light in front of him, and when he concentrated again, he found a sword stuck in his chest.

"How is it possible? You stinky Taoist priest, how could you suddenly appear in front of me, and I didn't notice it at all?"

The cat demon looked at his blood-oozing chest in horror, then raised his head and looked at Lin Kaiyun in disbelief.

The cat demon really couldn't figure out why at this time, he clearly saw Lin Kaiyun was still ten meters away before, why did he suddenly appear in front of it?No matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible not to notice it.

The cat demon suddenly realized something, if there was anything unusual just now, he said in surprise,

"Could it be the change in spiritual energy just now?"

Lin Kaiyun, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, nodded with a smile, "Smart!"

In fact, when Lin Kaiyun was preparing to attack the cat demon just now, an idea suddenly popped up in his heart. Since the mana in his body is exactly the same as the aura between heaven and earth, there is no difference, then it means that he can be very good. If it is hidden, it can even be integrated with the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth.

So, Lin Kaiyun tried it, first mobilizing the aura fluctuations around the cat demon to distract the cat demon's attention, and then using a very dazzling white light to interfere with the cat demon's case again.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun sprinted with all his strength, rushed directly in front of the cat demon, and stabbed the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword into the cat demon's chest with lightning speed.

And all of this was completed in the blink of an eye, under the interference of Lin Kaiyun's attention and eyesight, because the mana in the body is exactly the same as the aura between heaven and earth, and the cat demon can't perceive Lin Kaiyun's breath, so In the cat demon's eyes, Lin Kaiyun appeared directly in front of him as if teleported.

"Smelly Taoist priest, do you think..."

That didn't hold the Seven Star Longyuan Sword desperately with two paws, but before the cat demon finished speaking, Lin Kaiyun pressed the Seven Star Longyuan Sword again, stabbing in a few inches.


The cat demon spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear your last words anymore, remember, be a good cat in your next life."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he kicked the handle of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword abruptly. This time, the evil spirit condensed by the cat demon was mobilized by Lin Kaiyun, and the surrounding spiritual energy was broken down. The proud defensive power of the cat demon was also weak. After reappearing, the whole body flew upside down uncontrollably, and was fixed on the tree trunk by Lin Kaiyun.

Chapter 404 No Clues

The cat demon was nailed to the tree like a kite with a broken string. Although it was dying, it did not die, and it still had a breath.

The cat demon was hanging on the tree, and could no longer lift its two paws.

There is no way, if it is just an ordinary sword wound, it will not be fatal, but Lin Kaiyun's seven-star Longyuan sword contains a lot of spiritual energy, once it enters the body, it shatters the internal organs of the cat demon, and the whole heart The veins are rotten.

Even if the cat demon's Taoism is powerful, it can't be brought back to life, and even the cat demon has a lot of hole cards, which are useless. If it weren't for the power of the sun in this golden light, it would not be difficult for it to break free.

Even the cat demon's thoughts at this time are ignorant, it doesn't understand, this young Taoist priest, obviously doesn't look that strong, obviously can't hurt it, why suddenly, the breath changed?And why can't the aura on the sword resist it?

The cat demon desperately used the demon energy in his body to resist the spiritual energy eroding its heart, but it didn't have any effect. It was destroying the spiritual energy in its body, just like the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, completely unstoppable and uncontrollable.

At this time, the cat demon felt a little uneasy, desperately raised his head covered with burnt gray-black hair, and stared at Lin Kaiyun,

"Smelly Taoist..."

Seeing that the cat demon is still alive, Lin Kaiyun muttered in his heart,

"Not dead? Cats have nine lives? Is it true?"

With such thoughts in mind, Lin Kaiyun walked up to the cat demon, looked him up and down, and said,

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