"Do cat demons have nine lives? If it's true, then I can only say that your luck is a bit bad, because I have to kill you eight times!!!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun directly took out a Thunder Talisman from his arms, twisted it into a ball, slapped it directly into the cat demon's mouth, and pressed it down.

Crack! ! !

The sound of thunder and lightning came from the cat demon's body, and the cat demon, which was nailed to the tree by the Seven Star Long Yuan sword, began to twitch non-stop at this moment, and also faintly smelled the smell of cooked meat.

And Lin Kaiyun quickly pulled out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and then looked at the cat demon vigilantly.

That's right, Lin Kaiyun is waiting, waiting to see if this cat demon has nine lives. If the cat demon really revives on the spot, he is going to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and directly stab him to death with a sword.

If it wasn't for Lin Kaiyun's childishness, or being bored, it was mainly because he knew that the innate qi in his body had been used up, and he could no longer perform any moves or exercises.

So Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to bet, even if this cat demon didn't have such nonsense as Nine Heavens' Fate, what if there was something behind him?It's better to prepare in advance.

"Okay, Kaiyun, that cat demon is dead, you don't have to be so serious about guarding the corpse."

At this moment, Lin Jiu's voice suddenly came from a dark place in the woods.


Lin Kaiyun turned his head and followed the voice, and sure enough, Lin Jiu's figure slowly came out from the darkness.

Lin Kaiyun was overjoyed when he saw this, he carried the Seven Star Longyuan Sword behind his back, and said with a smile,

"Master, when did you come back? How is the investigation going?"

Lin Jiu walked up to Lin Kaiyun and said expressionlessly, "Since you trapped that cat demon with the golden light talisman!"

After Lin Kaiyun heard it, he smiled and said, "Then why don't you come out, are you hiding in the dark to observe me?"

Lin Jiu frowned and asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Kaiyun quickly said, "Master, since you have seen it all, I don't need to explain it. Let me tell you first, mine is definitely not a violation. I didn't use those special abilities. Those golden light talismans were also painted in Yizhuang. of."

"Not bad!"

Lin Jiu nodded and continued, "I can see clearly that you did not cheat."

Lin Kaiyun also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. After all, his master is still serious and rigid. If he really doesn't believe it, he has to explain it.

Now, Lin Kaiyun explained easily, and asked with a smile, "Master, you came back so early, did you not find any clues?"

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "The footprints disappeared after traveling about a thousand meters on the main road. Judging from the footprints, it seemed that they were mixed into the footsteps of pedestrians. It seems that, as you said, someone was pretending Zombie."

Lin Kaiyun nodded secretly when he heard the words, it seems that he really guessed right, the footprints of these strange zombies are indeed those Taoist priests transporting poison in the movie.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not choose to tell this to his master Lin Jiu. After all, his body is already strange enough. If he tells these things, Lin Jiu will definitely ask. Lin Kaiyun probably has no reason at that time. explanation of.

Therefore, the best thing is to follow the plot and get rid of this Taoist priest pretending to be a zombie and transporting poison at the critical moment.

Lin Kaiyun immediately said, "Then Master, let's continue on our way!"

"Let's go! Don't walk in this forest. There are many mosquitoes. It's better to go back to the main road."

With hands behind his back, Lin Jiu walked towards the main road.

Lin Kaiyun followed silently, not thinking of a Taoist priest dressed as a zombie, but constantly feeling the innate qi in his body. This innate qi is like an energy bar. Now he can only use one or two moves, but the effect is very good of.

After using it, the Xiantian Qi in Dantian became very weak and illusory, but Lin Kaiyun could still feel that this Xiantian Qi was slowly recovering. It seemed that the recovery was slow because of the reduction of heaven and earth spirit energy. , but take it slow!Recovery is better than no recovery.

Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun started on the road again, heading towards Jiuquan Town along the main road.

Originally, Lin Jiu planned to rush to Jiuquan Town before dark, but because something was delayed on the way, it was dark now, and it was still more than ten miles away from Jiuquan Town.

"Kering, we have to leave quickly."

Lin Jiu said something, and immediately speeded up.

Lin Kaiyun didn't respond either, and followed quickly.

The distance of more than ten miles was not far away under the feet of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun who were rushing all the way. In less than half an hour, Lin Jiu brought Lin Kaiyun to Jiuquan Town.

There is nothing special about Jiuquan Town, but as soon as you enter the town, you can see an old church in the center of the town.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the spire of the church and asked suspiciously, "Master, there is a church in this town. When you came to Jiuquan Town, did you go in? Are you familiar with it?"

Lin Jiu pondered for a moment, as if thinking, and then slowly said, "I've been there, there are only a few women in strange clothes, who seem to be called nuns..."

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun nodded. He already knew in his heart that his master probably didn't know much about this church.

In fact, I can only remember a rough idea of ​​the plot of the movie now, and I can't recall all the details.

He only remembered the plot of the movie, which said that Lin Jiu also had two apprentices in Jiuquan Town. Of course, in the movie, Lin Jiu's apprentices were not Qiusheng and Wencai, but a man and a woman. They should be called Axing and Xiaoyue.

And the church in Jiuquan Town was already dilapidated, with only a few nuns, but one of the old priests came back from another place and wanted to rebuild the church.

That is, when the church was being rebuilt, the vampire hidden in the basement of the church was accidentally awakened.

This is the general plot. As for the subplot and some details, Lin Kaiyun can't remember clearly, but Lin Kaiyun still remembers the Taoist priest who pretended to be a zombie and transported contraband. The Taoist priest was discovered by Ah Xing and Xiaoyue in the movie , the final ending was not the slightest surprise, it was solved by Lin Jiu.

However, now that we have entered Jiuquan Town, we should find a way to investigate whether the plot has started yet, and now Lin Kaiyun can be sure that the development of this world will definitely not be like the plot of the movie, because his master Lin Jiu They didn't live in Jiuquan Town all the time, and Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were not Lin Jiu's apprentices either.

At this moment, Lin Jiu said,

"Kaiyun, let's go! Let's go a few more steps and we will first arrive at Senior Brother Cane's house."

"Okay!" Lin Kaiyun nodded.

After turning a few streets and walking for nearly 10 minutes, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun came to a house.

This house is also located a little outside Jiuquan Town, Lin Kaiyun is not surprised at this point, after all, this cultivator always likes to be quiet.

However, this house is complete with bricks, tiles and boards, but it doesn't look down at all. It seems that this brother of Cane Gu is living a good life, at least judging from this house, he is a person with some savings.

Lin Kaiyun touched the painted wooden door and said with a smile,

"Master, it seems that the senior brother that Aunt Cane disappeared is doing well! I just looked around and found that this house comes out three times and enters it three times. In Jiuquan Town, it is considered above average."

Lin Jiu recalled the relationship ten years ago, and said,

"That's true. When I lived in Jiuquan Town in the early years, this senior brother of Aunt Cane was not so rich. Maybe in the past few years, what kind of fortune has he made?"


Lin Kaiyun muttered, you must know that although most Taoist priests also earn some money in order to make a living, of course, there are also some Taoist priests who love money.

But most people will be like the four-eyed Taoist priest. Even if they have a small box of Dayang, they just put it quietly in the house and will not exchange it for various items or assets. After all, it is easy to look like this It causes other people to make irresponsible remarks, and once they live that kind of luxurious and enjoyable life, they will forget their original intentions and even take off their Taoist robes.

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