So in Lin Kaiyun's opinion, there must be some problems with this elder brother of Cane Gu, even if he really got rich, he wouldn't be able to buy such a big house.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, Lin Jiu stepped forward and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly said,

"Master, it's so late, should we come back at dawn tomorrow?"

"No, what time is this? Everyone has disappeared. We don't know whether they are dead or alive. This is an urgent matter. It doesn't matter whether it is day or night."

Lin Jiu shook his head and continued to knock on the door.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of knocking on the door is particularly obvious in the middle of the night. Of course, Lin Jiu used a lot of strength. Fortunately, this house is located outside Jiuquan Town, otherwise other people would definitely be affected by the knocking sound. wake up.

Soon, Lin Kaiyun clearly heard some noisy voices inside. The voice didn't seem to be coming to open the door, but was looking for something.

Soon, a young man's voice came from inside,

"Who is there, what's the matter? If there is something urgent, come back tomorrow!"

But the voice sounded a little nervous and trembling.

Lin Kaiyun smiled, turned to see Lin Jiu clearly,

"Master, let me just say it! Look at you knocking on the door so loudly, it scared everyone inside!"

Lin Jiu said directly,

"I'm Lin Jiu, Aunt Cane asked me to come here."

Lin Jiu didn't inquire or try, and directly reported his family name.

"Lin Jiu?"

"It seems to be talking about Uncle Cane, who called for help."

"That's what I heard, if you buy it, open the door quickly."

"Brother, I dare not, you are a man, you go."

The voices of you and me all reached the ears of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, and they looked at each other speechlessly at this moment.


The door was opened from the inside, and a very energetic young man appeared in front of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun. The particularly unique hair parted in the middle made this young man look a little silly.

After the young man saw that Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu were also wearing Taoist robes, he felt a lot more at ease, but he asked repeatedly,

"Hello, may I ask if this is the uncle you were talking about just now?"

In Taoism, female Taoist priests of the same generation can be called Senior Sister or Junior Sister, but in the senior class, there are only unified titles, such as Shishu, Shibo and so on.

So there is nothing wrong with this young man calling him Uncle Shi.

After seeing this young man, Lin Jiu looked him up and down, recognized him, and said slowly,

"You are Ah Xing, right! I am Lin Jiu, I taught you the Zama step ten years ago, do you still remember?"

"Lin Jiu?"

Ah Xing muttered something after hearing the name, then suddenly remembered, clapped his hands excitedly and shouted,

"Uncle Jiu, are you Uncle Jiu?"

Lin Jiu nodded and said,

"That's right, you still have the heart. It seems that you, the little guy, haven't neglected your cultivation. At least your physique looks pretty good."

"Of course, I can play very well now."

After hearing Lin Jiu's praise, Ah Xing was also very happy, and directly raised his arm, showing off his muscles.

Then Ah Xing turned his head and yelled into the yard, "Xiaoyue, come quickly, it's Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu is here."

"Uncle Nine? Really? Is that Uncle Nine who taught me how to draw talismans?"

Accompanied by the sound like a silver bell, a delicate-looking woman also ran to the door.

It's just that this delicate woman is holding a long stick that looks like a weapon.

After seeing this long stick, Lin Kaiyun finally knew what the sound of rummaging through things was for. His feelings were to regard them as bad guys and find weapons to defend himself! ! !

Don't think that this delicate woman must be Xiaoyue.

After seeing Lin Jiu, Xiaoyue threw away the stick in her hand, covered her face excitedly, and then threw herself on Lin Jiu, screaming bouncingly,

"Uncle Jiu, that's great. I saw you again. Do you know that I miss you? Many times I wanted to go to Renjia Town to find you, but I never had the chance."

"Cough cough!"

Lin Jiu coughed twice, then pressed Xiaoyue's shoulder directly, pushed her out, and persuaded,

"Xiaoyue, you are no longer a child, can you stop throwing yourself on me?"

Xiaoyue nodded after hearing Lin Jiu's persuasion, and then said coyly,

"Uncle Jiu, what are you afraid of if you are my elder? Besides, people are not like this usually, they just say you are so happy when they see you."

Ah Xing, who was standing aside, also hurriedly said,

"Okay, Xiaoyue, don't stop here, uncle Jiu must have been on his way, just arrived, let's let him go in and rest!"

Ah Yue came to her senses, then opened both doors wide, and said,

"Yes, yes, Uncle Nine, go in and rest quickly!"

Lin Jiu nodded and walked in, and Lin Kaiyun followed closely behind.

And Lin Kaiyun glanced at Xiaoyue when she passed by, and just as Xiaoyue was secretly looking at Lin Kaiyun, at such a moment, the two looked at each other.

Lin Kaiyun didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and nodded and smiled at Xiaoyue, but Xiaoyue blushed instantly, and lowered her head to stop looking at Lin Kaiyun's gaze.

After entering the courtyard, Lin Kaiyun saw the house, it was indeed very luxurious, even with rockery and pool.

Ah Xing led Lin Taiyun and Lin Jiu to the reception room.

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