"There are no clues, and those show girls don't know anything."

Lin Jiu shook his head, took a sip of tea from the cup in his hand, and continued, "After a short rest, I'll go out and investigate later to see if there are any other clues."

Lin Kaiyun said directly,

"Master, or else I'll go with you too. After all, if two people can act separately, there will be some gains in the end."

Lin Jiu shook his head, rejecting Lin Kaiyun's request,

"No, the most important thing for you now is to repair your lost innate equipment. Although one day is a bit harsh for you, you still have to practice with all your strength, because you may need to use it at any time." Woolen cloth!"

Seeing that Lin Jiu disagreed, Lin Kaiyun continued,

"Master, I think that even if I don't use innate equipment, there should be no problem! After all, my previous realm is still there, anyway, I am also a fourth-order!"

Lin Jiu put down the teacup in his hand, and said slowly,

"Actually, you also discovered that the cat monster you met that night was very unusual, and its monster aura was also huge. This has never been encountered before. Without Xiantian Qi, and you can’t use your own special abilities, I’m afraid it’s not easy to deal with, so you should hurry up and restore Xiantian Qi!”

"Okay! Then I will go to practice!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and returned to his room directly after speaking, and began to practice.

The time of this practice is always very fast, after a while, the sky is already dark, and during the process of cultivation, Lin Kaiyun also noticed that his master left after resting in the next room for an hour, and has not returned yet. , but Lin Kaiyun is not worried that he knows that his master Lin Jiu is a very measured person, and he will not do anything rash, so in Lin Kaiyun's view, his master Lin Jiu should be investigating clues in Jiuquan Town now .

Lin Kaiyun touched his stomach, muttering to himself,

"I'm hungry, and I'm too busy practicing. When Ah Xing asked me to have dinner, I didn't even eat it. I don't know if there is any food left for me."

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun got up and got out of bed, ready to go to the kitchen to see if there was any food left.

Lin Kaiyun, who walked out of the room and was walking towards the kitchen, suddenly heard bursts of chaotic sounds.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

A series of voices directly entered Lin Kaiyun's ears.

"Did a thief enter?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned directly. No matter how he heard the voice, he sounded like he was rummaging through things. He subconsciously thought that a thief had entered the house.

Lin Kaiyun tilted his ears to find out the source of the sound, and when he was about to follow the sound to find it, he suddenly heard the voices of Ah Xing and Xiao Yue.

"Senior brother, don't be so loud, I told you, the bell is on it, you have to go to other places, if you wake up Senior Brother Lin, it will probably cause him to misunderstand."

"Xiaoyue, I think you are just worrying blindly. If you want me to say, just take things openly and forget it. This is in our own home, and it turned out to be like stealing things."

"Brother, I am doing this for the sake of the overall situation. Now that Master has disappeared, if Senior Brother Lin and Uncle Jiu know that we are going to help people catch ghosts, I am afraid they will say that we are not filial. Let you be quiet!!!"

"Xiaoyue, Uncle Jiu, you also know that he is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person, and I think that Senior Brother Lin is also a reasonable person. As long as we tell them the truth, they will definitely not misunderstand. After all, we also have to eat. ! The ocean that the master left behind has long been spent, and Uncle Jiu came to help, and I can't give them some simple food, so if I don't go to pick up business, where will the money come from?"

"Brother, even though that's the case, let's keep our voices down!"

"Okay, okay, let's hurry up! Otherwise, we will be late for the time we agreed with the client. We have to find some decent magical artifacts quickly, and then rush to the winery."

"Okay, then I'll help you find us faster."

Lin Kaiyun smiled helplessly after hearing this. As the saying goes, a penny can't beat a hero. It seems that the two children A Xing and Xiaoyue are the same!

However, since Lin Kaiyun heard it, he also knew the worries of A Xing and Xiaoyue, so he decided not to expose the two of them, so as to save the two little guys from embarrassment.

So, Lin Kaiyun hid directly behind the wall of the corridor, and after ten minutes, he saw Ah Xing and Xiaoyue coming out of the room with big and small bags, and ran out quietly.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the things A Xing and Xiaoyue brought, and couldn't help muttering,

"This Ah Xing and Xiaoyue are obviously going to fool people, but they have prepared a lot of things."

In the plot of the movie, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue can deal with some wandering ghosts, but there is no way to deal with some really resentful ghosts.

In fact, Ah Xing Xiaoyue didn't feel that there was a real ghost this time. After all, when the master didn't disappear, they did it secretly many times. Basically, some headaches or troubles were caused by ordinary souls. To make trouble, they don't need any skills or methods, as long as they swing these instruments up, they can drive away this ordinary soul.

However, Lin Kaiyun knew that they were not so lucky this time, because in the movie, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue met a hard stubble this time, a female ghost with resentment. They were saved.

But that is the plot in the movie after all, and now his master Lin Jiu has gone out to investigate clues, so Lin Kaiyun is going to quietly follow behind Ah Qing and Xiaoyue. Xiaoyue made money very smoothly, so Lin Kaiyun hid in the dark and never appeared again. If Ah Xing and Xiaoyue still saw the evil spirit that could not be dealt with this time, then Lin Kaiyun would appear at that time and take the evil spirit away. Ghost to get rid of.

Lin Kaiyun quietly followed behind Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, and this Jiuquan Town is a transportation hub, so there are many permanent residents and people coming and going in the town, which makes Lin Kaiyun hardly need to do any demonstrations, Just walk directly behind Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, but Ah Xing and Xiaoyue are so focused on not being late that they don't even notice if someone is following them behind them.

Soon, Lin Kaiyun smelled the aroma of wine, presumably the winery was not far away, so Lin Kaiyun jumped directly onto the wall, found a suitable viewing position, and hid.

Sure enough, not long after, when he left Yun, he saw Axing and Xiaoyue came to a courtyard led by a man dressed like a potbellied boss.

The person dressed as the boss is Zhang Dagui, the boss of the winery, he said with a smile,

"You two, hasn't your master come over? If it's just the two of you, I don't know if it will work!"

Although Zhang Dagui's face was full of smiles, his heart was full of worries right now!Originally, he wanted to invite Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's masters, but when he saw that it was Ah Xing and Xiaoyue who came, the two little kids immediately became worried.

Although Ah Xing looked silly, he could tell right away that Boss Zhang didn't seem to believe in their strength, so he said confidently,

"Boss Zhang, don't worry! My junior sister and I have been practicing with our master since we were young. We can't say how powerful we are in catching monsters and exorcising ghosts, but we are good at it."

Xiaoyue at the side also understood instantly, and echoed, saying,

"That's right! Boss Zhang, what my senior brother said is right, ordinary ghosts, don't worry if you leave them to us!"

Boss Zhang is a businessman, so he won't trust Ah Xing and Xiaoyue just by saying a few words.


"Don't worry, Boss Zhang, if you don't believe me, just watch from the side. Senior brother and I will catch that ghost for you to see later!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyue put the backpack on the ground directly, and opened the backpack directly, revealing all kinds of magic weapons inside.

And when the boss saw the various magic weapons, he nodded and felt a lot more at ease.

Xiaoyue took out some blessings and bells, and said to Boss Zhang,

"Boss Zhang, we are about to open the forum soon, and there may be some dangerous moves in it, so please stay away a little bit."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyue and Ah Xing looked at each other, both of them put on apricot-yellow Taoist robes, and at the same time held a mahogany sword in their hands.

When Boss Zhang saw Ah Qing and Xiaoyue with such professional appearances, he felt more relieved, so he stepped back a few steps according to Xiaoyue's words, so he changed the names of Ah Xing and Xiaoyue. up,

"Two priests, I should be able to do it at this distance. If it is not enough, I will go back a little more!"

"It's okay, this position is fine, Boss Zhang, just look at it!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyue directly spread a yellow cloth on the table in front of her, and then placed all the candles, wine, incense, etc. prepared by Boss Zhang on the table.

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