"I've seen those two priests before, and I don't seem to have encountered so many other people with white hair!"

Boss Zhang, who was hiding aside, couldn't help but said after seeing the actions of Xiaoyue and A Xing.

There is no way, Boss Zhang really knows that increasing income and reducing expenditure are indispensable for doing business, so after seeing Xiaoyue use up all the things he prepared, it still hurts a little.

You must know that the owner of this piece is very calculating. When he bought these things, he made an agreement with the owner of the kind of incense and candle shop that he would return them if he couldn't use them up. But looking at this posture now, Xiaoyue wants All are used up.

Ah Xing put the mahogany sword across his chest, turned his head to look at Boss Zhang and said solemnly,

"Boss Zhang, the ghost in your winery is very powerful. If you say that this thing is not used enough, it may not be able to eliminate it!"

Anyway, no matter what Boss Zhang is thinking, Ah Xing just wants to make the ghost as powerful as possible at this time, so as to highlight their importance and their strength.

But in fact, Ah Xing's thoughts are very simple. He knows how to arrange the Fa Tan, three teas, five wines, etc., but in the hearts of Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, the more these things, the better. At least the scene is big enough, even if there are some ghosts, it is estimated that they will be scared away when they see this scene.

And after the boss heard A Xing say that this evil spirit is very powerful, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back, couldn't help shrinking his neck and said quickly,

"Okay, okay, two Taoist priests, as long as you can get rid of this ghost, you can do anything, let alone a reward, even if you let me buy incense candles now, it's fine."

As soon as Ah Xing and Xiaoyue heard the boss's remuneration, they immediately became full of enthusiasm, so they both held the mahogany sword and said,

"Boss Zhang, we are going to set up a stall to cast spells now, you have to keep your eyes open, don't miss the scene where we catch ghosts."

Xiaoyue also smiled, and said,

"That's right, Boss Zhang, as the saying goes, courtesy first, soldiers first. The reason why we put these incense candles on this altar is also to negotiate with the evil spirit. If the evil spirit is satisfied with these incense, maybe he can leave obediently and save money." There are a lot of things, after all, if you do something, it is very likely to damage the facilities of this winery, and you will always be the one who suffers, Boss Zhang."

Chapter 406 A Tacit Cooperation

After Boss Zhang heard Xiaoyue's words, he immediately swallowed his saliva. He was also glad that he bought a lot of incense candles. Presumably for the sake of these incense candles, he should also be able to negotiate with the ghosts well.

"and many more…"

Boss Zhang suddenly realized something was wrong, and asked quickly,

"Why do you still need to negotiate with the evil spirit? Didn't I come to you just to get rid of this evil spirit? According to what you say, is there still a possibility of a bad negotiation?"

Seeing Boss Zhang asking this question, Ah Xing didn't panic at all, but said,

"Didn't I explain it to you before? Boss Zhang, don't worry, we have received your reward, and of course we will handle this matter well. The main reason is that the best solution is to give courtesy first, but don't worry, if that hungry ghost If you are really ignorant, then we will definitely solve it in the end."

Ah Xing secretly came out to take over the task when his master was there before, and he also figured out a set of speaking skills by himself.

First of all, the customers who came to them to catch ghosts must have received some unusual disturbances, so in the hearts of these customers, they were already very eager to eliminate the disturbances of these ghosts.

Therefore, after seeing the client, first of all, it is necessary to exaggerate that this evil spirit is very powerful, and secondly, to express it from the side, first to communicate first and then to fight the ghost, because if you fight a ghost, anything may happen, and it is very likely to destroy the things in the house. At this time, customers will generally be very impatient and very worried.

Just like Boss Zhang is now, once this happens, Ah Xing feels that half of the success is achieved this time, and he can even ask for more remuneration at the right time.

Sure enough, Boss Zhang shook his head and said directly,

"No, you have to get rid of this evil spirit in my place, and at the same time make sure not to destroy the things in the place. I spent money."

Ah Xing pretended to be difficult and said,

"Well, it's not impossible to do this, but it will require me and my junior sister to lose some mana."

Boss Zhang said,

"I don't care what method you use, anyway, I spent money, and you have promised a long time ago that you will handle this incident properly."

At this time, Ah Xing reluctantly said,

"But if Boss Zhang loses some laws, my junior sister and I need to buy a lot of medicinal materials to make up for it! So, look..."

After hearing Ah Xing's words, Boss Zhang understood that the two little Taoist priests dared to ask him to increase his salary! ! !

However, Zhang Zhang is usually good at calculation, so how can he let Ah Xing and Xiaoyue succeed in raising the price by sitting on the ground?

But Boss Zhang has no better way at this time, anyway, he can't directly reject Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, otherwise he is worried that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue will leave directly.

So, Boss Zhang said with a smile, "Don't worry, you two little Taoists! As long as you can really deal with this evil spirit well and pay for it, then it will be easy to talk about."

After finishing speaking, Boss Zhang smirked in his heart. He agreed on the surface, but in fact he didn’t say anything. He used this as an excuse to observe for two days, and then said that he still had symptoms and the evil spirit hadn't left. Naturally, the two little Taoist priests had nothing to do with him.

As soon as Ah Xing and Xiaoyue heard about Boss Zhang, a smile appeared on their faces, and they didn't even hide it, so they said happily,

"Boss Zhang, don't worry, my junior sister and I will do our best after a while, regardless of the loss of mana, and we will definitely get rid of this evil spirit."

"That's right, senior brother is right, although we two are young, our ability to catch ghosts is not fake, just look at it!"

Xiaoyue also echoed, and nodded to Ah Xing after she finished speaking.

Ah Xing understood, and directly took out three incense sticks from his pocket, then took out a piece of talisman paper to light the incense, and directly inserted it into the incense burner.

Lin Kaiyun, who was watching silently from above, laughed, and had to say that Ah Xing's way of doing it was smooth and smooth, and he didn't lack exercise at first sight. This posture was also very bluffing.

And after Ah Xing lit the incense, Xiaoyue didn't stay idle either, he held the mahogany sword tightly, turned over, and the mahogany sword was facing something drawn on the ground, and at the same time muttered in his mouth.

"The sky is lingling, the earth is lingling, the king of Hades has an order, and the evil spirits appear, and they are as urgent as a law, and they will kill you tonight!"

After Xiaoyue finished chanting, she sat cross-legged on the ground, and at the same time threw the Taoist robe on her body into the sky, and immediately took out a blessing, which burned into ashes in front of her.

And with A Xing's set of movements and Xiaoyue's set of movements, Boss Zhang on the side looked a little dumbfounded, and he was really stunned by A Xing and Xiaoyue.

And Lin Kaiyun couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene. In fact, Lin Kaiyun's first impression of A Xing and Xiaoyue was quite good, thinking that they would not be as ignorant as in the movie.

But looking at it now, I still leave Yun Tianzhen, this A Xing and Xiaoyue are no different from those on TV, they say they are hunting ghosts, but they are actually putting on airs to fool the owner of the winery!

What's more, even the Dharma altar is not right, they only pay attention to the scene, and pile up all the things in one go, regardless of the location.

That's all, what made Lin Kaiyun speechless the most was that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue couldn't even master this bluffing technique.

You said that you are so tired and can do somersaults and chant spells, why don't you take a peach wood sword and wear a few pieces of talisman paper and light it in front of the oil lamp, so that the winery owner can see what it means to live in the sky, and it will save effort if you do that Son, it would be nice to calm down the owner of the winery.

But I have to say that although Ah Xing and Xiaoyue didn't even appear to be particularly professional in acting, it was enough to deal with Boss Zhang, who was good at calculating.

Because the boss of this piece is always careful and careful. Even if he asked and invited Taoist priests before, he was trying to find some cheap ones.

So in Zhang Zhang's eyes, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue can be regarded as people with real kung fu.

Sure enough, when Boss Zhang was watching wonderfully, Xiaoyue, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, added another scene to Boss Zhang. He directly raised his hand and grabbed the void, and the copper coin sword beside the table flew directly to In the hands of Xiaoyue.

Then Xiaoyue took the copper coin sword and drew a talisman on the palm of her hand, and then Xiaoyue got up and circled the palm of the wine bowl, and then pasted the talisman on it, instantly igniting the talisman paper stand up.

As for the one who hid far away, after seeing this miraculous appearance, Boss Zhang couldn't help but want to clap hands for A Xing and Xiaoyue, and secretly said in his heart, this time I really want to please people.

Boss Zhang didn't know that the reason why the copper coin sword flew into Xiaoyue's hand was because Ah Xing, who was doing it at the table, flicked the copper coin sword over. You will feel that the copper coin sword flew over by yourself.

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