As for Boss Zhang, who was watching from the sidelines, he was even more embarrassed at this time. He was so frightened that he sat on the ground paralyzed, his legs were trembling, and he wanted to run away, but he was so scared that he had no strength left.

"Strange, even if senior brother and I acted realistically, they wouldn't be so frightened?"

At this moment, Xiaoyue didn't realize that the red-clothed man had already run behind him. He only felt that Zhang Zhang and his senior brother A Xing were very strange at this time.

Compared with Ah Xing who has been completely petrified, Boss Zhang is still kicking his legs back desperately at this moment, stretching out his hand, pointing at Xiaoyue tremblingly, with his mouth half open, but he can't make any sound .

At the same time, Ah Xing also pointed at Xiaoyue, and stammered,

"Xiaoyue, you..."

Xiaoyue didn't care about being exposed at this time, he looked at the weird A Xing, stomped his feet and shouted,

"What about me? What's the matter with you, my senior brother? You can't speak for any reason, what's going on?"

Now Xiaoyue also has some fear in her heart. When your people are pointing at you like crazy, no one will not think wildly.

However, at this moment, Xiaoyue suddenly felt a chill behind her, and there seemed to be something like water dripping on her neck.

So, Xiaoyue touched it subconsciously, and took a look in front of her eyes, and there was blood on her palm.

Immediately, Xiaoyue's spirit couldn't hold back anymore, but he still turned his head and looked at it instinctively.

"Ah!!! Help!!!"

Xiaoyue was frightened and screamed in an instant, because he saw a hideous, bloody, terrifying face, and a disgusting female ghost in red clothes and sticky hair.

Xiaoyue was not much better than Ah Qing and Boss Zhang at this time, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, his mind was also racing now, he couldn't figure out how a female ghost really appeared.

Could it be that the words just now were not acted out by my senior brother, but by this female ghost?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyue became even more frightened, because he actually had a conversation with the female ghost just now, and seemed to agree to some things about the female ghost.

Although Xiaoyue doesn't have any great abilities, she has been learning Taoism from her master after all, so she knows that people should never promise anything to ghosts. Once they promise, they must do it truthfully, otherwise the ghost will haunt them forever your.

At this time, the female ghost in red floated towards Xiaoyue, with a miserable voice in her mouth,

"Do you think I died a miserable death?"

Xiaoyue was so frightened that she ran to Ah Qing's side, pulled Ah Xing's arm and shouted,

"Ah? Brother, help me!"

At this moment, Ah Xing finally uttered a complete sentence,

"Xiaoyue, ghost, ghost, ghost is here!"

Lin Kaiyun, who was watching from the roof, shook his head speechlessly when he saw Ah Xing's timid appearance. He originally thought that Ah Xing was tall, long-armed, and muscular, and also a trainer, but he turned out to be so timid. Qiu Sheng is not as good.

But Lin Kaiyun was not in a hurry to act at this time, because he had just heard all the experiences of this female ghost, and after seeing the boss's expression, Lin Kaiyun was also sure that what the female ghost said should be true.

If this is the case, that Boss Zhang is indeed a person who deserves to die, and the female ghost in red may be the first to seek revenge on Boss Zhang, so Lin Kaiyun is not in a hurry to show up.

Seeing that Xiaoyue didn't pay any attention to his intentions, the red-clothed female ghost rushed directly in front of Xiaoyue and A Xing with a cold ghostly aura, and let out a miserable cry, "Why don't you talk? Am I dead? Miserable? Didn't you promise me to help me?"

At this time, the female ghost in red was really angry. In fact, he had already discovered it when he came out. There was an altar next to it. Boss Zhang, the enemy who killed him, was also there, which means that these people must have come to destroy him.

That being the case, then let’s just kill all of these people. The grievances of knowing this red-clothed female ghost were released overwhelmingly. The entire winery was covered with a thin layer of ice, and the temperature also dropped. Several degrees.

And this cold yin energy made Ah Xing and Xiaoyue feel more refreshed. They immediately ran away, ready to escape, but before they could go out, they were pulled back by the red ghost with yin energy.

"You two didn't do what you promised me. I'll settle the score with you later."

After finishing speaking, the female ghost in red directly rushed towards Boss Zhang.

Lin Kaiyun's guess was correct, the first target of the female ghost in red must be her enemy Boss Zhang, so A Xing and Xiaoyue will not be touched for the time being.

And Boss Zhang, who was collapsed on the ground, saw the terrifying and ferocious red-clothed female ghost, and rushed towards him. Suddenly, a stream of liquid gushed out between his legs, and he was so frightened that he peed!

"Please, please forgive me, please forgive me, I know I was wrong, it was a misunderstanding!"

Boss Zhang kicked his legs desperately at this time, trying to escape backwards, but his whole body was limp, and he could not move back a meter.

Seeing the female ghost in red gradually approaching, Boss Zhang was terrified at the moment, as if Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were begging for help,

"Two little Taoists, please save me, as long as you can save me as much as you want, I am willing to save me 50 yuan, no, no, 100 yuan, 1000 yuan!"

When Boss Zhang saw the appearance of A Xing and Xiaoyue, he was obviously very scared, but he had no choice but to be a dead horse at this time. All the people in the winery were evacuated within an hour. It can be said that there are only A Xing and Xiaoyue in the winery at this time. If he doesn't ask them two for help, who can he ask for help?

At this time, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were also terrified and hugged each other. They wanted to run away, but because they were dragged back by the red-clothed female ghost before, they didn't dare to run rashly again this time, for fear of getting angry. If they killed this red-clothed female ghost, they would really be dead.

After hearing Boss Zhang's cry for help, Ah Xing turned his head and stopped looking at him, but Xiaoyue mustered up the courage to answer,

"Boss Zhang, you are clearly trying to harm us. This female ghost became like this because of you, but you kept it from us and didn't tell us. We must know that we won't be able to come here."

And the words of the junior sister also made Ah Xing emboldened, and he also yelled at Boss Zhang,

"Boss Zhang, what my junior sister said is correct, you simply deserve to die."

After scolding Boss Zhang, this Ah Xing actually raised his head to look at the female ghost in red, and said in a begging tone, "This female ghost, the two of us are really innocent, we just want to fool this boss." Qian, I don’t have any other ideas. You can see that our rebound is useless. If you want revenge, go to Boss Zhang! Please spare us!”

After hearing what Ah Xing said, Boss Zhang also cursed angrily,

"You two little bastards, when I saw you, I knew that you have no ghost-hunting skills at all, and you actually want to cheat me of money, just dream!"

But the female ghost in red didn't have the skills, nor was she in the mood to pay attention to the quarrel between them. He threw himself directly in front of Boss Zhang, his hair slid down like tentacles, and wrapped around Boss Zhang's neck. A lot of blood spurted out of his mouth and splashed on Boss Zhang's face.

"Zhang Dagui, I died so badly because of you. I died so badly. I didn't expect it. I told you a long time ago that even if I die, I will turn into a ghost. Today I will kill you , I will make your life worse than death."

After the female ghost in red let out a roar, the hair wrapped around Boss Zhang tightened a little instantly.

Boss Zhang couldn't open his eyes from the large amount of blood spurted out, but his hands were still grabbing the hair on his neck and struggling desperately.

"Please, don't kill me, that was a misunderstanding, as long as you let me go, I will burn paper for you every year, and I will find you a place with good geomantic omen, so that you will have a good pregnancy. "

At this time, Boss Zhang was entangled by the hair of the female ghost in red, and he was almost suffocating. His face was already red with pain, but in order to survive, he forcefully uttered a series of words.

However, the red-clothed female ghost originally wanted to avenge her sorrows, and all her grievances were aimed at killing Zhang Dagui, so how could she give up just because of Zhang Dagui's few words.

So, the female ghost in red manipulated her hair and continued to strangle Boss Zhang's neck, and Boss Zhang had to open his mouth wide open in order to breathe. inside.

This made the boss feel the two painful feelings of suffocation and flooding, which is no less painful than receiving the most severe punishment.

But the female ghost in red was not in a hurry to kill Boss Zhang, but every time when Boss Zhang was about to die completely, he would loosen his hair and let Boss Zhang take a breath, and then the female ghost in red would kill Boss Zhang again. Tighten your hair.

This kind of cruel scene made Ah Xing and Xiao Yuexia cry bitterly. Yes, the two of them really cried.

Satsuki cried,

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