"What should I do, brother? I don't want to die. We don't know whether Master is dead or alive! I just want to come out to earn some money so that Uncle Jiu and Brother Lin can eat something good. Why would I meet a female ghost? What? Why are you so unlucky? What did I do wrong?"

Ah Xing also yelled at the red-clothed female ghost with a weeping tone,

"That's right, that female ghost in red, we just want to make some money, and we don't intend to offend you, why can't you let us go?"

The female ghost turned her head suddenly, and with a ferocious face, she made a miserable voice towards A Xing and Xiaoyue,

"You will do what you promised me, and don't look at the good words, you are the people invited by this noble to destroy me. Do you think I am a fool and can't see it?"

Xiaoyue glanced at Ah Xing, cried and said,

"Brother, why don't we run away? If we stay here, we will definitely be killed by that red-clothed female ghost."

"Alright, let's run while this female ghost is torturing that boss!"

Ah Xing nodded, took Xiaoyue's hand, got up and ran out the door.

"Don't want to run!"

The female ghost in red flicked her hair and wrapped it around the waists of A Xing and Xiaoyue, pulling A Xing and Xiaoyue back in an instant.

At this time, the female ghost in red also felt that tormenting Boss Zhang was enough. He stretched out his hand directly, and his long nails slid open Boss Zhang's throat like a sharp chainsaw.

Immediately, a lot of blood gushed out of Boss Zhang's throat, and there was a bubbling sound from his mouth. Finally, he covered his throat with his hands, and fell down with a dead eye.

After finishing off Boss Zhang, the female ghost in red turned her head to look at Ah Xing and Xiaoyue who had been captured, and roared viciously,

"You two are not good people, die for me!"

And just when Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were desperate, a familiar voice suddenly sounded,

"Boss Zhang is your enemy. He did such a thing that both humans and gods hate. Your revenge can be regarded as a cycle of karma, but you will kill these two people if you go. What is the difference between you and that boss?"

Chapter 408 Wash Your Hands and Eat

Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were already scared to death at this time, and they were very desperate in their hearts, thinking that they would definitely die at the hands of this red-clothed female ghost tonight.

However, at this moment, a voice that seemed to be saving lives suddenly reached their ears. This voice was very familiar to them, and it was Senior Brother Lin who came with Uncle Jiu.

Ah Xing and Xiaoyue looked up happily, and saw Lin Kaiyun jumping down from the corner of the wall.

Ah Xing shook his hands excitedly, looked at Xiaoyue and said,

"Senior Brother Lin! It's Senior Brother Lin."

Xiaoyue was also surprised at this time, and quickly shouted to Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, save us."

In fact, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue didn't know what Lin Kaiyun's ability was like, because they had never seen Lin Kaiyun make a move.

However, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue felt that since Lin Kaiyun practiced so seriously, he must be much better than them. Besides, now that Lin Kaiyun was their life-saving straw, who could they count on if they didn't count on Lin Kaiyun?

Just as the red-clothed female ghost was about to make a move, she was interrupted by Lin Kaiyun's voice. With a ferocious face, she looked at Lin Kaiyun angrily, especially for the Taoist robe Lin Kaiyun was wearing, feeling very disgusted, howling Said, "It seems that you are also Zhang Dagui's helper, since you have delivered it to your door, then don't even think about running away."

However, before the female ghost in red uttered harsh words, Lin Kaiyun preempted her before she could make a move.

At Lin Kaiyun's feet, he took Tiangang steps, jumped left and right, and came directly in front of the red-clothed female ghost. He stretched his two hands into his arms, and instantly took out two talisman papers that stored the power of the golden light spell, and pointed at him. The female ghost in red threw it out.

The red-clothed female ghost's hair pierced out like a sharp sword, directly piercing through the talisman paper thrown by Lin Kaiyun.

In an instant, the talisman pierced by the hair of the ghost in red erupted with powerful golden light, enveloping the ghost in red like a small sun.

The golden light spell has a strong ability to suppress all evil things, not to mention this evil ghost full of resentment. The moment she was shrouded in golden light, the whole body of the red-clothed female ghost burned with golden flames .

The burning of the golden flame made the female ghost in red feel heart-piercing pain, and a miserable cry came out of her desperately struggling mouth.

And Lin Kaiyun really didn't want to hear the screams of ghosts and wolves, so he took out the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt, rubbed his hands, and the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword flew out. In the blink of an eye, white light flashed, piercing touched the ghost's chest.

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword passed through the chest, but under Lin Kaiyun's control, it turned around and flew over, piercing the red-clothed female ghost burning with golden flames, and returned to Lin Kaiyun's palm.

And Lin Kaiyun stuck the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword on his belt, like a magic trick, the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword disappeared immediately.

As for the female ghost in red, her yin energy was getting weaker and weaker at this time, and she didn't have the strength to let out a scream, so she fell to the ground and burned to ashes.

Although Lin Kaiyun still didn't use his special abilities, this female ghost in red was far worse than the cat demon he met in the woods. It could even be said that he could be eliminated directly with the talisman paper of the Golden Light Charm.

Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were shocked when they saw that Lin Kaiyun had wiped out the terrifying red-clothed female ghost with his hand raised.

But the shock didn't last long, because they are now grateful that they have been saved, and their faces are full of smiles.

Ah Xing quickly got up and ran to Lin Kaiyun's side, and said excitedly,

"Senior Brother Lin, you are simply too powerful. You wiped out that vicious female ghost in red with three strikes, and your sword is so cool! Is it transformed from energy? Why did it disappear all of a sudden? "

How scared he was just now, Ah Xing is so excited now. He originally thought that he would die in the winery tonight, but he didn't expect that the female ghost in red would be burned to slag a few minutes later. The feeling of going to heaven made him unable to calm down for a long time.

And Xiaoyue looked at Lin Kaiyun with the same admiration, but he didn't whimper like Ah Xing, but said very gratefully,

"Senior brother Lin, thank you, thank you for coming, otherwise brother and I would probably die here."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyue lowered her head, but from time to time she secretly looked at Lin Kaiyun, her eyes were not full of gratitude, but full of curiosity and admiration.

While looking at Lin Kaiyun, Xiaoyue immediately remembered the way her senior brother A Xing was so frightened that he peed on his ass before.

Xiaoyue, who originally liked Ah Xing, has quietly changed in her heart at this time.

Because Xiaoyue and Ah Xing grew up together, plus Ah Xing's height and long arms, he was born with a martial arts figure, every time Ah Xing kicked and punched, Xiaoyue felt very cool.

But tonight, Xiaoyue felt that her senior brother, A Xing, looked a little muddy and couldn't support the wall. He was usually a little silly and stupid, and Xiaoyue could still be regarded as A Xing. Satsuki was a little disgusted.

Of course, this was mainly because of the appearance of Lin Kaiyun, which made Xiaoyue feel a contrast in her heart.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at A Xing and Xiaoyue, and shouted directly,

"Do you two have a long memory this time?"

"Ah?" Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were indeed brothers and sisters, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, they were stunned at the same time.

Lin Kaiyun also knew that A Xing and Xiaoyue, although their behavior was not correct, they really wanted to play tricks to deceive this Boss Zhang.

But Lin Kaiyun also knew that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were not bad in nature, and he also understood the reason why a penny beats a hero. Of course, the most important thing is that this boss is not a good guy, so Lin Kaiyun didn't I planned to reprimand Axing and Xiaoyue severely, but said earnestly,

"Ah, what? Have you long remembered this time? Exorcising demons and catching ghosts is not so easy. If you don't have real confidence, don't try your best. You must know that those evil spirits are not benevolent guys, and they will never follow you. You are reasonable, if you are not good enough, you will almost die at the hands of evil spirits like today."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue lowered their heads in shame, like a child who made a mistake and was caught, and replied a little embarrassedly,


In fact, Lin Kaiyun's words really touched their hearts, because just 10 minutes ago, the two of them almost died, and now they are still afraid for a while!

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