Ah Xing was stunned for a moment, seeing some disdain in Lin Kaiyun's expression, he stumbled and said, "Senior brother Lin, your expression...is this also fake?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and said, "Of course, you just don't understand people, and you, who have studied Taoism for so many years, can't see it. It's clearly the reflection of sunlight. Don't you think that what the missionary said? The Holy Light is the reflection of the sun's rays."

"Reflection of sunlight?"

Ah Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and then he reacted, scratching his head and said, "It shouldn't be! But how could the reflection of the sun be so bright, and it's like a ball of light."

Lin Kaiyun shrugged and said slowly, "Is it difficult? Wouldn't it be better if the mirror was bigger!"

Lin Jiu said coldly, "That's right, it should look like a big mirror, so I said, those Western missionaries are a bunch of liars."

In Lin Jiu's eyes, he had always looked down on these western missionaries, but now he saw that they were all liars.

Father Tao, who was standing in front of the door, saw that the presents were almost sold out, so he hurriedly said,

"Okay, the Lord's gift is almost ready, now, prepare to open the door of the church!"

After speaking, Father Tao led the other two missionaries to the door of the church.

Several nuns have been living in the dormitory area behind the church, but this place of prayer has been closed, and now because of its age and exposure to wind and sun, the lock cannot be opened at all.

However, Father Tao had anticipated this matter a long time ago, so he prepared a tool for picking the lock. Before, it was opened in advance, but now it only needs to be twisted twice symbolically to open it.

So in order to appear dignified, Father Tao asked all the missionaries to surround him, crossed himself on his chest, and kept praying.

"Hey, you are not allowed to open the door!"

Chapter 411 Talking about Chicken and Duck

Just after Father Tao was about to open the door of the church, a roar came.

Father Tao was stunned just as he stretched out his hand, and turned around strangely, wanting to see who was calling the shouting voice. You must know that Father Tao has already arranged for the reopening of the church. Powerful people have communicated.

Even at today's scene, all the respectable people in Jiuquan Town arrived at the scene to help reopen the church.

In the end, when it came to the critical moment, there was still someone to stop it?

Although he was a little upset, Father Tao was still very calm, looking for the person who spoke with a smile on his face.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go!"

At this time, Lin Jiu got into the crowd directly and walked towards Father Tao.

That's right, it was Lin Jiu who spoke just now.

Lin Jiu passed through the crowd and came to Father Tao, and said with a grim expression,

"You can't open this door, it's better not to reopen the church."

After seeing Lin Jiu, Father Tao nodded politely, drew a cross on his chest, and said slowly,

"God bless my lord, this Taoist friend, the church reopens today, it is my God's will, and at the moment when the door of the church is opened, everyone present will be blessed."

Although Father Tao didn't know the person in front of him, he naturally knew that this person was a Taoist priest when he saw the yellow robe on his body.

Taoist Priest Tao is very familiar with him. After returning from the west, when he was spreading God everywhere, he encountered the most obstacles, that is, Taoist priests, and even those who came up to conflict, so the attitude of this person in front of him is not bad.

"Don't say those useless words. As a human being, you must be sincere. Of course, I don't need to argue with you now. In short, the door of this church cannot be opened."

Lin Jiu was even more disgusted with Father Tao's godlike appearance. If he hadn't taken care of his own image, he would have rolled up his sleeves and had a big fight now.

Father Tao had already expected it in his heart, so there was not much emotional fluctuation at this time, and he still smiled and said to Lin Jiu,

"My Taoist friend, I think you may have misunderstood me. I am a loyal believer of the Lord, and I am also the Lord's messenger in the world. I am not a magic stick as you said. Although what you said is too much, it seems that the Lord sent me today. At the moment of gift, I will not care about it with you."

In fact, Father Tao has another idea in his mind now.

Because of Lin Jiu's unexpected appearance, and this posture seems to be disrupting the situation, but in Father Tao's opinion, this may not be a bad thing.

Father Tao knew very well that many people still believed in the abilities of Taoist priests, especially during weddings and funerals, they would basically go to Taoist priests to calculate auspicious days or Feng Shui horoscopes.

The same priest Tao also heard that when encountering some weird things, he would also go to Taoist priests.

And Father Tao also knew that the reason why he had conflicts with many Taoist priests was because he preached that God violated the interests of Taoist priests. Of course, Father Tao did not deny this, because he was like a mirror in his heart, and he came to steal the faith. of.

However, at this moment, Father Tao suddenly had an idea in his heart. If he subdue this Taoist priest in front of all the residents in Jiuquan Town, it would be equivalent to defeating the spirit of the Taoist priest, and also let people praise them. Churches are stronger than Taoist priests.

Of course, the reason why Father Tao had such an idea was because he was sure that he would not lose. After all, the powerful people in Jiuquan Town were standing up for him, how could this Taoist priest be able to argue against them.

When Lin Jiu saw this Father Tao, he was smiling, and he was not angry at all, and said angrily,

"Didn't your Lord tell you there was something wrong with this church?"

Father Tao is still like cotton, let you say anything, I just avoid the important and say with a smile,

"What's the problem? My Taoist friend, are you worried that the reopening of the church will affect your business?"

At this time, the cloth merchant who had been helping the head priest on the platform suddenly walked up to Lin Jiu, glanced at Lin Jiu suspiciously, and shouted loudly,

"Who are you? I remember that there should be only one Daoist Wu in our town. I have never seen you before? Are you from our town?"

The shouting person coincidentally also had the surname Lin, and he monopolized the cloth business in Jiuquan Town.

And the reason why he came to help the church platform today is because Father Tao promised him a lot of benefits. For example, after the church reopens, it will definitely absorb some believers. At that time, these believers must wear church clothes when they pray. .

Father Tao agreed, and at that time he would designate Boss Lin's clothing store, and let all the believers go to his store to make clothes.

And Father Tao told Boss Lin with certainty that there will be a lot of believers in the church in the future, at least half of the population of Jiuquan Town will become believers in the church. The most important thing is that Father Tao also promised Boss Lin that the church will be built in other places At the same time, he will also designate his clothing store.

The greedy Boss Lin was very willing to cooperate with Father Tao's conditions. The most important thing was that Boss Lin didn't have to pay anything. He just needed to come forward and speak good words for Father Tao and the church.

This matter is really a piece of cake for Boss Lin, which means that he has obtained Father Tao's promise without paying anything.

So the moment Lin Jiu came out to disrupt the situation, Boss Lin was willing to take the lead.

And after Boss Lin finished speaking, the people who were watching were also talking about it.

"This priest really doesn't seem to be from Jiuquan Town. I don't think I've seen him before."

"That's right, Boss Lin from the cloth shop is right, this person is indeed not from our town."

"Not from our town, come to disrupt the situation?"

"Who says it's not!!! They're not from our town, and they probably don't even know the history of the church, so why should they stand up and speak out?"

"Shh, stop arguing, didn't you see that the Taoist priest was followed by two apprentices of Daoist Wu! Maybe this Taoist knew the Taoist priest in the town!"

"That's right, I met him yesterday, he seems to be called Uncle Jiu, and he's been asking around about Daoist Wu."

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