Lin Kaiyun looked at this group of viewers who were discussing a lot, with disgust on his face. This group of people was the one who was most active in grabbing things just now, and they were also the most greedy for petty gain.

As the saying goes, the manpower is short, after receiving the gift from the church, they have already spoken for the church, and those who don't know think that these people have become believers of the church! ! !

After hearing a lot of people talking about Uncle Jiu, Xiaoyue couldn't take it anymore, and shouted at these people,

"What nonsense are you talking about! This is my master's good friend, Uncle Jiu. He lived in Jiuquan Town for a period of time ten years ago. How could he be an outsider!"

Ah Xing also echoed and shouted, "That's right! There must be a reason why Uncle Jiu refused to open the door of the church. What are you arguing about!"

At this time, Father Tao's son came to Father Tao's side with a book in his chest, and reminded him in a low voice,

"My father, this man is Uncle Jiu, who is now living in the former Daoist Wu's house. The two young men who spoke are exactly Daoist Wu's apprentices."

It was precisely because Father Tao had always had conflicts with the Taoist priests that the moment he came to Jiuquan Town, he asked his son to inquire if there were any Taoist priests in the town, so Father Tao's son knew that Uncle Jiu was clear.

Father Tao still had a smile on his face at this moment, he stretched out his hand to Lin Jiu, and said in greeting, "Oh, Uncle Jiu, I've looked forward to it for a long time!"

Lin Jiu kept his hands behind his back, not intending to shake hands with Father Tao at all, and said coldly,

"Don't do this. You'd better not open the door of this church. As for your preaching, it's up to you."

Father Tao withdrew his hand in embarrassment, but still felt very puzzled. He had encountered many Taoist priests asking for trouble, but he had never been like Lin Jiu. What does it mean to keep him from opening the door? Isn’t it too low-level to ask for trouble? Come on! ! !

Father Tao was full of doubts and asked, "Outside?"

Lin Jiu replied, "What's crooked? Who do you think is crooked?"

Father Tao repeated, "No, I mean why!"

Lin Jiu glared at Father Tao, and shouted angrily, "Why? You Western swindlers don't know this, and dare to say that the Lord is omnipotent? Didn't your Almighty Lord tell you that this church Is it the most evil location in Jiuquan Town?"

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, the missionary with the square face directly raised the cross on his chest, stared at Lin Jiu, and said in a bad tone,

"You are not allowed to slander the Almighty Lord, otherwise I will be impolite."

Lin Kaiyun was not silent at this time, and said directly, "Why are you impolite? Could it be that you want you to fight us with that palm-sized cross?"

Originally, my master was arguing with Father Tao. He was a junior, so he couldn't interrupt rashly, otherwise he would appear to be neither big nor small, and his master Lin Jiu would not be happy either.

However, the missionaries around Father Tao started to help, so Lin Kaiyun couldn't just watch them bully his master! !

Father Tao quickly pressed the hand of the missionary with the Chinese character face, and persuaded very kindly, "Maisang, put it down, don't be impulsive, the Lord told us to forgive the world, even if someone makes a mistake, the Almighty Lord will forgive him .”

Lin Jiu looked at Father Tao at this time, resisted the urge to hit him, and said unhappily, "You foreign monk, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't criticize Sang Huai."

Father Tao shook his head and said slowly, "NO, NO, NO, Uncle Jiu, we are all reasonable, you have to tell me why you can't open the door of the church, this is where we pray, and there are us inside After the statue of God is opened, all people will be protected by the Lord, why can't it be opened?"

Lin Jiu shouted coldly, "The location of this church is very special, and there is a strong Yin Qi inside. This location and location form the three evil positions."

When Lin Jiu first arrived in Jiuquan Town, the church was the first place Lin Jiu arrived. When he was here, he used a gossip mirror and a compass to explore, and realized that the location of this church is very special, and it is a rare Sansha position. The evil is cruel, and the nun told Lin Jiu the legend that some powerful evil might have appeared in this church 20 years ago, which caused all the people in the previous church to disappear overnight.

And Lin Jiu also sensed that although this place is the Sansha position, there has been nothing unusual in these years, so Lin Jiu didn't care. Lin Jiu didn't care much when he learned that the church bell was ringing.

But then it was reflected that if the church was reopened, many people would enter it, and if there were any evil seals, they would definitely be attracted by the breath of living people, which would easily cause disaster.

Lin Kaiyun also nodded after Lin Jiu finished speaking, but he didn't speak. After all, with his master Lin Jiu around, he couldn't take the lead.

However, Lin Kaiyun shared Lin Jiu's opinion on one point, that is, don't rashly disturb the things in this church.

Lin Kaiyun knew the plot of the movie and knew that there was a vampire in it, but the reason why he didn't choose to sneak in and destroy the vampire was because he was afraid of failure, which would cause a bigger crisis instead, just like the last time he let go of the zombie ancestor general.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the zombie general didn't seem to have much murderous intentions, otherwise Lin Kaiyun would feel remorse and guilt in his heart.

So this time, Lin Kaiyun did not plan to act recklessly, but took one step at a time. Besides, the vampire in the movie was very powerful and strange. If you don't know the situation, if you act rashly, it is very likely that you will not be able to kill him, and if you fail to kill him, I am afraid that innocent people will die again.

As for Father Tao's confused face after hearing Lin Jiu's explanation, it's not just pretending, he really didn't understand, he muttered in confusion, "What is Sanshawei? Could it be a place name?" ?”

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and said, "I'm too lazy to explain to you that the three evil positions are unlucky. If you open them, very bad things may happen, and there may be serious disasters."

Father Tao did not agree with what Lin Jiu said. In fact, in his heart, he also felt that the Taoist priest was a liar. He shook his head and said, "NO, NO, Uncle Jiu, what you said is wrong. Under the protection of the Lord, there is no Nothing bad will happen, and this is a church, the Lord will surely bless it."

Lin Jiu really didn't want to explain to this foreign monk, but for the sake of innocent people's lives, he still said patiently,

"Bless you? It's very cloudy inside, and it's very likely that there's something ominous. It's been safe and sound for so many years, which means it's sealed well, but once it's opened and a living person breaks in, it will definitely be alarmed. Some people will inevitably die because of it.”

Father Tao smiled and let Lin Jiu say what he said, but he just didn't believe it, and continued, "Uncle Jiu, are you talking about the legend of this church? I've heard it too. Don't worry, even if there are demons, It was also sealed by God, and God's seal will not be broken, now that we reopen the church, it will only make the seal stronger, and the situation you mentioned will not happen at all."

Chapter 412 Hanging the Portrait on the Window

Crunch! ! !

Accompanied by the hoarse sound of the door panel, Lin Jiu angrily pushed open the door.

"This foreign monk has a really elm-headed head and speaks a bird's language, but he can't even understand the words. It really pissed me off."

As soon as he entered the house, Lin Jiu stopped holding back and turned his head to curse, pointing his hand in the direction of the church.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, you are too kind to tell me. If you wanted us to do something just now, you would definitely be able to stop it."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu glared at Lin Kaiyun and scolded, "Don't stop you? Could it be that you brought A Xing and Xiaoyue to fight those common people? We are Taoist priests, not robbers, how can we What about fighting ordinary people?"

A Xing, who was following behind, also said, "Uncle Nine, I think this matter depends on the situation. Obviously those people pushed us first, even if we fight back, it's the same."

Xiaoyue also echoed, "That's right! Uncle Jiu, you didn't see that foreign monk opened the door of the church, he looked so proud, it's annoying to watch."

Lin Jiu shook his head and said slowly, "Even so, we can't do anything with ordinary people. Besides, haven't you seen that the security team of Jiuquan Town is also standing at the side of that foreign monk? And the The safety of the guns is on, if we really do something with the people of Jiuquan Town, the security team will have a reason to shoot, and we will be the ones who will suffer."

After hearing this, Lin Kaiyun and Ah Xing Xiaoyue nodded their heads. Indeed, as Lin Jiu said, if there was a conflict, the security team who was obviously on the side of Father Tao would definitely take the opportunity to shoot.

Although Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu were not afraid of the slow-firing bolt gun when they were fully prepared, there was no way to guarantee the safety of Ah Xing and Xiaoyue. After all, bullets have no eyes. Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun didn't want to see Ah Xing and Xiaoyue being hurt.

Sitting in the pavilion, Lin Jiu put his hands on the stone table, with a serious expression on his face.

Lin Kaiyun knew without asking at this time that his master must be very angry now, and the best thing for now is not to disturb Lin Jiu, and let him slowly let the anger in his heart come down.

However, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue didn't know this, so they ran to Lin Jiu's side one after another, one squeezed his shoulders and the other rubbed his legs, which was quite cute.

Lin Jiu would not calm down just because A Xing and Xiaoyue pinched their shoulders and beat their legs. He stared at A Xing and Xiaoyue and reprimanded them, "You two, don't practice early in the morning, and you don't even have morning skills. Practice, but have time to go to church to watch the excitement."

After hearing Lin Jiu's reprimand, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were a little stunned for a moment. There was nowhere to put their hands that pinched their shoulders and beat their legs, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Lin Kaiyun saw Ah Xing and Xiaoyue at a loss, and said quickly,

"Ah Xing, Xiaoyue, you two should hurry up and go back to practice."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue got up immediately, and said in unison, "Understood, Uncle Nine, Brother Lin, let's go to practice now!!!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, took a deep breath and said, "Oh! If young people practicing Taoism are like this, how can they not be defeated? No wonder, the people in Jiuquan Town are willing to believe in the church."

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