Seeing A Xing and Xiaoyue's dissatisfaction, Lin Jiu immediately thought of his other two apprentices. At the same time, he also thought of Jiale, the apprentice of the four-eyed Taoist priest, and the apprentice of the Qianhe Taoist priest. Just come up.

"Master, it is true that there are fewer people who choose to practice Taoism now. The base number is smaller, and the quality will of course decline. However, we don't need to belittle ourselves. The people in Jiuquan Town don't believe in churches. In fact, those businessmen are just out of profit, and those A group of ordinary people are just greedy for cheap, because that priest Tao is completely shameless, and guarantees that everyone will have gifts when they worship and pray in the future."

Seeing Lin Jiu's sad look, Lin Kaiyun quickly persuaded him, and then sat on the stone bench next to Lin Jiu, and continued,

"Master, believe it or not, you are giving gifts now, and there are many people coming."

Lin Jiu asked suspiciously, "Is that gift so good?"

Lin Kaiyun paused for a moment, and expressed his thoughts,

"Master, this is human nature. In fact, there are many people who change their positions for these small favors, and that priest Tao grasped this point, not only today, but also with future promises to buy off the crowd. people."

"I can be sure that those who maintain the church today absolutely do not believe in what Father Tao said about God or the Lord. Of course, they will not be able to tell in the future."

Lin Jiu was still frowning. Although the people in Jiuquan Town stood by Lin Jiu today and supported Lin Jiu, he was still worried about the safety of these people. He sighed and said,

"Well, I don't care what these people choose to believe, but that Father Tao has opened the door of the church today, and I'm afraid there will be chaos in the future, and there is a high possibility that people will die."

Lin Kaiyun knew that his master was a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person. Although he was angry with that stupid priest Tao, the most important thing was that he was worried that after the three evil seats of the church were opened, many people would surely enter in the future.

At that time, the yang energy will pour in and destroy the three evil positions. Even if there are no demons, the evil energy of these three evil positions will cause the surrounding people to suffer physical and mental damage.

So Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Master, do you think that if the two of us work together, can we get rid of the suspected demon in that church?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu glanced at him.

In fact, Lin Jiu still recognized Lin Kaiyun's strength, but Lin Jiu still didn't want Lin Kaiyun to use those weird abilities now. After all, the reason why he brought Lin Kaiyun out this time was to make Lin Kaiyun more proficient.

Lin Jiu said solemnly, "Kaiyun, if there is any evil in those three demons, they will be very powerful. They will definitely not be the same as the enemies you encountered before. It can be said that they will definitely be stronger than the cat monsters you met a few days ago." Much stronger, as to whether it will be stronger than the zombie Wang Xuankui you defeated directly, it's hard to say."

When Lin Kaiyun heard Lin Jiu mentioning his previous achievements, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Master, I didn't defeat that zombie Wang Xuankui alone. In fact, it was after the zombie Wang Xuankui was seriously injured that I picked it up. of."

Lin Jiu nodded, and said seriously, "Well, since that's the case, once the evil spirit of the three evil ranks really exists, even if you use the exercises of those outer sects, I'm afraid you and I, the master and the apprentice, have no way to be the first. Time is gone, and there will inevitably be riots and unnecessary casualties."

Lin Kaiyun quickly asked, "Master, what should we do? Should we just wait passively?"

Lin Jiu shook his head, looked at Lin Kaiyun and said, "No, we must prepare for the worst. If the legend in the church is true, then there must be powerful evil spirits in the three evil positions, so we have to prepare early."

"is it?"

Lin Kaiyun immediately became interested, and quickly asked, "Master, what are we going to do? Are we sneaking into the church quietly?"

Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun and cursed with a smile, "What are you thinking? You sneaked into the church!"

Lin Kaiyun was a little dazed, and asked suspiciously, "Then what are you going to do?"

Lin Jiu said with a smile, "Of course it's to improve your strength!"

"What?" Lin Kaiyun looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously, and didn't understand what his master Lin Jiu meant. You must know that his current strength has entered a bottleneck, because his body was transformed by the system, which caused his mental power to not only stagnate Not moving forward, even going backwards.

For this point, Lin Kaiyun has not yet found a solution, but now that he has the innate qi, Lin Kaiyun at least has a solution, that is to let the innate qi in his body grow rapidly, thereby driving his stagnant mental power. .

However, Lin Kaiyun knows that it is very difficult to cultivate the first qi, and there is no doubt that there is no way to improve quickly in a short period of time.

So Lin Kaiyun felt a little surprised by what Lin Jiu said at this time. Could it be that his master has a way to improve the innate qi in a short period of time?

Lin Jiu saw that Lin Kaiyun's expression was a bit strange at this time, and asked suspiciously, "Kaiyun, why are you so surprised? I just want to know about your cultivation of the formation. If there is any evil in the three evil positions, I also want you not to use those outlandish moves."

"What? Just improve the formation? I thought you wanted to improve my innate qi!!!"

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, and muttered to himself.

Lin Jiu was sitting next to Lin Kaiyun, so Lin Kaiyun could hear what Lin Kaiyun muttered very clearly. He snorted coldly and said,

Lin Jiu laughed angrily at Lin Kaiyun's appearance, and said, "Help you improve your innate qi? You think simply, this innate qi is not even said to be powerful, so how can you improve it?"

Lin Kaiyun said weakly, "Got it! Got it!"

Lin Jiu shouted, "Okay, cheer up, I'm going to check your formation practice now."

"Okay, what kind of formation do you want to check, master, I'm definitely not lazy, not to mention every moment, but the training time is definitely not less than twelve hours a day."

Lin Kaiyun said with certainty that he was obviously confident in Lin Jiu's spot check this time.

Lin Jiu nodded, and said directly, "Okay, gossip and square formation, how is your cultivation going?"

"Master, absolutely no problem."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he took out four talismans from his bosom, namely earth talisman, fire talisman, water talisman, and wind talisman.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun threw the four charms on the stone table, and with a wave of his hand, he squeezed several spells in a row, and directly took the four charms hanging on the stone table and instantly shattered them into four balls of light.

These light clusters respectively represent the four gods and beasts. The water talisman turned into a green light cluster with a shadow resembling a green dragon; There was a red light cluster, in which was the shadow of Suzaku, and the wind talisman turned into a white light cluster, in which was the shadow of the white tiger.

These light clusters representing the four divine beasts are placed in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and at the same time, there is a gossip formation between them. The gossip formation seems to be superimposed, and there are a total of four colors that rotate continuously.

"You have mastered it to this extent? Even the four layers of gossip have been able to condense proficiently?"

Lin Jiu looked in amazement at the small formation that Lin Kaiyun had condensed on the table. He knew that Lin Kaiyun had mastered the formation long ago, but he didn't expect that after only a few days, his great apprentice could actually integrate this formation through.

You must know that this formation is not just relying on the accumulation of materials. There are thousands of avenues in cultivation, and none of them is extremely complicated. It is as difficult as reaching the sky to master it.

For example, in this formation, the requirements and types are extremely diverse, yin and yang, five elements, four images and eight trigrams, starry sky, twelve palaces, etc., are very vast, and even the easiest to create, even many people Will change the formation, of course, the hardships will not be simple.

After all, Lin Jiu has seen too many such things with Lin Kaiyun, and he already has some immunity, he said, "Since you have fully comprehended it, then go choose some materials to display the formation today."

Lin Kaiyun said in surprise, "Master, are you going to prepare the eye formation materials for me? That's great, I really don't have the formation eye materials that match the attributes of these four beasts."

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "That's right, since I taught you this formation, I must have prepared the materials for the formation."

Lin Kaiyun was not polite to Lin Jiu, and directly reached out to ask for it, and said, "Great, master, give me the feeling! If this formation has a formation eye, it can be more stable and sustainable. It will take a long time, and even the power is more than twice that of before, so I can't wait."

"Let's go! Come into the room with me!"

Lin Jiu got up and walked towards her room.

And Lin Kaiyun also followed up, Master wants to give treasures, he is a fool if he doesn't work hard! ! !

After passing through the corridor, Lin Kaiyun followed Lin Jiu into the room.

Lin Jiu's room was right next to Lin Kaiyun's. Although it wasn't the first time Lin Kaiyun entered, every time, Lin Kaiyun had to be convinced that his master was definitely good at transforming the room.

The table in the middle was placed in front of the window, and an incense burner was placed on it, and the portrait of Sanmao Zhenjun, the founder of Maoshan, was also hung in front of the window.

Lin Kaiyun once asked Lin Jiu more than once why he put the portrait of Sanmao Zhenjun on the window. Isn't this blocking the light?

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