It is true that if Lin Kaiyun was taught the rhythm, he would be stunned by now, but he is still very good at mastering the length of the breath. After Lin Jiu taught it a few times, he basically mastered it.

"Master, I'll play it again now, you can see if it works!"

Let's talk, Lin Kaiyun took the suona from Lin Jiu's hand, and then played it according to the method Lin Jiu had taught him before.

In an instant, the sound of the suona resounded throughout the courtyard, and it was not like the previous one, only it rang, but with some rhythm, it sounded more like a tune.


Lin Jiu nodded. He was very satisfied that his big apprentice could blow the suona to such an extent in such a short time. He was already very powerful, so he turned his head and asked Xiaoyue, "Xiaoyue, since you You have a certain foundation of dulcimer, now it should be no problem for you to cooperate with Senior Brother Lin and follow his rhythm, right?"

Xiaoyue nodded confidently and said,

"Uncle Jiu, don't worry, it's okay."

Lin Jiu said,

"Okay, then we will all follow Kaiyun's rhythm. As for Ah Xing, you still follow my classical rhythm to beat the gong."

A Xing also nodded sharply,

"I see, Uncle Jiu."

"Okay, then we'll start."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu gave Lin Kaiyun a look directly.

Lin Kaiyun understood, put the suona directly to his mouth, and began to blow according to the previous rhythm.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of Lin Jiu's drum and Xiaoyue's dulcimer came in very tacitly, and Ah Xing also listened to Lin Jiu's drum, beating the gong endlessly.

Immediately, the sounds played by these several different musical instruments merged into one place in an instant, and they were very tacitly connected with each other, complementing each other, and it felt like a phoenix singing in harmony.

After all, Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and others are just laymen in music, so we can't say how powerful this piece is, but it has an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

It's no longer as awkward as it was just now. Now after a piece in Huicheng, several people played very hard.

However, after playing excitedly, several people were very satisfied, but they seemed to have forgotten the main thing, that is, their purpose of playing was to overwhelm Father Tao in the church. As a result, because they lived far away, they didn't use any Amplified stuff so it didn't overwhelm the church sound.

Chapter 416 Don't Beg Me

At this moment, after Ah Xing rang the gong, he asked with some doubts,

"Uncle Jiu, what should I do? I feel that the voice from the church is still louder."

Xiaoyue also nodded in agreement and said,

"That's right, Uncle Jiu, I also think the voice from the church is louder."

Lin Jiu stopped beating the drum after listening, but frowned and meditated.

Lin Kaiyun listened with his ears sideways, and it was true that the sound of the church was a little louder, but it was because the church used something to amplify the sound.

But now they don't have sound amplification equipment around them, so they must not be able to suppress the voice from the church. After thinking for a while, Leaving Yun said,

"Master, since the sound can't overwhelm the church now, why don't we move outside, as long as we get closer to the church, our voice will definitely overwhelm them!"

Lin Jiu nodded, agreed with Lin Kaiyun's opinion and said,

"Okay, then you all come with me, and we go directly to the street opposite the church to blow."

So, Lin Jiu took Lin Kaiyun, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, carrying musical instruments of all sizes, to the street near the church.

Under the strange eyes of some residents, Lin Jiu directly put the big drum on the ground, then nodded to Lin Kaiyun and the others and said, "Start."

In an instant, Lin Jiu directly dropped the drumstick in his hand, and the thick and high-pitched cry exploded immediately, as if rolling thunder fell on the ground. The sound seemed to have a strong penetrating power, covering all the surrounding sounds up.

Under Lin Jiu's guidance, Lin Kaiyun and others started playing and singing, especially the sound of Lin Kaiyun's suona was more soul-stirring than the drum.

Although Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and the others did not have any amplification equipment, the place where the performance was performed was not far from the church, so the sound was really done for a while, the piano sound of the church.

On the other side, Father Tao, who was holding three leaves and lighting the holy water in the church, also found the sound of Lin Jiu and others playing. Said to his son,

"Maisang, let the singing of the pianist and our Lord Jesus be louder."

"Okay, father."

After Father Tao's son nodded, he sang Hallelujah louder, and the piano player beside him also began to play harder.

In an instant, two pieces of music with completely different styles floated in the sky above Jiuquan Town, which made the people of Jiuquan Town full of curiosity and gradually surrounded them.

"What's the matter, why is there still music in the town center?"

"I don't know, I was just woken up by this sound too, but I seem to have heard the sound of a big drum and a suona!"

"What big drum and suona, didn't you listen to the priest in the church yesterday? He will sing praises to the Almighty Lord this morning, and everyone who hears this voice will be blessed."

Some people in Jiuquan Town did not go to watch the fun, but they also gathered together to discuss.

At this moment, a person ran over and shouted at the discussion crowd,

"What are you still talking about here? The priest and the priest of the church seem to be fighting each other, playing music with each other?"

After hearing this, one of them asked suspiciously,

"Really? Why do you play music when you're fighting?"

"Why do you care so much, anyway, if there is a fight, there will be excitement, why don't you hurry up!"

So, under the reminder of the good people, more and more people gathered around the central church in Jiuquan Town.

But at this time, Lin Jiu led Lin Kaiyun and the others and the priest of the church refused to give in to each other, the sound of blowing became louder and faster, and the rhythm became faster and faster. Needless to say, this really made the crowd of spectators feel Here we go, blood spurting.

"I'll go, I really opened my eyes today. I didn't expect that someone would actually use this musical instrument to compete and hear my blood boil."

"That's right, the rhythm of the music on both sides is so fast that I can't help but dance."

"Hey, which side do you think will win? Or I think it should be the priest's side of the church? He seems to play a Western instrument, and he looks taller."

"What's so tall? What's so good about Western nights? You don't know what's good at first glance. What's the use of being so big? Isn't that sound better than a small suona? Let me tell you, all Western things are all good. Looks."

"That's not good. Even if the Western musical instrument looks like a wax elephant head with a silver gun as you said, don't you see that the missionaries are still singing? But there is no one singing on the Taoist side. .”

"What's wrong with the singing? I can't understand what he sang, anyway, it sounds weird to me."

In this way, the onlookers also commented with relish, and even drew two camps for this. One side insisted that the suona drum would definitely win, while the other insisted that the western musical instruments naturally had an advantage. .

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Lin Jiu. He was wearing a robe embroidered with auspicious clouds, and he had a very obvious fat belly. He walked up to Lin Jiu's big drum with small steps, " Uncle Jiu, didn't we agree yesterday? Why are you making trouble so early in the morning?"

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