After seeing one more person suddenly, Lin Kaiyun and others also put down the instruments in their hands and looked over curiously.

At the same time, several people came over, and one of them had a fleshy face and was wearing gorgeous clothes, but the clothes were stained with oily spots and said,

"That's right! Uncle Nine, is there something to discuss and resolve? And you are a scholar, you can also be regarded as an intellectual? How can you act like a street performer and play tricks on this street?"

After hearing what these two people said, Lin Jiu frowned directly, threw the drum hammer in his hand on the drum, pointed in the direction of the church and said, "This sound is clearly from the church first. ? What kind of birdsong did you sing in the early morning without letting people sleep? Why didn’t you stop him and come to me instead?”

Said the fat middle-aged man,

"Uncle Jiu, didn't we make an agreement yesterday? And it's not that I'm coming to see you. That priest Tao has reported to the town in advance for any ceremony today, so this dish was sung and played early in the morning. Yes, and it’s only in the last few days and not every day.”

After Lin Jiu heard these words, his face suddenly became ugly, and he said in a bad tone,

"A few days ago? It sounds like you all support the church."

That obese middle-aged man is the mayor of Jiuquan Town. He smiled and said to Lin Jiu,

"Uncle Jiu, it wasn't us who supported it. Didn't we talk for a long time last night? The reopening of this church is of great significance to our Jiuquan Town. It can increase the commercial value of our Jiuquan Town, which is also important to all the people in Jiuquan Town. Good things."

In fact, Lin Jiu did not meet and communicate with Father Tao last night, but communicated with the mayor of Jiuquan Town and some merchants. It is not so much communication as these people want to persuade Lin Jiu, but Lin Jiu is It is so easy to be persuaded, so I did not agree with these people.

After the mayor of Jiuquan Town finished speaking, a very neat young man in a suit next to him said in a bad tone,

"Uncle Jiu, you are just a person from outside the town. Even if you were in Jiuquan a few years ago, you are still an outsider. We have already given you face."

This young man was the son of the mayor of Jiuquan Town. He didn't have a good Chinese name, so he chose a foreign name, David.

This David is not like other merchants who pay attention to peace. What he said at this time did not save any face.

Lin Jiu roared in a bad tone,

"If there is nothing wrong with that church, I wouldn't bother to stop it, but I have already told you that there are three evil spirits inside. If there are always people going in for activities, the yang energy of people will definitely be destroyed These three evil positions will affect everyone who has entered the church, as well as those around the church."

Originally last night, Lin Jiu communicated with these people calmly and told them the pros and cons, but the mayor of Jiuquan Town and those merchants only had interests in their eyes, and they didn’t care at all about the drawbacks Lin Jiu said, or I don't believe it at all.

The mayor of Jiuquan Town was a little displeased when he heard Empress Lin and the others, but he still said patiently,

"Uncle Nine, it's not that we don't believe it. This church has existed in Jiuquan Town for many years, and it was opened well more than ten years ago. There was no problem at all. Why did there suddenly appear some kind of Sansha?" Woolen cloth?"

Because the masters of Axing and Xiaoyue had always existed in Jiuquan Town before, the residents of Jiuquan Town had a good impression of Taoist priests. Because of this, the mayor of Jiuquan Town would have a good discussion with Lin Jiu, otherwise he would The security team has already bombarded people.

And that David, at this time, had a bad intention, he said to Lin Jiu with a smirk,

"Uncle Jiu, to be honest, our Jiuquan Town has a very good law and order in the ten miles and eight villages around here. There has never been a life lawsuit, even when A Xing and Xiaoyue's masters were there, so occasionally It's a small dirty thing, but no one was killed, but when you came, Uncle Jiu, people were killed. As far as I know, Zhang Dagui from the winery seems to have invited Axing and Xiaoyue to catch ghosts , As a result, if Ghost Catch didn’t catch him, he didn’t know, but he died in his winery.”

"What winery? Zhang Dagui? What are you talking about?"

After Lin Jiu heard this, he was stunned. He didn't understand what it meant at all, so Lin Jiu quickly turned his head to look at Lin Kaiyun, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue.

Although Lin Jiu didn't open his mouth to question, the inquiry in his eyes was very obvious.

Under Lin Jiu's eyes, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue had no choice but to look at Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun glared at A Xing and Xiaoyue. The actions of the two of them obviously told Lin Jiu that he, Lin Kaiyun, was the mastermind, which meant that he was betrayed by A Xing and Xiaoyue.

Sure enough, Lin Jiu glared at Lin Kaiyun and asked directly,

"Kai Yun, what's going on? What ghost hunting? When did you go hunting ghosts? Why don't I know?"

"Master, A Xing and Xiaoyue did help Zhang Dagui from the winery to catch ghosts a few days ago, but the ghosts in the winery had a lot of grievances. We tried our best to stop them, but we still couldn't stop them. In the end, the evil ghost and Zhang Dagui It's all over together."

Lin Kaiyun had no choice but to explain slowly. After speaking, Lin Kaiyun took a step forward, looked at David in a clean suit, and asked,

"Since you have discovered Zhang Dagui, you must have checked the cause of Zhang Dagui's death? Isn't it strange that he was drowned in an empty place in his winery, and he was drowned in blood, I believe you There should be clues in his throat."

"The same evil spirit was a worker in Zhang Dagui's winery a few years ago. Because Zhang Dagui was greedy for the beauty of that worker, he had evil thoughts, and in the end he ruined their family. Don't say you don't Know."

After that David heard Lin Kaiyun's aggressive words, his eyes began to dodge. In fact, he knew that what Lin Kaiyun said was the truth, and it was because of this that he was a little caught off guard.

Originally, he planned to use this set of words to threaten Lin Jiu, so that Lin Jiu's so-called "Three Demons" and some evil claims could not stand, but it was obvious that Lin Kaiyun was very confident and confronted him directly, which made David Some don't know what to say.

"Okay, don't talk about things that have passed."

At this moment, the mayor of Jiuquan Town yelled directly, then nodded to Lin Jiu and said with a smile,

"Uncle Jiu, we tried hard to persuade you last night, but you didn't listen to our advice, so we should give more consideration to your suggestions and opinions."

"Okay, if this is the case, then let's not talk about it, but I have already said everything I can say, I have done my best, and I have no shame in my heart. I have also told you all about the three evils and their dangers in Jiuquan Town. , but if you insist on not caring, then I can't help it, but the ugly words are ahead, if something really happens, you can find a way to solve it yourself, don't bother me, I'm still investigating Ah Xing and Xiaoyue What about the disappearance of the master!"

Lin Jiu also realized at this time that there is no way to communicate with these people who are obsessed with interests. They only think about what etiquette this church can bring to them. After doing everything, he simply left a word, turned around and left.

Lin Kaiyun also said to the mayor of Jiuquan Town at this time,

"How many people? I'm telling you that there is a very powerful evil spirit in that church. Once it is really awakened, if that evil spirit is awakened, it will not be a matter of one or two lives. And you have also heard my master say, when the time comes Even if you come to beg, you won’t bother.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun turned around directly and followed Lin Jiu's pace.

"The mayor really has a ghost, why don't you believe it?"

"That's when you will regret it."

Ah Xing and Xiaoyue also said something to the mayor of Jiuquan Town, and then quickly followed.

Chapter 417 Something Happened

These merchants in Jiuquan Town did not make changes because of the warnings of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, and they didn't even take it to heart.

The fat mayor of Jiuquan Town looked at the backs of Lin Jiu and the others with a satisfied smile on his face.

But this smile didn't last long, the mayor of Jiuquan Town's expression became stiff, he stretched out his right hand to tighten his clothes, and said to his son,

"Hey, David, go to the carriage and bring me a piece of clothing. I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly feel a little cold."

"Okay, Dad." David nodded, then turned around and walked towards the carriage parked on the side of the street.

In fact, according to the usual situation, David will never pick up the clothes by himself, but will assign other servants, but now he also feels a piercing coldness, which is not very painful, but it is He couldn't help but want to put on his clothes quickly, so it was rare for David to go in person.

At this time, the merchants standing next to the mayor of Jiuquan Town were uncomfortable, tight to the clothes they were wearing, and muttered in their mouths,

"It's strange, why does this big sun feel so cold?"

"I don't know, maybe it's the wind! I also feel a little cold and gloomy."

"It's really strange. When I walked out of the house in the morning, I thought the weather was good today, so I didn't wear some clothes on purpose."

At this time, one of the bosses who supplied pork to Jiuquan Town twitched his face, his eyes were rounded, he looked at everyone suspiciously, and said,

"It's really strange. You said that the Taoist priest named Lin Jiu didn't lie? Could it be that the church really has that kind of three evil spirits?"

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