Of course, the other people didn't believe Butcher Li's statement, they all looked at him with contempt, and began to sneer,

"I said, Butcher Li, did you have any sequelae from slaughtering pigs in the early years? How can this kind of thing be associated?"

"That's right! Butcher Li, although you haven't slaughtered pigs for many years since you became the boss, but in the early years you had a thousand pig lives instead of five hundred. Didn't those Taoist priests always say, like you? With blood on your hands like this, no ghosts dare to approach you."

In fact, if it weren't for the reopening of the church, which is really good for them, these businesses, these people would not gather together at all.

Especially those merchants who think they are very decent, they look down on Butcher Li at all, because Butcher Li was just a butcher and stall five years ago.

But even if he became the boss, he no longer had to kill pigs himself, but the smell of butchering pigs on Butcher Li still lingered.

Butcher Li, with a simple mind, didn't realize that this group of people looked down on him at all, and even twirled the tasteless finger on his finger, laughing loudly,

"Hahaha, yes!!! I was thinking too much."

At the same time, four people including Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun also returned home.

At the moment when the door was closed, Ah Xing seemed to become more courageous, turned his head and said to the outside,

"Uncle Jiu, don't worry about those people. The mayor of our Jiuquan Town was bought with money. You can see that he is obese. He usually knows how to eat nonsense, and his mind is probably full of fat. "

Xiaoyue, who was standing beside A Xing, looked at the angry A Xing and asked,

"Brother, why didn't you just say that? Maybe the mayor won't be so proud."


After hearing Xiaoyue's words, Ah Xing stopped his indignation in embarrassment. After laughing twice, he scratched his head and said,

"The main reason is that the master has taught us before? I don't want to slap people in the face. Didn't I follow the master's teaching?"

Xiaoyue obviously didn't believe Ah Xing's words, she turned her head sideways and asked,

"Really? Brother, are you still afraid of offending the mayor?"

After Ah Xing heard the words, he clenched his fists and explained excitedly, as if he had been stepped on by his little tail,

"How? I'm not afraid."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Ah Xing's clumsy defense and said with a smile,

"Okay, Ah Xing, when you were at the bar that night, you were already timid. Now you just admit that you are not timid, so what can you do? Look at your junior sister Xiaoyue, she obviously doesn't believe it. Your explanation."

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, Ah Xing wanted to find a ground to drill down, but he really couldn't save himself, so he could only find a step for himself, and said,

"I promise it's really not this time. Well, at most it's just a little bit. Of course, I also want to obey the master's instructions to us."

Lin Jiu sat on the stone bench in the pavilion at this time, and shouted to several people,

"Okay, what's going on with your winery? Tell me in detail."

"Master is like this..."

Lin Kaiyun did not hide it, but told Lin Jiu the truth about the matter.

"Oh, that female ghost is also a poor person!"

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's narration, Lin Jiu shook his head and sighed, but he still looked directly at the expression on Lin Kaiyun's face and said very seriously,

"Kaiyun, although karma and revenge are a matter of course, since we are at the scene, we shouldn't just sit idly by. Even if Zhang Dagui from the winery is a heinous person, we can't just watch him being murdered by a haunted house. dead?"

Lin Kaiyun knew that his master was a very just person, and he also had his own rules of conduct.

And Lin Kaiyun may have never been to Maoshan’s inner sect, or it may be the reason why Lin Jiu is more protective of the calf, so Lin Kaiyun’s form is more free and easy, everything depends on his mood, there is no absolute righteousness in his heart, and there is no absolute evil .

However, Lin Kaiyun will not try to change Lin Jiu's principles, so following Lin Jiu's words,

"No, master, how could I just watch the ghost hurt people? I really wanted to stop it, but the ghost's resentment was too strong, and I was still a step too late."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun did not forget to increase the authenticity of his words, pointing to A Xing and Xiaoyue beside him and said, "Master, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, ask A Xing and Xiaoyue."

Ash nodded quickly and said,

"Uncle Nine, Senior Brother Lin really didn't speak, he rushed over in a hurry, and just as he fell off the wall, that Zhang Dagui was already killed by the female ghost."

Xiaoyue also nodded in agreement,

"Yes, Uncle Jiu."

In fact, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue are not perjury at this time, nor are they covering for Lin Kaiyun, because from their perspective, they don't know that Lin Kaiyun has been hiding on the wall and watching, they only know that Lin Kaiyun is in a hurry. When he hurriedly jumped off the wall, that Zhang Dagui had already been killed by the female ghost.

"Well, that's good. Although I have said it countless times, I still have to repeat it again."

Lin Jiu nodded, waved his hands at A Xing and Xiaoyue, and said, "Listen, you two too, we are all Taoist priests, no matter which ashram we are in, we all have some things that ordinary people can't imagine. Power, Ah Xing, Xiaoyue will take the two of you as an example, although what you have learned is half a bottle of water, but if you intend to trick an ordinary person, it will be very easy."

When they heard this, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue nodded very cooperatively, because they knew in their hearts that what Lin Jiu said was not wrong. If you want to deal with ordinary people, there are still many ways.

Lin Jiu continued,

"So once a person wants to master power, the most difficult thing that must be done is to learn to control this power. Otherwise, if one does not pay attention to a certain detail, it is easy to step into the evil way. You must know that there are many evil in this arena. Xiu, many of them used to be chivalrous and righteous, but if they go the wrong way, they can never turn back."


Lin Kaiyun, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue nodded in unison.

"Okay, I won't say any more, or you'll think I'm a jerk again. You all understand the truth. Think about it carefully in your mind, and take it as an exercise of mental strength."

Lin Jiu saw that the three people had indeed listened, so he stopped talking, got up and returned to his room.

After seeing Lin Jiu leave, Lin Kaiyun said to Ah Xing and Xiaoyue,

"Ah Xing, Xiaoyue, you two go prepare breakfast!"

Ash nodded and asked,

"Okay, Senior Brother Lin, do you have anything to eat? I'll go buy it for you."

"No need, you can prepare normally."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head. He didn't have any requirements for breakfast. In fact, with his current cultivation base, he can go without food for a few days, but there is still no way to eliminate this desire to eat.

After giving instructions, Lin Kaiyun also returned to his room and started to practice.

But this time Lin Kaiyun did not practice what his master Lin Jiu taught.

Instead, he hung up the portrait of the patriarch and studied the magic strike technique taught by the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Lin Jiu once said that one month later, in the competition among Maoshan's inner sects, he only needs to use Maoshan's skills, and this magical technique is naturally within the scope.

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