Lin Kaiyun knew that his master was talking about the situation inside, so he quickly walked to Lin Jiu's side and looked inside.

I saw that in the innermost room of the kitchen, near the stove, lay a shriveled corpse, who could be vaguely identified as Mayor Liu.

Around Mayor Liu, there was a mess, there was an iron pot rolled aside, vegetable soup remained, and many broken bowls and jars.

"Master, there is an evil aura remaining on the ground. It seems that it should be some kind of magic circle or ritual."

Lin Kaiyun also saw that under Mayor Liu, there was a circle of black marks and dried blood. Although he couldn't see what it was, the evil aura was very obvious.

Chapter 428 Calling a Ghost

Mayor Liu's body lay quietly on the ground, and the surrounding marks were filled with evil aura.

Lin Kaiyun silently walked over to the remaining imprint, closed his eyes and felt it.

That's right, this aura is very similar to that of Fulong Daoist when his eyes were red just now.

"Master, I can't be wrong. This evil aura is exactly the same as that of Fulong Daoist when his pupils just turned red. I won't admit it." Lin Kaiyun turned his head and said.

Lin Jiu nodded, stretched out his right hand, and hammered heavily on the doorframe next to him, "It seems that that Fulong Daoist is really an evil cultivator, and he did such a thing that both humans and gods are angry with."

"Wait, master, do you smell something?" Lin Kaiyun said suddenly.

After Lin Jiu finished listening, her nose moved, obviously looking for any other smells, and A Xing and Xiaoyue on the side also moved their noses and kept smelling.

Then Ah Xing and Xiaoyue said doubtfully,

"What's the smell? Brother Lin, did you smell it wrong? Why didn't we feel it?"

Lin Jiu also shook his head, and said slowly, "Kaiyun, are you sure there is really something special about it? I didn't smell anything."

Lin Kaiyun paused for a moment, and then said affirmatively, "Really master, I am very sure, this smell is like the smell of dog urine, by the way, I remembered, master, do you still remember that Fulong Taoist?" Those bugs that got out in the yard?"

Lin Jiu nodded, then looked at the black marks that remained on the ground, and asked, "Kai Yun, do you mean that these smells are the same as those of those bugs? Could it be that the evil cultivator Fu Long used this Is it some kind of ritual or religious thing that the bugs do?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "That's right, master, I remember that Daoist Fulong threw a few things that looked like plant seeds, and then the seeds broke open and turned into bugs."

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

"Everyone is not allowed to move. What's going on? What happened to Mayor Liu?"

"Don't move, everyone stay where they are."

"Quick, pull up the cordon and don't let anyone go."

Later, Lin Kaiyun heard the sound of the gun being unbolted.

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, and said to his master Lin Jiu,

"Master, it may be that the security team from the town is here, and I think it will take a while."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Jiu Dante waved his hand.

Sure enough, a minute later, a man with black-rimmed glasses and several men with live ammunition walked in.

This person first glanced at Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and the others, and then turned his attention to Mayor Liu's shriveled corpse on the ground.

"What's going on here? Is this Mayor Liu?" the man with glasses asked.

At this time, Ah Xing said directly,

"Captain He, this Mayor Liu should be your immediate boss! Why don't you know him?"

"Mayor Liu?"

The person wearing glasses was the captain of the security team of Jiuquan Town, and he was also the one who was picked up by Mayor Liu. After hearing A Xing's words, he hurried to Mayor Liu's side, but he was at a loss and didn't know what to do. do what.

So Captain He turned around, looked at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, then pushed his eyes, and asked, "Why are you here? How did Mayor Liu die? Does it have anything to do with you? "

"Captain, you have also seen the clothes we are wearing. We are Taoist priests, and this mayor Liu, you should know how he died. "

Lin Kaiyun looked at Captain He, spread his hands, and said with a smile.

When Captain He saw Lin Kaiyun speak like this, he was not angry, but said seriously, "Our security team has always acted impartially. Whether this matter has anything to do with you, whether it is inhumane, we will investigate this ourselves, but, Now those of you who are at the scene cannot leave, and must cooperate with our investigation."

Lin Kaiyun smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly,

"Captain He, it should be Mayor Liu's servant who went to inform you, right? Then you should have heard the general story from the servant. It was done by a vicious man with a scar on his face. You should go to seal the city now." , and then mobilize people to catch the murderer, and then the truth of the matter will naturally be known."

Although this Captain He is not like Ah Wei, who is messing around, but his current intention is to waste their time.

Captain He shook his head, glanced at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, and said, "It's because of this that you can't leave. You just said that the assailant is a Taoist priest, and you are also Taoist priests, so why don't you leave?" It cannot be ruled out whether it is an accomplice who committed the crime, you must know that many criminals will return to the scene after committing a crime, and you may be the same now."

After finishing speaking, this Captain He suddenly pointed at A Xing and Xiaoyue, and shouted, "In addition, this A Xing and Xiaoyue have something to do with the death of Zhang Dagui in the winery recently. If it weren't for the order of Mayor Liu, I have already arrested the two of them for investigation, and now I have reason to suspect that the death of Mayor Liu may also have something to do with the death of Zhang Dagui from the winery."

As soon as Ah Xing and Xiaoyue heard Captain He's words, they immediately shouted unconvinced,

"What? We kill people? Have you made a mistake?"

"That's right! Captain He, you and our master are considered acquaintances, how can you slander us like this?"

Captain He snorted coldly when he heard Ah Xing and Xiaoyue mentioning their master Daoist Wu Liu, and angrily said, "Hmph, it's okay if you don't tell me, your master has not done what he promised me at the beginning. After that, the person disappeared and lied to me ten dollars, I will settle this matter with you!"

Lin Jiu originally disdained Captain He to waste his tongue, but after hearing this, he quickly asked,

"A Xing and Xiaoyue's master promised you to do something? What? Did their master disappear after promising you?"

Captain He looked Lin Jiu up and down, and said, "Yeah? What's the matter? Could this have something to do with you too?"

When Lin Jiuyi heard the clues from A Xing and Xiaoyue's masters, he nodded quickly and said, "It has a lot to do with it. Tell me, what is it? A Xing and Xiaoyue's masters are missing." , may have something to do with this."

"Okay! It seems that you have several cases!"

The expression on Captain He's face froze in an instant. He waved his hands at his subordinates and shouted, "Come on, bring this Taoist priest back to me. Now they are related to the death of He Dagui in the winery. The death of Mayor Liu is also related to it, and it is also related to deceiving our captain Dayang back then, so he will be punished for several crimes!"


The four members of the security team who came in with Captain He immediately surrounded Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu and others with their guns.


Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun shook his head, and then said helplessly, "Before, I thought you were a pretty good captain! What are you talking about? Do all of you security teams have a common problem? If you encounter a dead person, you must kill us. Are irrelevant people involved?"

Captain He shook his head and said with a smile, "Little Taoist priest, you are not related? I will contact you for these matters. Even if you are really innocent, I will give you justice when the time comes, but now you have to talk to me. I will go to the security team and accept the investigation."

Lin Kaiyun pointed to the body of Mayor Liu behind Captain He, and said,

"Tell me, the servants have told you what happened, and the body of Mayor Liu is here. Do you think this death was done by someone?"

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