Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, seeing the four guns pointed at themselves, hurriedly explained,

"That's right, Captain He, that Mayor Liu was so fat before, and now he's done it. Do you think it was done by someone?"

"Really, Captain He, you believe us, He Dagui from the previous winery was also killed by a ghost."

"Hahaha, ghost?"

Captain He suddenly laughed out loud. He took off his eyes, held them in his hands, wiped them carefully, and said,

"It's not that I don't believe it, but our Jiuquan Town was very peaceful before. I'm the captain of the security team, and I can't boast how good the law and order is. However, there have never been people who died unexpectedly. As a result, after you came, All kinds of problems have arisen, whether it is emotional or reasonable, public or private, I will investigate you all, and you have to cooperate with this matter, and you have to cooperate if you don’t cooperate.”

"When I came to Jiuquan Town, I was very restrained, but this conflict is still inevitable, master, what do you think?" Lin Kaiyun turned his head to look at his master Lin Jiu, and now he is waiting for Lin Jiu to nod.

To be honest, if it was a machine gun, Lin Kaiyun would still be afraid, but just these few old-fashioned bolt guns, the speed of reloading the guns is not as good as some good bows and arrows!

Therefore, as long as Lin Jiu nodded, Lin Kaiyun took action to subdue these people.

Lin Jiu shook his head at Lin Kaiyun, signaling him not to do anything now.

Lin Jiu took a step forward, still unwilling to give up persuading,

"Captain He, I can prove to you that what you said has nothing to do with us!"

Captain He smiled and said, "Oh? Can you prove that it was done by a ghost? How can you prove that I want to see it."

Lin Jiu thought why the captain agreed, and said, "After a person dies, the soul is usually confused around his body. It has not been 24 hours yet. We can summon the soul of Mayor Liu. Just ask." Know."


Immediately, Captain He burst into laughter, and then said to his subordinates, "Did you hear that, this Taoist priest said he was going to summon the soul! Haha!"

"Captain, since this Taoist said he wants to call back souls, you can let him do it. I just want to see and see."

"That's right, Captain, I've never seen a soul call in my life! Let us also open our eyes."

"Have you seen it? I haven't even heard of it."

"Captain, this mayor Liu is dead. Since this Taoist said he wants to summon the soul, let him do it! If the soul of that mayor Liu really comes back, maybe, when he is happy, he will kill the mayor's soul." The location has been passed on to you!!!”


A, B, C, and Ding all laughed out loud, as if they had heard a big joke.

Seeing these people laughing at Lin Jiu, Xiaoyue clenched her fists angrily and said angrily, "Hmph, these ignorant guys!"

Ah Xing also muttered angrily, "Laugh! Ignorant people like to laugh like this."

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu didn't react at all. In fact, what kind of person has he never seen?Lin Jiu, who is so outrageous, can accept it. These ignorant people laughed loudly, which did not affect Lin Jiu at all.

And Lin Kaiyun on the side would not be as open-minded as his master Lin Jiu, he said to Lin Jiu,

"Master, since you want to summon the soul, I'll do it!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jiu nodded. This kind of soul-calling ability is not difficult, nor is there any danger.

Lin Kaiyun stretched out a finger, crossed it on his chest, and shouted softly,

"The soul is yin, the soul is out of shape, the three souls and seven souls are not in vain, don't be nostalgic, the art of speaking spirit!"

The miscellaneous soldiers of the security team, A, B, C, D, were all surrounded by Captain He at this time, pointing at Lin Kaiyun,

"Yo Yo Yo, captain, have you seen it? It still looks good, as if it's real."

"Shut up, don't disturb others, if you wait a moment, if you don't succeed, it will be your fault,"

Captain He put on his glasses, coughed twice, and said,

"Ahem! Take a good look and brighten your eyes. Mayor Liu's soul is back. Don't miss it. Maybe I will be the mayor for real!"

For these yin and yang weird people, Lin Kaiyun remembered it in his heart!He clasped his hands together and shouted,

"The technique of speaking spirit, uniting the soul, come quickly!"

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew in the kitchen, and the windows, as well as the wooden boards of the furniture, all made creaking sounds.

"What's going on? There can't really be ghosts, can there?"

"What's the matter with the wind? I feel a little cold."

"Me too!"

Members A, B, C, and D of the security team shuddered respectively, and then subconsciously huddled together, as if only in this way could they feel safe.

Captain He glanced at his subordinates, and scolded in a deep voice, "You cowardly fellows, haven't you seen Feng before? There's nothing to make a fuss about."

One of them said, "Captain, but the windows are closed, how can there be wind?"

Captain He said, "Does the wind only come in through the window? Isn't the door open?"

The man continued, "Captain, the door is open, but the door is in that room. If there is really wind, it should be blowing head-on, not a crosswind!"


Captain He paused, thinking about what was going on.

At this moment, Captain He suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if ice water had fallen on his neck.

Captain He turned around immediately, and angrily scolded his four subordinates, "Which one of you dripped water on my neck? Is it itchy? I need to be beaten?"


"It's not me, and it's not me!"

"Captain, we all have guns, how can we hold water!"

"Captain, do you feel wrong?"

The four miscellaneous soldiers of the security team shook their heads and raised their hands, signaling that they had nothing to do with them.

"Impossible, Captain, how can you feel wrong?"

Captain He shook his head, stretched out his hand and wiped it on his neck, then handed it to his hand, and said,

"Look, is this water? Captain, I think I'm very alert, how could I get it wrong?"

Captain He's four miscellaneous soldiers moved around Captain He's hand and took a closer look.

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