Lin Kaiyun couldn't help muttering something in his heart, and then directly grabbed Lin Jiu's arm who was about to leave.

Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously and asked,

"what happened?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said,

"Master, let me go with you."

After Lin Jiu heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he frowned directly. He knew that his big apprentice would never mess around at this time, nor would he do anything unreasonable. He was originally planning to stay, but suddenly wanted to Follow along, there must be something.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun also stood directly beside his master Lin Jiu, and said in a low voice,

"Master, I feel that Captain He's men are very strange. He seems to have a sinister air, but I have checked secretly, and there is no sign of being bitten on his neck."

"Kaiyun, are you sure?" Lin Jiu asked suspiciously. It's not that he didn't believe his big apprentice, but that he himself had been standing beside Captain He's subordinates all along, but he didn't feel any different.

"Master, I am very sure, I will definitely not feel wrong."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and looked at Lin Jiu with certainty, because Lin Kaiyun's current body is not exactly a human being, so he is very sensitive to this kind of Yin Qi.

After hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, Lin Jiu naturally nodded without any doubts.

"Okay, let's go together then!"

Xiaoyue, who was standing in the yard, was a little dazed at this moment. He didn't understand why Lin Kaiyun had to protect him at home just now, and why he suddenly went out with Uncle Jiu again, so he quickly asked,

"Ah, Brother Lin, don't you want to stay at home? Why do you want to go out with Uncle Jiu again?"

Lin Kaiyun took out a few spells from his bosom, threw them to Xiaoyue, and said,

"Xiaoyue, close the door when you are at home, and stick these spells on the door, we will be back soon."

"Okay!" Xiaoyue accepted the spell that Lin Kaiyun threw over with grievances, although he believed that what Lin Kaiyun gave him should be very useful, but this thing is a dead thing after all, how can anyone feel safe!

"Let's go!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and nodded to Captain He's subordinates.

Then Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun followed Captain He's men and walked towards the ancestral hall in Jiuquan Town.

Along the way, Lin Kaiyun could see many people in Jiuquan Town gathered on the street, because many people in Jiuquan Town disappeared inexplicably, this incident has caused panic, and now the residents of Jiuquan Town dare not stay in their homes They ran out of the house and gathered together to keep warm.

The ancestral hall in Jiuquan Town is not far from the church. Now there are not only a group of security team members with live ammunition, but also people from the church.

Whether it was Father Tao, those missionaries or some nuns, they were all gathered here at this time.

Father Tao's son was very impatient at this time, he said to Father Tao,

"Father, why do these people gather us here? Now our church has serious things to do, and the devil has not been suppressed. We are trapped here. Isn't this a waste of time?"

Holding a black book in his hand, Father Tao said slowly,

"Maisang, I heard that Mayor Liu, who supports us now, is dead, and those merchants who got along very well with us are all missing. It is very likely that something serious happened."

"Father, but if you look at the people in the security team next to you, they don't look like they want to discuss anything with us."

Father Tao's son pointed to the surrounding security guards with guns, with worried expressions on their faces.

Indeed, just as Father Tao's son had worried, the security team surrounding them seemed to be besieging them instead of protecting them.

These security guards held rifles in their hands and looked at them as if they were prisoners, and their eyes were very cold, as if they were corpses. In fact, when they stared at those cold eyes and looked at them, it made people shudder .

Father Tao walked up to Captain He and asked,

"Captain He, there are indeed many people missing in the town, but this should not have much to do with the people in our church! Can we go back to the church, because the church still has things to deal with."

Captain He glanced at Father Tao at this time, but did not speak, but directly took out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Father Tao.

Father Tao panicked instantly, subconsciously took two steps back, and asked quickly,

"Captain He, what do you mean? What are you going to do?"

At this time, Father Tao's son also had the courage to stand in front of his father, shouting,

"Captain He, what exactly do you mean? Do you have any conspiracy to come here? Do you still dare to kill people in front of everyone?"

Father Tao's son had a very loud voice, but because of this, he seemed very unconfident in his heart, and his expression was flustered. He swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva when he said a word.

The people of Jiuquan Town who were gathered here were a little apprehensive. Only now did they see Captain He pull out his pistol. Coupled with the words of Father Tao's son, these people felt uneasy in their hearts.

"What's the matter, Captain He? So many people in the town are missing. Instead of investigating, you called us into this ancestral hall, and didn't say anything, and didn't let us go."

"That's right, Captain He, what are you going to do? Is it really like what the young missionary said, are you going to kill people in front of us?"

"Captain He, I advise you to let your men put down their guns now, otherwise we will be impolite with so many of us here."

For a moment, everyone pointed at Captain He in a hurry, with a very unfriendly tone and attitude.

In the face of everyone's questioning, Captain He still did not respond. Instead, he pointed the gun pointed at Father Tao at the sky and pulled the trigger directly.

With a bang, this gunshot pierced everyone's eardrums, and made those who kept condemning Captain He shut up.

And there were many old people and children at the scene. After hearing the gunshot, they all trembled in fear, and some of them even cried loudly.

At this time, Father Tao directly bit the bullet and said to the captain,

"Captain He, what's the matter with you? You can tell me if there is anything, the Almighty Lord will definitely help you."

Father Tao felt that this captain He was a little strange, he couldn't help holding the cross in his hand, and whenever that god Tao showed any abnormality, he would throw the cross on it instantly.

Captain He looked at Father Tao at this time, and still didn't say a word, but pointed at a nun standing behind Father Tao with a pistol.

The nuns standing behind Father Tao are not all the old nuns of the previous church, because after the church reopened, Father Tao immediately poured out some young and beautiful girls in Jiuquan Town and the surrounding countryside to become nuns in the church. Because nuns are also churches, a very important position. After all, it is impossible for them, male missionaries, to do all the reception work, and some nuns with perfect cultivation and appearance can improve the impression of the church very well, and it is also convenient in the church. Spread the influence of the church in Jiuquan Town.

Chapter 432 Something is wrong

Captain He glanced at Father Tao, still did not speak, but took a pistol and tickled the young nun.

Father Tao looked at Captain He and asked suspiciously,

"Captain He, who are you?"

In fact, although Father Tao is over 70 years old this year, he is not a fool. What Captain He meant was clearly to ask the nun to come to him.

"I'm not going, I don't want to go!"

The young nun who was pointed at by the gun was of course unwilling to go there. After all, Captain He seemed to be a different person today, not like the captain of the security team at all, but like a bandit leader .

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