As for Captain He's side, nothing good will happen, although it shouldn't be a big deal in the public, but what if?

Of course Father Tao would not just watch the nuns in his church being bullied by Captain He, so he shouted angrily,

"Captain He, Miley is a nun from our church, and she came to Jiuquan Town just today. She is a loyal believer of the Lord. You didn't just trap us here today, don't you want to rob people's girls?"

And at this moment, the security team on the periphery released an opening, and it was Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu, the master and apprentice, who came over.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the scene in front of him and felt very surprised. He whispered,

"Master, what's the situation? It seems something is wrong?"

Lin Jiu also nodded. The people in Jiuquan Town were surrounded by the security team. It didn't look like they were discussing matters. Instead, they seemed to be arrested here. Besides, there is no boss in Jiuquan Town. ?Only Captain He.

Lin Jiu said in a low voice, "Kaiyun, these security team members are very strange. Their faces are pale and their pupils are dilated. They are very dull, but they are different from those servants in Mayor Liu's house."

Lin Kaiyun asked, "Master, what should we do now? Do we want to try it out?"

Lin Jiu shook his head, "Don't be in a hurry, let's wait and see what happens. Since it was Captain He who asked us to come, he will definitely move first."

And Captain He just glanced at Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu briefly, then quickly looked at the young nun.

Lin Kaiyun looked into Captain He's eyes, as if he didn't know them, so he said, "Master, there is something wrong with this Captain He, as if he doesn't know us, very strange."

Lin Jiu was also observing the surroundings silently at this time, and said slowly, "It should not be an illusion. Three hours ago, Captain He was still normal."

At this moment, Captain He walked up to the nun with a gun. Father Tao wanted to stop her, but was forced by Captain He's men to move away with guns.

Captain He came to the young nun and grabbed the young nun's wrist.

"What are you doing? I'm not going, don't grab me."

The young nun struggled desperately, and even hugged an old nun next to her desperately.

I have to say that this young nun is very good at finding people. This old nun is the original nun of the church. After the church is closed, those who stay in the church do not need to receive believers or pray every day.

On the contrary, he cultivates the land and grows vegetables every day, supports himself self-sufficiently, and has a strong body. When he gets old, he gets fatter and fatter, not to mention 180 catties now, but at least [-] catties.

And the young nun Miley, after hugging the fat nun, seemed to be tied to the ground, motionless, and Captain He couldn't move her.

Upon seeing this, Captain He fired another shot into the sky with the gun in his hand.

With a bang, the gunshot rang directly in the ears of the young nun Miley.

When had young nun Miley ever seen a fight like this?Immediately, he was so frightened that he panicked and even let go of the hand holding the fat nun tremblingly.

Without the weight protection of the fat nun, the young nun Miley could no longer hold on, and was directly pulled up by Captain He.

"Father, Father Tao, save me, save me."

The young nun Miley had no choice but to cry to Father Tao for help.

Next to Father Tao, one of Captain He's subordinates was pointing a gun at him, but even so, Father Tao still stood up and shouted at Captain He,

"Captain He, please let her go, you are being punished by the Lord for doing so."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Father Tao's appearance and said, "Master, this Father Tao, I have to say that although he did not do so well in order to reopen the church, he now knows how to protect his own people."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu said disdainfully, "This foreign monk is a nice person, but his beliefs are too pedantic, he doesn't allow this, he doesn't allow that, it's worse than those old guys from Maoshan inner sect." It's annoying, and they claim that all people are sinners and need to pray every day, asking the Lord for forgiveness, don't you think that's cheap."

Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes wide, looked at his master in disbelief, and sighed, "Master, you know so much?"


Lin Jiu snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back, and said, "Is there anything strange? Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. This foreign monk, with those bullshit teachings, came to snatch business. I don't know much about it. How to deal with them."

Lin Kaiyun gave Lin Jiu a thumbs up in admiration, and said, "Hahaha, master, you are still the best!"

Although Father Tao stood up and stopped Captain He, it had no effect. After Captain He glared at Father Tao, he continued to pull the young nun Miley.

Father Tao's son also said very anxiously, "Father, we can't just watch this evil person bullying the nuns in our church like this."


Father Tao shook his head. He was also impatient, but not only Captain He, but also Captain He's subordinates were pointing guns at them at this moment!

However, Father Tao certainly couldn't be so indifferent, so he opened the black book he was holding, and clenched the silver cross on his chest with his left hand.

"God loves the world, Almighty Lord! Please forgive my sins. Please bless this young nun. Although she has just joined the church, she is the most loyal servant of the Lord. Please Almighty Lord, save me. The young nun, bless the young nun, Amen!!!"

Father Tao opened the black book, looked at the crooked words inside, and muttered incessantly.

When praying at this time, Priest Tao did not give any hope at first, because he had no choice but to pray, hoping that the Almighty Lord would manifest.

However, when Father Tao was praying, the silver cross he held in his hand suddenly burst into a strong white light. This light seemed to flash from Father Tao's chest, and quickly enveloped the surroundings.

And Captain He's subordinate who was standing beside Father Tao with a gun dropped the gun directly, howling miserably and covering his eyes.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the screaming members of the security team and said suspiciously,

"It's not right, that Father Tao can emit this white light because the silver cross is not ordinary, but Captain He's subordinates are afraid of this white light, isn't it human?"

Lin Jiu also frowned, looking at the screaming person, "Indeed, it's very strange, I didn't feel any strange aura from that person, except for his strange behavior."

And the sudden screams made the people trapped here even more panicked. The cries of children, one after another, overwhelmed the screams of Captain He's subordinates for a while.

Captain He remained silent, but after seeing the white light, he decisively let go of the young nun Miley, but backed away again and again.

Lin Kaiyun watched Captain He's actions with a dignified expression, and muttered to himself, "It seems that this Captain He is also afraid of white light. This priest Tao's cross is specially used to deal with Western zombies. Could it be that these people are vampires?"

As the saying goes, good spirits do not have bad spirits, Lin Kaiyun was thinking about it!

I saw that Captain He's men who were screaming suddenly pulled his neck and struggled, and two teeth protruded from the corner of his mouth.

This tooth is not the same as the zombie's, the color is very white, and the shape is like an enlarged version of the bat's teeth, only the upper two.

Obviously, this is a vampire, not a zombie.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly said, "Master, this is a Western zombie, and the evil spirit in the church is most likely to be this Western zombie. I'm afraid they were all bitten by Western zombies."

"It seems that the members of these security teams are not normal. They may be symptoms of Western Zombies. Let's save them quickly!"

After Lin Jiu yelled, he quickly ran to the courtyard of the ancestral hall, trying to save people.

However, it was not so easy for Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun to enter the yard, because the people inside were all terrified at this moment, especially after seeing Captain He's subordinates turned into monsters, one by one He screamed desperately and ran away.

"Monster, it's a monster, run! Help!"

"Run, the security team are all monsters, not human."

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