The zombie's sharp claws kept clasping Lin Kaiyun's neck, making a crisp sound. Lin Kaiyun was strangled, his face turned red, and he had difficulty breathing.

Fortunately, Lin Kaiyun's body has been modified by the system, otherwise he must have been strangled to death by this zombie.


Seeing her precious apprentice Lin Kaiyun being caught by a zombie, Lin Jiu shouted hastily.

The zombie looked at Lin Kaiyun with a ferocious face. There was a cold green light on his sharp claws. It seemed that he was planning to break Lin Kaiyun's neck. His claws were so sharp that even ordinary stones could It can be broken into pieces.

Just when Lin Kaiyun thought his throat was about to be cut, he felt a warm current from his neck.

That heat flow was the innate qi in Lin Kaiyun's body. At this moment, he didn't care about anything else, he circulated the innate qi in his dantian and poured it into his neck. Suddenly, the zombie's claws seemed to be burned, and he couldn't bear it. I couldn't help pulling it out.

And Lin Jiu completely ignored his injured arm, clenched the copper coin sword with both hands, and stabbed at the zombie, chanting a spell in his mouth,

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the thunder of the sky kills the evil, and it is as urgent as a law!"

The copper coin sword drew sharp sword marks in the void, stabbing towards the zombie.

Seeing the copper coin sword stabbing towards him, the zombie flicked its tentacles, but it didn't block it, and quickly dodged.

Lin Jiu succeeded in one blow, but he was willing to let it go. He kicked his feet and rushed towards the zombie. The copper coin sword stabbed towards the zombie.

The zombie didn't expect that Lin Jiu's reaction would be so quick. At this moment, he could only raise his claws to block it, and at the same time waved his tentacles.

Draw it towards Lin Jiu.


The two collided together, and sparks from the collision of the copper coin sword and the tentacles flew everywhere. Lin Kaiyun also took this opportunity to slap the zombie's back with his palm. The zombie staggered forward a few steps, shaking in pain. non-stop.

Lin Kaiyun took this opportunity to shake the Seven Star Dragon Sword, and a bright white rainbow flew out, stabbing at the zombie. The zombie's reaction was not slow, and he swung his palm and grabbed Lin Kaiyun's Seven Star Dragon Sword.

"Kaiyun, come back quickly."

Seeing that his disciple was caught by the zombie, Lin Jiu was anxious and shouted. At the same time, he punched the zombie with both fists, hitting the zombie's chest with one fist.

But the zombie reacted very quickly, resisting Lin Jiu's attack with his chest, and the tentacles swept towards Lin Jiu, entangled Lin Jiu at once, restraining him in place, and at the same time, the other arm, It was aimed at Lin Kaiyun.


Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun pointed at the void, countless talismans flashed in the air, turned into white spears, flew out, and shot at the zombies.


These talismans landed on the zombie and exploded. A puff of black smoke rose from the zombie's body. The black smoke dissipated, revealing the zombie's body. There were more than ten deep blood marks on its body. There was green smoke around the blood seal, obviously, these green smoke were injured by the power of the explosion of the talisman.

Although this zombie was injured by Lin Kaiyun's talisman, he still had a gloomy expression on his face, and his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at Lin Kaiyun.


And Lin Jiu also took the opportunity to escape from the shackles of the zombie's tentacles, retreated continuously, avoided the range of the explosion, and reached a safe position.

When Lin Kaiyun saw his master Lin Jiu, a lot of blood had ooze from his arm, and he said quickly, "Master, leave it to me! Your arm is already dark red, and if you fight like this, your arm will probably be useless." .”

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun didn't wait for Lin Jiu's reply, and rushed towards the zombie.

Because Lin Kaiyun knew that his master Lin Jiu would never let him take risks alone, so the best way is to prove to Lin Jiu that he can kill this zombie.

"Fenghou Qimen, Tuheche!"

Lin Kaiyun stepped on his feet, a faint blue gossip circle slowly rotated, and then the ground suddenly bulged, and countless huge earth waves gushed out from the ground, wrapping the zombie in groups, and then, from the earth waves Among them, dense thorns like sharp knives emerged, stabbing at the zombie.

Each of these sharp knives contains extremely strong power.


The zombie roared loudly, and a green liquid came out of its body, almost corroding all the soil thorns, but some sharp knives and soil stabbed the zombie's body, and blood flowed.

"Wind Rope!"

Lin Kaiyun stroked his chest with both hands, and suddenly, the wind gathered in front of him, like thin ropes, binding the zombies. These wind ropes tightly tied the zombies together, preventing them from struggling.

The zombie looked at the wind rope tied to his body with a gloomy expression. He didn't expect that he would be subdued by a yellow-haired boy. Suddenly, his face became distorted, and he stretched out a pair of claws, and moved towards The wind rope tied to his body grabbed it.

Click click click click......

However, these wind ropes are extremely tough, no matter how powerful this zombie is, it is difficult to destroy them.

The zombie was furious, waved the tentacles in his hand again, and rolled towards Lin Kaiyun. Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun jumped up, avoided the zombie's tentacles, and slashed at the zombie with a sword. There was a dazzling light on the blade, The surrounding area was illuminated brightly, and he slashed across the zombie with his sword, making a metal-like sound of gold and iron colliding. Lin Kaiyun slashed at the zombie without causing any damage.

However, Lin Kaiyun didn't care, because his ultimate move was not this. Lin Kaiyun stretched out two fingers with his left hand, and pointed at the tentacles on the zombie's forehead.

"Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, the first form!"

As the gestures of Lin Kaiyun's left hand changed, seven different colors of gas appeared in the air, floating in the air, and the seven colors of gas combined to form seven long swords, and the seven long swords flew towards Zombies beheaded the past.


Seeing Lin Kaiyun's move, the zombie let out a howl and raised his hands in the air. On the hands, two black beads appeared. These beads shone with black light and emitted a wave of light. A strong fishy smell.

"This... this is... the demon pill of the zombie!!"

After smelling this smell, Lin Jiu exclaimed.

This zombie's demon pill contains a strong evil spirit, it is the essence of zombies, this essence can help zombies increase their cultivation, this zombie actually took out its own demon pill, it seems that it is real angry.

The zombie threw the demon pill into the void, and as the demon pill flew out, the aura in the world became solemn.

The demon core floated above the void, hovering in the mid-air, and then, streaks of black mist rushed towards the demon core from the sky.

These black mist are all death, yin, evil, and corpse qi. Corpse qi and yin qi are condensed. These things entered the demon core, and the demon core immediately became darker. Get up, and, above the demon core, a layer of black mist appeared, and this mist enveloped the demon core.


Right in the demon core, there was a roar, and then, a roar sounded, and an extremely strong corpse gas permeated from the demon core

Chapter 444 Broken, something happened


Right in the demon core, there was a roar, and then, a roar sounded, and an extremely strong corpse aura permeated from the demon core. It was resisted.

"Bang bang!"

Lin Kaiyun urged with two fingers, and the sword glows of seven colors gathered in one place, like purple lightning, and bombarded the demon pill.

Now Lin Kaiyun is clear that the demon pill spit out by the black-clothed zombie is the key, as long as the demon pill is destroyed, the black-clothed zombie will naturally die.

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