Moreover, Lin Kaiyun felt that if this weird black-clothed zombie was really possessed by a fake ghost as his master Lin Jiu said, then this demon pill was very likely to be the body of the fake ghost.

Lin Kaiyun ignored the body of the black-clothed zombie. This purple thunderbolt struck the demon core. A howl of pain came from the demon core. The demon core was immediately exploded. The black corpse aura overflowed from the demon pill, turned into a huge ghost, and flew out towards the distance.

After Lin Jiu saw this ghost, he quickly shouted,

"Kai Yun, that is the body of the fake ghost. It has sucked a lot of blood with the help of the black-clothed zombie, and it has become a phenomenon. It is better to let him run away."

"Don't worry! Master, he can't escape!"

Lin Kaiyun kicked his feet,

The whole person sprinted directly in front of the ghost, making a formula with both hands, and muttering words in his mouth.

"Punish evil!"

As Lin Kaiyun's voice fell, he grabbed the void with both hands.


There was a loud explosion in the void, and a golden brilliance shot straight at the ghost. The golden light was as fast as a gust of wind.


A scream sounded suddenly, and the ghost's body twisted and turned into a giant face, a hideous and terrifying giant face. With a few sharp claws, he directly tore the golden beam of light in the void into pieces, and the ghost returned to its original shape again, but at this moment, it was covered with bruises, a golden rune was engraved on his forehead, and a golden light , flowed along his body, and flowed to his side, streaks of black mist surged out of his body, and these black mist quickly merged into his body.


Lin Kaiyun snorted softly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Kaiyun exhausted all his remedies for the "Punishing Evil" move just now, and the attack was so powerful that it consumed an astonishing amount of mana.

However, it was worth it, because the ghost was not having a good time at this time. Although his giant face had returned to its original shape, a film had already appeared around him.

The film was covered with black cracks, and the cracks spread rapidly across his body, soon covering his entire body, and his giant face had already turned red.

The mouth and nostrils were also emitting smoke, and gradually, it had turned into a skeleton, and all the bones on his body were rotten, exposing the white stubble.

At the same time, the black-clothed zombie withered quickly, like a flower that had lost its moisture, dissipating bit by bit.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, looked at the painful ghost, and said with a smile, "Looking at you fake ghost, you have completely absorbed the energy of that black-clothed zombie. It's not parasitism at all, but a seizure!"

At this time, the ghost completely turned into a weak bone, and wanted to escape, but he was seriously injured and could not escape at all, so he could only watch Lin Kaiyun approaching step by step. In the end, he was completely desperate. , full of fear.

"No, please let me go, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't want to suck your blood, I also know I'm wrong, I really don't dare, don't kill me, I am willing to be a slave, forever Allegiance to you, please forgive me, please..."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "You fake ghost, did you also want to parasitize? Are you taking my body?"

"No, no, I dare not."

The ghost was trembling all over, and the bones made noises, as if they were about to fall apart at any moment.

Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword, and slashed at You Hun. That sword, when he slashed down, the sword edge passed by, and that huge white bone was cut in half by Lin Kaiyun's sword. After the shrill scream, the ghost completely disappeared into the void.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have gained [-] points of merit."

The system prompt sounded, and Lin Kaiyun listened with a smile on his face.

However, just when Lin Kaiyun was about to leave, he saw that under the huge bone fragment, there was still a bone corpse.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun suddenly felt doubts in his heart. When he got closer, he saw that there was a ring on the bone corpse. baby.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't see through what this treasure was, but Lin Kaiyun sensed an evil aura, and this evil aura seemed like a cloud of resentment.

"What's going on here?"

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously.


At this moment, a system sound sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, I accidentally obtained a spiritual weapon [Ghost Ring]!"

"Oh? There is also an unexpected harvest." After hearing the system's prompt, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help being slightly startled, and asked, "System, what is this ghost ring for?"

"Host, later, the system is identifying!"

"Ding, the Nether Ring is a treasure used by the ghost messengers of the underworld. It is said that this kind of treasure is something used by the people of the underworld. It has a strong restraint effect on ghosts and ghosts. If this kind of treasure is refined Once you acquire a treasure, you can become a ghost soldier in the underworld, responsible for hunting down ghosts and evil spirits."

The system explained.

"Huh? Something from the underworld?"

When Lin Kaiyun heard this, he immediately frowned, and muttered to himself,

"It turned out to be something from the underworld? This underworld seems to be very chaotic. Last time, it was divided into two, into the underworld and the underworld. Moreover, according to Wu Shifei's uncle, the leader of the underworld seems to be missing."

"However, it doesn't matter, it's a good thing anyway, and it can be refined into ghost soldiers, but what are ghost soldiers?"

Lin Kaiyun put away the Nether Ring, and then asked the system, "System, what is a ghost soldier? Can you explain?"

After a while, the system said:

"Ghost soldiers are things that transform the soul of a ghost after death. Such a thing can swallow other people's blood and soul, and then absorb the soul to repair the body. It can be regarded as a kind of evil method."

"Is it an evil method?" Lin Kaiyun felt that this ghost soldier should not be refined, as it was of little use.

"System, this Nether Ring, doesn't it have any other functions?"


The system beep sounds again.

"No other effect!"

Lin Kaiyun was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't care, this matter, for him, was already a bumper harvest, "Okay, let's not talk about it, since I have already obtained the Nether Ring, I can't waste it either, I'd better keep it as a souvenir."

At this time, Lin Jiu also came over, clutching his injured arm, and asked with concern, "How is it? Kaiyun, are you not injured?"

"It's okay, Master, I'm in good health now!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and patted his chest, and suddenly, a piercing pain came, and he couldn't help coughing a few times, "Ahem!"

"You brat, you're still trying to be brave!" Lin Jiu scolded with a smile.

Lin Kaiyun rubbed his chest, looked at the arm of his master Lin Jiu, and asked with concern, "Master, don't talk about me, how is your arm?"

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