"It's okay!" Lin Jiu shook his head. After speaking, Lin Jiu looked at the dilapidated church.

The church, which was considered decent at first, was completely in ruins at this time, but fortunately, the people in Jiuquan Town ran out. As for the people who were killed by the bullets of the mutated Western zombies in black, they had already been buried under the rocks up.

"The devil has finally been wiped out."

Father Tao's son ran out from nowhere, looked at the bones on the ground, and cried bitterly.

Lin Jiu walked to the side of Father Tao's son and said, "My condolences! Tomorrow, I will discuss with the people in the town about the church and see if it is possible to rebuild the church."

Father Tao's son shook his head and said, "No, let's just leave the church like this! Only people in this town can know the dangers of the devil, and also know that my father sacrificed himself to destroy this devil."

After finishing speaking, Father Tao's son walked into the church in a dazed manner.


Seeing this, Lin Jiu shook his head.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the back of Father Tao's son and said, "Master, this son of Father Tao seems to be in a bad state of mind."

"It's understandable that this kind of injury will take time." Lin Jiu said slowly.

Lin Kaiyun said, "Master, let's go back quickly, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue are still at home! I don't know if there is anything wrong."

"it is good!"

The two of them didn't delay, they knew they were going towards the house, although both Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu were injured, they left in a hurry, because Ah Xing and Xiaoyue didn't know if there was any danger.

Especially Ah Xing, when the two of them came to the church, Ah Xing hadn't come back yet.

After walking to the house, Lin Jiu realized something was wrong, quickly opened the door and walked in.

"It's broken, something happened."

Lin Kaiyun was also very anxious, because the gate of the house was not controlled, and there was a hole in it.

Walking into the yard, it was a mess, with charred wood everywhere.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly looked around, and found that Xiaoyue was unconscious on the ground, while Ah Xing was lying on the side, with bright red blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and a charred snake was lying on the sofa on the ground. .


Lin Kaiyun couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the two people on the ground.

Lin Kaiyun squatted down, helped A Xing up, and then fed A Xing a elixir, and then felt Xiaoyue's pulse.

It was found that Xiaoyue was fine, but she was still unconscious.

"Master, what's going on? Why is it like this!"

Lin Kaiyun was stunned.

A Xing quickly said, "I don't know either, Xiaoyue fell into a coma because she was possessed by a devil. After she wakes up, she will be fine. You don't have to worry, take Xiaoyue out of here now! It's not safe anymore."

Lin Jiuzou frowned and asked, "Devil? Are there still?"

Ah Xing spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with fear on his face, "Uncle Nine, is a female devil with wings, who calls herself the Devil Duke."

Lin Kaiyun stared at A Xing, and asked continuously, "Duke Devil? A woman? What's going on, what could be possessing Xiaoyue? Why didn't we feel it before."

"I don't know, I don't know either." Ah Xing shook his head desperately.

Lin Jiu said, "Okay, Kai Yun, don't ask him, he doesn't know either."

Lin Jiu stood up, looked around, and said slowly, "A Xing, help Xiaoyue to the room first."


Ah Xing didn't fall too hard at this time, and supported Xiaoyue who was still in a coma, and returned to the room.

Lin Jiu asked suspiciously, "Kaiyun, what do you think?"

Lin Kaiyun said, "Duke Devil, this name looks like a western black-clothed zombie. Could it be related to Father Jack?"

Jie Jie! ! !

At this moment, a black figure appeared in the air, a female vampire with wings, standing in mid-air, overlooking Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun below.

Looking at the winged vampire standing in mid-air, Lin Jiu's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief, "Kaiyun, you said before, is this kind of winged vampire a real one?"

Lin Kaiyun said solemnly, "That's right, Master, this guy is a vampire, and he's even purer than that Father Jack."

Jie Jie!

The female vampire let out a miserable laugh, as if she was warning the two of them not to think about escaping, otherwise, it would kill everyone in the town.

Lin Kaiyun directly took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and shouted,

"No matter what the reason is, shoot this vampire down first, I hate people laughing on top of my head."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun slashed up with a sword,


A tyrannical force burst out from the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand, and rushed straight to the vampire duke in midair.

The vampire didn't change his face, and spread his wings directly, and the whole yard seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Even the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in the hands of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun fell into darkness.

"Oops, I can't feel the power on the Seven Star Longyuan Sword anymore." Lin Kaiyun frowned and whispered.

Lin Jiu dragged his injured arm, took out a few talisman papers, and said, "Kai Yun, you step back first, I will deal with this vampire, this is the Five Thunder Curse, I will deal with this guy."


Lin Kaiyun nodded and dodged to the side.

And that vampire, facing the lightning talisman falling from the sky, snorted coldly, "The mere lightning talisman also wants to hurt me."

Immediately, the vampire waved his sleeves, and suddenly a gust of wind blew over. These lightning talisman papers seemed to have encountered some obstacles, and they couldn't get close to the vampire duke at all, and were blown away to the side.

Chapter 445 Xiaoyue, are you okay?

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly reminded Lin Jiu, saying, "Master, this vampire is not that simple, it seems to know magic."

Hearing what his apprentice said, Lin Jiu nodded, "Well, it's really not easy, but I'm going to try it now, this vampire, is he afraid of Taoism?"

After Lin Jiu finished speaking, he took out a few more talisman papers and pasted them on them. Afterwards, these talisman papers burned ragingly.

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