Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, your arm is injured now, and you can't help it. It's better for me to be relaxed and quick by myself! Besides, that vampire is very mysterious, and only you can detect it. Satsuki."

"Okay!" Lin Jiu thought about what Lin Kaiyun said, and nodded in agreement.

A day later, Lin Kaiyun set off, according to the address Lin Jiu said.

Along the way, Lin Kaiyun hurried to the place Lin Jiu mentioned without stopping. During this period, he encountered many monster attacks. Fortunately, Lin Kaiyun solved them smoothly, and finally arrived at the destination within two days.

This is a large county town.

The city is prosperous and the streets are spacious and clean. Lin Kaiyun stopped in front of an inn.

This should be the county town that my master Lin Jiu told me about.

After Lin Kaiyun entered the city, he didn't wander around, but found an inn, asked the front desk, and then walked to the second floor.

"What does the guest officer need?"

"Shopkeeper, please bring me three dishes."

Lin Kaiyun sat by the window, looking at the bustling street scene outside.

"Well, wait a moment, guest officer, I'll bring it to you right away!"

The shopkeeper said, and then quickly went downstairs.

"Hey! I'm starving to death."

Lin Kaiyun sighed.

He has been running around for two days, and now his chest is hungry and his stomach is growling.

After a while, three meals were brought to the shop.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the three dishes in front of him and couldn't help swallowing.

"Objective, take it easy!"

The waiter finished speaking and left.

Lin Kaiyun picked up the chopsticks and began to taste.


The taste is not bad.

Although the tastes of these three dishes are similar, Lin Kaiyun is still very satisfied. This is the first hot meal he has eaten since he came here for a few days.


Lin Kaiyun's food was delicious, but he didn't know it. At this moment, a pair of cold eyes were staring at Lin Kaiyun, watching him drink heavily, gobble his food, and seemed to be enjoying himself.

This man with cold eyes was sitting in the corner, watching him quietly.

And beside him was another man in black. The cold aura emanating from the man in black was very strong.

The man in black knocked on the table and whispered, "Go back and tell the master that another Taoist priest is coming."

"Yes, this subordinate knows."

The man in black nodded, then got up and left.

Lin Kaiyun didn't notice that there were two people beside him.

He is still enjoying the food.


A gust of wind blows.

Lin Kaiyun quickly stood up and looked in the direction of the wind.

I saw a black shadow throwing a dagger at Lin Kaiyun, and then disappeared.

Lin Kaiyun dodged the dagger attack and chased after him. He knew that this black shadow might really be tempting him, but he was not worried at all, and was very excited.

Just after entering the county town, someone attacked them while having a meal, which means that there is something tricky in this county town, and it is very likely that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's masters really came from this county town.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly and sped up his speed.

He followed the black shadow all the time, and came to a mountain peak. Looking at the mountain peak, there was no shadow of anyone at all. Lin Kaiyun frowned and asked in doubt, "Where is the person?"

"Smelly Taoist priest, you dare to come to Guxue County after entering, don't you ask about the latest things?"

A scolding sound came, accompanied by the sound of hidden weapons,

A black hidden weapon flew down from the top of the mountain, aiming at the back of Lin Kaiyun's head and smashing it down.

Lin Kaiyun flashed sideways.

The hidden weapon brushed against Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, pierced Lin Kaiyun's clothes, and cut Lin Kaiyun's arm, but it was only a shallow mark, and he was not injured.

"Hmph, it's still a few strokes."

A cold voice sounded.

Lin Kaiyun looked up the mountain, and saw a man wearing a black robe standing halfway up the mountain, holding a hidden weapon in his hand, and said coldly to Lin Kaiyun below.

"Who are you and why did you kill me?"

Lin Kaiyun said in a deep voice, with vigilance in his eyes.

He originally thought he was just an ordinary kid, but he didn't expect that the person who brought him here was very capable, so he had to treat it with caution.

"You have no right to know that the moment you stepped into this county, you were already a dead person." The man in black said indifferently.

Immediately, with a wave of the dagger in the hand of the black-robed man, he rushed towards Lin Kaiyun. With a twist of his wrist, the dagger in his hand transformed into dozens of small hidden weapons, overwhelmingly covering Lin Kaiyun.

"Huh! Shameless, you dare to show off in front of me." Lin Kaiyun sneered, and Guangsu took out the Seven Star Dragon Sword, and slashed it down.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

I saw countless hidden weapons being smashed into pieces, but there were still many hidden weapons still attacking towards Lin Kaiyun.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, swung the sword in his hand, and shattered all these hidden weapons.

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