"Stinky boy, you are courting death!"

Seeing that all the hidden weapons he sent out were shattered, the man in black cursed angrily in distress.

His hidden weapon was rewarded to him by his master!


Lin Kaiyun sneered, and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword slashed at the man in black again.


Lin Kaiyun's sword collided fiercely with the black-robed man's dagger. Immediately, there was an explosion, and gusts of air swept around.

Lin Kaiyun's sword and the black-robed man's dagger fought recklessly, making a loud noise,


The dagger in the black-robed man's hand was split in two by Lin Kaiyun's sword, and Lin Kaiyun's sword was extremely powerful.

Seeing that the hidden weapon in his hand was cut off, the man in black robe suddenly turned blue and then red, and he roared angrily, "Bastard, you dare to cut off my hidden weapon!"


Lin Kaiyun sneered, "Didn't you say that I am already a dead person? Why are you so angry?"

"court death!"

The man in black came directly in front of Lin Kaiyun, his hands were like pliers, and he grabbed Lin Kaiyun.

To crush Lin Kaiyun's head.

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, and jumped up into the air, slashing at the black-robed man with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand.

Cut off with a sword.

I saw the phantom of a long sword appearing in front of the man in black.


With a crisp sound, the man in black fell backwards. Although the clothes on his chest were cut off, he didn't suffer any injuries, only a trace of blood flowed from his mouth.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough!"

The man in black coughed several times, his face turned pale instantly, he looked at Lin Kaiyun resentfully, gritted his teeth, and said, "You bastard!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the man in black strangely, and asked, "It's strange, you're not dead? There was a bang, as if it was on steel. Are you wearing armor?"

"Smelly Taoist priest, since you want to die so badly, then I will fulfill you."

The man in black stood up, shouted, and tore his clothes to pieces, revealing everything inside, but it turned out that he was not a human body.

To be precise, it was a pair of armor, a pair of dark green bronze armor, which was tightly wrapped from head to toe.

Lin Kaiyun looked him up and down, and laughed, "You bastard, you're wearing armor, but you're still wearing a black robe? Are you cold?"

"Smelly Taoist priest, I want to show you how powerful I am and smash you to pieces."

That man in black robe, shouldn't he be called Qingjia man now, a long sword appeared in his hand, this sword was about four feet long, the whole body was black and shiny, extremely sharp, but it was covered with rust, it looked strange, as if Just dug out of the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The Qingjia man took heavy steps, swung his long sword and slashed towards Lin Kaiyun. Every step he took, there would be rows of deep pits under his feet.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the sword that the green armored man was cutting towards him, frowned, and greeted him with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand.

clang clang clang!

Lin Kaiyun retreated continuously, because the strength of this Qingjia man was too great,

Lin Kaiyun felt that the strength of this Qingjia man was probably several hundred catties, and the sword in this Qingjia man's hand was even more terrifying.

That feeling is like a big mountain, oppressing you, making you breathless.

"How can such a heavy thing be worn by a human? Are you a monster..." Lin Kaiyun complained, mainly because the oppressive feeling of this armor is too strong, and from the deep footprints You know, this armor is extremely heavy, even the long sword in your hand is also very heavy.

"Smelly Taoist priest, do you know how to be afraid now? Wait a minute, I'm going to smash you into powder little by little." The Qingjia man roared, smashing the extremely heavy long sword towards Lin Kaiyun.


The long sword fell in front of Lin Kaiyun, with a muffled sound, dust and smoke filled the air.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly dodged, but was still coughed a few times by the dust. He spit out the mud in his mouth, wiped the dust on his face with his hand, and revealed his handsome face.

"Damn it, do you think I'm easy to bully, young master?" Lin Kaiyun turned around and walked around behind the Qingjia man, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand slid continuously, with exquisite sword skills, as fast as a gust of wind.

While Lin Kaiyun used the sword technique in his hand, he also kicked towards the green armored man with both feet.

bang bang bang! ! !

Lin Kaiyun seemed to have kicked against a wall, his whole body bounced off and hit a big tree, the big tree shook and almost collapsed.

"Ah! What kind of armor is this? It's so hard? I don't believe it."

Lin Kaiyun let out a roar, kicked off the big tree with his legs, and flew towards the Qingjia man again, and stabbed the Qingjia man again with the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword in his hand.

There were not many people in the green armor at all, allowing Lin Kaiyun to attack, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab Lin Kaiyun, grabbed the sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand, pulled it hard suddenly, and reversed it.


Lin Kaiyun flew upside down, drew an arc in the air, and hit a big tree. The tree collapsed, and he stopped, and the whole person fell under the tree.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough!!!"

Lin Kaiyun ignored the blood at the corner of his mouth, got up, and slashed at the Qingjia man with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand. The sword energy roared out, directly tearing through the void, piercing a jet-black sword light, and slashing at the Qingjia man. People chop and go.

The Qingjia man raised his hand, swung his long sword horizontally, and stood in front of him, blocking the sword energy from Lin Kaiyun.

"This guy is so flexible."

When Lin Kaiyun saw this, lightning flashed in his hand, and he blasted towards the Qingjia man. The power of lightning in his hand, like a meteor, slashed towards the Qingjia man.

"Let the young master see if your armor conducts electricity!!!"

Countless electric currents shrouded the top of the Qingjia man's head,

The Qingjia man felt his whole body trembling, and a feeling of numbness spread all over his body, which suddenly made his movements much slower, and his body froze in place.

"Hmph, I didn't want to use it at first, but it's very cool!"

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