Lin Kaiyun rushed over directly, waving the Seven Star Longyuan Sword to prepare for the final blow to the green armored man,


Suddenly, a black light shone out, covering Lin Kaiyun in it.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the black armored man in front of him, his eyes were full of doubts, this man can use spells?

And at this moment, the dark eyes of the Qingjia man turned green, like flames.

"Sure enough, it's not human!"

Before, Lin Kaiyun just thought that the armor was well wrapped, so he couldn't see the face of this green armored man, but now Lin Kaiyun can be sure that this guy is not human.

Chapter 447 The Giant Spirit God

Green flames were burning in the eyes of the green-armored man, and there was a sudden light in the dark eyes, like a skeleton with will-o'-the-wisps.

The thunder and lightning released by Lin Kaiyun only slowed down the movement of the Qingjia people, and did not cause any harm.

The green flames in the eyes of the Qingjia people are getting stronger and stronger,

Groups of fireballs suddenly shot out from the Qingjia man and flew straight towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun kept waving the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, blocking all the attacks.

Fireballs shot out from the Qingjia man's mouth one after another, each fireball was not weak, and the speed of these fireballs was extremely fast, even if Lin Kaiyun moved quickly, he was still hotly pursued by the fireballs.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

Lin Kaiyun waved the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and gradually stabilized the situation.

At this time, twelve giant bronze swords appeared around the body of the Qingjia man. These bronze giant swords shone with metallic luster and exuded a chill, like twelve extremely sharp swords floating beside the Qingjia man , ready to slash towards Lin Kaiyun at any time, and these green armor swords also exude an icy aura, which makes people feel a chilly taste.

"Summon? These giant swords are all summoned, and there are no other fluctuations."

Lin Kaiyun looked at the bronze giant swords that suddenly appeared, and became vigilant.

"Stinky Taoist priest, die!"

The Qingjia man roared, broke free from the shackles of thunder and lightning, and ran towards Lin Kaiyun with a bronze sword in his hand. At the same time, a large number of huge bronze swords around him, like meteorites, smashed towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun hastily raised his sword to resist.

"ding ding ding ding"

There was a sound of gold and iron, and the bronze giant sword hit Lin Kaiyun's long sword, producing a huge rebound force, which made Lin Kaiyun's arms vibrate and numb, but the Qingjia man took advantage of this Opportunity, brandishing a huge bronze sword, slashed towards Lin Kaiyun.


A sword blocked the Qingjiaren's attack, but the Qingjiaren's attack was too powerful, Lin Kaiyun was shocked and retreated three steps, his face showing shock.

The Qingjia man continued to attack Lin Kaiyun wielding a huge bronze sword, accompanied by a series of wind blades, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly cast the Golden Light Curse to resist.

A golden light barrier appeared out of thin air, forming a swirl.


With a muffled sound, a gigantic sword hit Lin Kaiyun's defensive cover, and it exploded instantly. A huge impact made Lin Kaiyun fly backwards, landed on the ground, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. His face became extremely pale.

At this time, the Qingjia man waved the bronze sword in his hand again and attacked Lin Kaiyun. Lin Kaiyun hurriedly stood up and waved his sword to meet the Qingjia man's attack.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Lin Kaiyun swung his sword, but the Qingjia man's attack was too powerful to be stopped at all.

"Smelly Taoist priest, die!"

The Qingjia man shouted loudly, brandished his huge bronze sword, and struck the golden barrier arranged by Lin Kaiyun fiercely again. Immediately, the golden barrier twisted, and a huge depression appeared. Lin Kaiyun couldn't control himself anymore, and spit out a With a big mouthful of blood, the whole person was wilted.

The huge bronze sword in the Qingjia man's hand continued to slash down, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly dodged.


Lin Kaiyun was sent flying.

The Qingjia man walked up to Lin Kaiyun step by step, raised his bronze giant sword and was about to cut it down towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly took out a handful of pills from his bosom, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

This is a elixir that increases mana in the body. Although it will not cause any harm to the body, it can allow Lin Kaiyun to recover quickly in a short period of time.

After Lin Kaiyun finished taking it, his body recovered a little vitality, he shook his arms, twisted his waist, and muttered,

"This guy is not afraid of Daoism, nor is he afraid of attacks. He is so hard covered in iron, and he is quite difficult to deal with. But, just right, I really want to stop melee combat. Let's see who is tough!"

Lin Kaiyun directly tore off his Taoist robe, revealing his strong muscles, spread his palms, and a burst of pink energy came out of his palms, covering Lin Kaiyun's face.

"God mask!"

After this energy covered his face, a strange picture appeared in Lin Kaiyun's mind. This time it was not the mysterious Hell Bodhisattva, but a huge figure, about three meters tall, whose whole body was shrouded in darkness. Zhang's face was exposed, with long black hair hanging over his shoulders, a burly figure, holding a giant ax in his hand, with a ferocious face, looking at Lin Kaiyun in front of him with murderous intent, but the black figure in front of Lin Kaiyun couldn't see his face clearly .

Giant spirit god?But it doesn't matter, anyway, looking at it this time, it is extremely suitable for hand-to-hand combat.

Lin Kaiyun kept imitating this huge figure, trying his best to be a model in terms of demeanor and aura, and Lin Kaiyun's body also changed, becoming more and more similar to this huge figure, and his figure became taller and taller.


Lin Kaiyun's body suddenly swelled up more than ten times, and his body was still expanding rapidly. The clothes on Lin Kaiyun's body were torn apart, revealing the muscular muscles on his chest, full of explosive power.

"Haha, come on! You tin man, come to melee!!!"

Lin Kaiyun laughed loudly, then raised his thick arm, and hammered at the bronze man. .

At this time, Lin Kaiyun's body has reached three meters, and his weight is more than three hundred kilograms. This is not an ordinary figure.

With Lin Kaiyun's punch, there was a violent wave in the air.

The bronze man raised his bronze sword and swung it down towards Lin Kaiyun.


The bronze sword cut on Lin Kaiyun's arm, but it didn't cut into the flesh, it just left a white mark on Lin Kaiyun's arm.

"Cool!!!" Lin Kaiyun thought to himself.


After the bronze giant sword left a white mark on Lin Kaiyun's arm, it slashed towards Lin Kaiyun again.

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